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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Nothing but excuses. I had been up since 7am, worked 12 hours on my feet my knees were killing me, the dealership took us out to a dinner with ten of us we didn't get out of the restaurant until close to 11pm, I don't drink, I was expecting to be back at the show the next morning at 9am, blaa, blaa, blaa... I'm too old. You caught us, all of us locals are size queens and thought we would have a better time if we left out you little guys.
  2. I'm not biased and I thought your models didn't show up at all for you Saturday. Carie is better looking & from what little time I spent getting to know you guys and watching the "model" interact with people Carie has a better personality too. Glad too hear your charity made some money.
  3. Oh look the mouth from the south is back. Be prepared to hear all about Coshocton from its number one fan boy. Its good to see ya back, don't go away again I love the summer Coshocton rides.
  4. It's okay you won't have to see all the attention whore graphics just the ones on the back.
  5. Says the guy riding a 1300
  6. While we can agree about the gayness of the entire Buell line and the gayness of those who ride them, I take exception to the big superior powered Ninja being considered as gay fodder by GSXR riders.
  7. I'm trying to win his mind and influence him into becoming gay so he will grow up to ride a GSXR. Will I be seeing you at the show lover boy?
  8. What this is? I might do this, I have all the gear and no track bike.
  9. I have an all stainless P232 and have never had an issue with it.
  10. People die in their sleep all the time; I'm still going to sleep. I have lost my father and grandmother in car accidents, I still drive. My grandfather was a disabled veteran from WWII, I still joined the military. Doctors and nurses work on people who have deadly diseases, they still treat them. Policemen and firemen die in the line of duty every day yet people still join the departments. Everyone assumes risk in their life, everyone’s level of accepted risk is different. I don't try to decide someone else’s level of risk and I don't tolerate someone else dictating mine.
  11. You fuck head, where's the argument? You must be tired. Thanks for not making me go to reference material. Economics is politics.
  12. I thought we weren't allowed to divert the topic when a reply is warranted. Income is not the deciding factor when taxing the "Cadillac" plans, plan cost is. Some people look at healthcare as an important part of their budget. Just as some people value a nice home or vehicle. I want everyone to have the same value home and vehicle. That makes as much sense as having the same value healthcare plan. Everyone’s priorities are different and it's not the place of the government to set their levels.
  13. What's the point of penalizing "Cadillac" healthcare plans? Do we want to punish people for being successful? Tax them out of affordable healthcare to share the misery of the utopia that would be the plan for the masses.
  14. If you need me to I will take it to the IX center for you if you have it sold.
  15. There is the little Michelin man to shoot for, go look at your tires.
  16. This track is awesome but I'm not so sure there won't be snow up there that time of year. I have been up there in mid May and wished I had a parka.
  17. I have done 1000 mile days on a Hayabusa, 400 mile days on 600s and a few on my newer 1000. Comfort is different for everyone; I hated the Road King for comfort. The right rider will keep up with most any bike on a so called inferior machine. I have ridden with people riding XB9s with the HD sportster motor that I couldn't get away from with my 1000 sport bike. I have also been able to keep up with 1000 sport bikes with a 600. If I hadn’t found such a good deal on my 1000 I would have been out trying to buy a 600 and wouldn’t have felt out gunned by the bigger bikes. You aren’t really looking at fast bikes but who cares buy what you want and have fun.
  18. I certainly don't know all there is about guns but I was always under the impression that the same make and model line of guns have the same ramp angle regardless of barrel length. It may be true that some short barrel guns have too steep of a ramp angle but every gun of that model should have the same issue. Some models are designed better than others and will not have feed issues. I fail to see how extending the barrel any farther past the chamber effects how the bullet enters the chamber.
  19. Look for the guy wearing the pink power ranger suit and a Kawasaki or Yamaha shirt.
  20. Can you please explain this to me? I'm a little retarded and can't figure out what barrel length has to play in this situation.
  21. With the exception of the factory reps most of the folks manning the factory displays are salesmen from the local dealerships. I will be there representing Kennedys of Elyria. I’m still laughing at the picture Inya posted. I think it captures the real me.
  22. Oh look another cheap bastard. If there were free bikes to be had they would be mine, all mine. The baby is up for grabs though but it needs a bath real badly.
  23. Okay Jew boy I would have thought you of all people could appreciate the deals I got. I would wear a rainbow one piece if I got a good enough deal on it. (Like free.) Stop by and say hey if you guys are going to the bike show. I'll be at the Kawasaki and Yamaha displays.
  24. I found a few good buys at the shop I bought the bike from since they were going out of business. Joe Rocket Honda Racing Replica Leather Jacket. $144! I'm such a poser. I also picked up a Scorpion EXO 1000 RPM helmet for $175 Some red gloves, pants and boots and I'll be all set.
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