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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Do it, do it, do it. I don't have a single tattoo but if my grandfather was still around and wanted me to I would without hesitation. You will forever be attached to him through it and would be a cool story for the family.
  2. I know a couple guys who would ride that trail in a heartbeat. They would also do their best to get me to do it with them because they know it would scare me and I would be their constant source of entertainment. Nothing like getting noobs in way over their head.
  3. My best laugh of the day. Thanks Tony you twin lovin whore.
  4. If that is 800 it must be south of 26, I don't get on that section much. I had a good time on the C.O.R.E. ride I went on but I’m not too sure my sense of humor is appreciated over there.
  5. That looked like fun. I don't know that road, what is it? I didn't know C.O.R.E. rides were taped.
  6. http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2010/02/25/womans-estate-sues-motorcycle-operators-estate-for-wrongful-death/ If I remember correctly from the article about this accident the guy driving the car knew them and they were all camping together that weekend. This is tearing the two families apart. (Read the responses.)
  7. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=48570
  8. I'm kind of poking the bear but it's only the internet so he can't hurt me.
  9. Watch turning your grandpa into a poser, you could get your ass beat. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=49330
  10. That's cool. My grandfather had a hula dancer on his forearm and he used to make it dance for us. Your grandfathers tattoo reminds me of the saying "You can't drive a spike with a tack hammer."
  11. I can't beleive you would call someones grandma an old hag and not expect a beat down.
  12. I knowes you ain't callin me gay, thems fightin words white boy!
  13. Orca killing trainer. The captive animals are fighting back. I can't decide if this is good for zoos or bad for them.
  14. Number one moron here. This wasn't a question of where the tires should go as much as it was a debate of economics. The newer tires were going up front to get them closer in sync with the rears. If the best tires always go up front why would we ever rotate the more used tires from the front to the rear? Economics is why. Most people don't drive on the edge of traction most of the time. It's about transportation and the economics of it along with each person’s level of accepted risk. If we were worried about the best traction without cost being a factor we would all ride our bikes on sunny days using race tires and tire warmers. Not gonna happen because most of us don't push to that level of traction on the street. We buy tires that will last us longer than race tires at the expense of traction because we don't ride on the edge of traction for the most part.
  15. I can totally see why someone would want to be like Justin. He is my hero too.
  16. I'm sorry you feel your tube has been neglected; I will make an attempt to share the wealth.
  17. Damn, I missed all of this until now, I love this shit. I don't think I know either one of you so this is only going to make this funnier to me. This stupid sissy NightRider character seems awful sure that fighting solves internet discussions. What a douchebag. Let me see if I can understand the possible outcomes of a physical confrontation. Zach kicks NightRiders ass, now we know what a lame piece of wanna be biker shit NightRider is, Zach is right. NightRider kicks Zach’s ass, now we all know what a superior biker he is Zach should forever agree with NightRiders and his views on every topic. There we have it all internet discussions can be resolved by fighting. I think we should schedule them every Sunday in a central location. If you fail to show up for your grudge match you are banned. There can only be one. That person’s opinion will be the only ones who counts. We can all just log in once a day to see what our opinion is on a subject. Now it's time for NightRider to threaten me because I called his behavior out as a stupid sissy douchebag on the internet and hurt his e-feelings. When all I’m really doing is causing conflict so we can have makeup sex.
  18. It's not fear it's the only outcome that has happened when this has been done. (With the exception of rich countries that don't subsidize it with taxes.) I'm not afraid of it because we have good people making it their mission to see this stupid shit doesn't pass.
  19. I have a tube fixation, you got a problem with that.
  20. The model I use has up to 20 hours of battery life depending on how you back light it. For that low of a volume molding it wouldn't be the way to go.
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