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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Cool product I almost made something like it until I bought the pit-bull restraints. This is a worst case scenario but what happens if you get a flat? This is not an issue with the pit-bull design.
  2. By vast knowledge I mean this ain't Canada. Simple enough. I hear it's cheaper the ski up there too.
  3. Uncle Punk


    Everybody knows the louder you are the safer you are. Faster too.
  4. Standard cradle from GPS unit, mounted to a small rectangular piece of aluminum, mounted to a piece of plastic with some grooves in it to accept a couple of o-rings. If I had a larger diameter piece of plastic lying around I would have skipped the piece of aluminum. Shove the whole mess in the fork tube and you're done. I have done this on four different bikes without an issue, close to 40k miles. I don't understand the extra pieces needed with the ram mounts.
  5. I like where this thread is going but it won't let me show my vast knowledge of the market differences in this current direction. Maybe I should just post a link to my sides view on the topic that should settle it. Black Tod is reminded of a joke where the punch line is "let’s just call it even boss." This is in reference to Todd's sexual pleasure medical experiments.
  6. Oh, oh can I play? I know, I know, I know, pick me, pick me!
  7. Straps work okay but have their issues. I have seen numerous failures of them with varying levels of failure. One failure using straps can cost more damage to the bike, trailer and your equipment that the trailer restraint costs. It's kind of like a track day, if you try to push riding on the street without a track day or two under your belt chances are you will go down. Track days aren't cheap but they are well worth the investment if you go down from lack of experience without one. A track day is usually cheaper than paying a deductible let alone the personal injury you risk. An investment up front will save you money in the long run.
  8. I don't know what you mean by this. The front end doesn't move except for the suspension. The bars can move left to right but the harmonics put them in one orientation and then the bike can use its own suspension. I love these things' date=' they are a great way to ease loading and unloading plus they bring peace of mind because nothing is going to fall or move around. I have two of them set up in three places so I can haul one or two bikes. If I am going to be hauling someone else’s bike I will even go to the expense of buying pins to fit their bike so I don't have to worry about it falling over into my bike. They pay for themselves if you have a bike fall over just once without them.[/font']
  9. Power corrupts, that must be a great feeling. Oh supreme ruler.
  10. The longer I am black the more I hate the man. Always trying to keep a brother down.
  11. I whine like a little girl every time they close a thread over there. No one listens or cares. They just close them on us and giggle like the mean school girls they are.
  12. I have never been timed at Nelsons but would think I wouldn't be in the 12's. Her signature says expert, do you have to have an expert license? I had a novice license but let it expire because I didn't race last year. I currently don't have a track bike so this might be a way to entertain myself for track time this summer. How are they handling paying for crashed bikes?
  13. Sarcasm doesn't play out too well here on the internets does it? If you actually think I follow your mind numbing links you are crazy. Don't you have an original thought of your own? Can you form an opinion without relying on others to form it for you? What are you some sort of a puppet mouth piece? Videos now that's more like it reading is too hard. I kept waiting for a boat to run the turtle over but it never happened. A turtle named Obama now that's funny. I do applaud your efforts to get this thread back to its original topic by bringing zoo animals back as the subject. However it does prove my earlier point that liberals want to set the animals free. That looked like a perfectly good zoo animal to me.
  14. Finally something I can agree on with Obama. I think he might be growing on me. I'm not sure of my stance on turtles though. I need more input, don't you have any links? I love following all the links you post.
  15. "This is a coalition to ban coalitions I ain't a politician but I've got views" Zoo bashing must be an accepted thread topic. Don't mention the police unless you think they are without sin because that isn't an acceptable topic.
  16. What is it with everyone around here thread jacking every thread. I think we need rules that mandate we keep threads on topic. Of course the threads would have to be an approved topic the mods agree with.
  17. I'm with Adam make your own. My GPS came with a cradle that I mounted to a plate then mounted that to a stem that I put into the head tube. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showpost.php?p=363805&postcount=129
  18. You're not as big of a dumbass as I thought or you just aren't totally in touch with your liberal side. Tree huggers certainly oppose owning animals and confining them, they all should run free. Capitalist only want to oppress the animals and rule over them for their own amusement. Maybe there is hope for you yet because you clearly don’t know the complete tree hugging liberal agenda. Let’s keep working on Justin so this board can peacefully exist without these stupid political discussions hijacking every thread.
  19. We can't let you muck up every thread in here with your left wing political agenda. If we don't call out the flaws in your beliefs we will never truly have peace and harmony around here. This is obviously my goal and should be everyone’s here. This can only be achieved by stomping out the damn liberals around here.
  20. Its okay to let the troll post if he is going to use posts others have made against them the same can be done to him. He lately has had a hard on for the obstructionism that has been going on. Like he thinks any idea that is presented is a good one and shouldn't be opposed. Accusing people of obstructing just for the sake of it like they don’t have any reasoning behind their decision to oppose a bad idea. It appears that people will get behind and vote for what they perceive to be good ideas to them like zoos and extending benefits to veterans even if it costs them money. Not being behind something and trying to prevent it from impacting them is smart and should be done. Calling it obstructionism like it’s a negative thing is amusing.
  21. You see he really should be advertizing more I had no idea that handjobs were part of the services he offers. If he is as good at that as I hear he is with bike work there might be no need for a girlfriend.
  22. I voted IP also because he actively campaigned and got rep taken away. He is just a hater with nothing constructive to contribute here. I hear he even charges for hand jobs when he knows damn well he should be giving them away.
  23. Sarcasm, what's that? Sorry I have no help for you with your 600. I haven't heard of that problem. Get rid of PC would be all I have.
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