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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. You fuckheads are making my eyes hurt and giving me a headache.
  2. I was never a Buell fan; twins are just not my style. I do however have respect for them after I have ridden with a few people on them. I haven't ridden with too many people here but I do know that south of Millersburg the Buells can stay with ANY Jap sport bike. I am also led to believe that there are multiple bikes that people have ridden to over 30K miles; most sport bike riders don't but that kind of miles on their bikes. (I said most I know we have people here that do.) Trust me these bikes aren't the lame pieces of shit I thought they were. If you think they are lame it is only because you don't have any real world experience with them. I was guilty of the same prejudice. Would I buy one? No but I'm not going to buy a SV either unless it's for my girlfriend. The dumbass trying to sell this bike is in laa, laa land. I don’t know this market very well but it looks like it’s valued between $2,000 and $2,600 using a couple different sources. The Buell guys would probably have a better picture of what they are going for.
  3. Easy, that's right everybody’s doing it. I highly doubt it’s easy. Maybe, with some sort of power adder and gear changes but doubtful for most people.
  4. I would like to report an administrator for making a personal attack threat.
  5. Now see what you fuckers went and done. This thread is totally ruined now and can't be brought back on track because you took it off of its subject. Jew bashing should have a thread of its own. I don't blame the mods for hating you guys.
  6. Have you even read the whole thread or just the last couple of pages? Your definition of bashing must be graded on a different curve. This thread has been a good source for both sides of a discussion and some entertainment thrown in, I missed the bashing part. I'm really not understanding why it needed to be moved or shut down. This thread is months old and everyone involved has been level headed and respectful. If expressing an opinion that is different from others is bashing almost every thread here should be closed. Can you explain where you thought it crossed the line? We will try not to do it again.
  7. I don't think you can use the logic you are trying to use, you must be color blind or something my god it was in RED. Your powers must be strong to have resisted the power of RED to come to your conclusions. Logic would dictate your conclusions are wrong even if your powers are strong because you totally ignored the RED.
  8. I hope you have a good zoom function on your camera phone.
  9. I think Justin has a crush on MJ because he has a hissy fit if we cost him ten cents by texting him. Look out I think it's time to start texting Justin more often.
  10. That's because anyone named Tod is cool. I did say any one of the options he listed without being too wordy. He could have added Pirelli and I would have said the same thing. This is a great time to be in the market for tires. Sometimes it is cheaper to buy from a local dealer if they mount them for free. I personally don't go that route but those who don't have access to other resources should look into their overall costs to have new tires mounted on the bike and ready to ride. I really didn't want to get into a best tire thread because he left out several unknowns about what he wants a tire to do, last or what kind of riding he does. Given the options he listed the cheapest one would be the best.
  11. The cheapest ones shipped and mounted of those you can buy.
  12. Nothing but excuses. I had been up since 7am, worked 12 hours on my feet my knees were killing me, the dealership took us out to a dinner with ten of us we didn't get out of the restaurant until close to 11pm, I don't drink, I was expecting to be back at the show the next morning at 9am, blaa, blaa, blaa... I'm too old. You caught us, all of us locals are size queens and thought we would have a better time if we left out you little guys.
  13. I'm not biased and I thought your models didn't show up at all for you Saturday. Carie is better looking & from what little time I spent getting to know you guys and watching the "model" interact with people Carie has a better personality too. Glad too hear your charity made some money.
  14. Oh look the mouth from the south is back. Be prepared to hear all about Coshocton from its number one fan boy. Its good to see ya back, don't go away again I love the summer Coshocton rides.
  15. It's okay you won't have to see all the attention whore graphics just the ones on the back.
  16. Says the guy riding a 1300
  17. While we can agree about the gayness of the entire Buell line and the gayness of those who ride them, I take exception to the big superior powered Ninja being considered as gay fodder by GSXR riders.
  18. I'm trying to win his mind and influence him into becoming gay so he will grow up to ride a GSXR. Will I be seeing you at the show lover boy?
  19. What this is? I might do this, I have all the gear and no track bike.
  20. I have an all stainless P232 and have never had an issue with it.
  21. People die in their sleep all the time; I'm still going to sleep. I have lost my father and grandmother in car accidents, I still drive. My grandfather was a disabled veteran from WWII, I still joined the military. Doctors and nurses work on people who have deadly diseases, they still treat them. Policemen and firemen die in the line of duty every day yet people still join the departments. Everyone assumes risk in their life, everyone’s level of accepted risk is different. I don't try to decide someone else’s level of risk and I don't tolerate someone else dictating mine.
  22. You fuck head, where's the argument? You must be tired. Thanks for not making me go to reference material. Economics is politics.
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