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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Don't get too excited she doesn't sound quite as stupid as the Carolina beauty queen. She was just trying to extend her 15 minutes and didn't put much thought behind it. She wrote out a speech but she went off her teleprompter and got her words confused. Don't you have a phone that can get on the internet and play videos? Lot's of good stuff in the link Justin posted. I want my rep back. Whoooa, Black Betty, Ambalamps, Whoooa, Black Betty! Black Betty had a child…
  2. I don't know how true this is but I've heard the black guy is 50 years old. I keep hearing him being referred to as the kid. This might explain some of the fail in the confrontation. The old guy with the exception of his first punch didn't really lay into the guy and the black guy made no effort to make it look like a fight. I don't think the white guy was on drugs I think he was off of his meds. The video of the girl who filmed it is very hard to watch. The school system in her area should be ashamed. There is nothing wrong with being retarded but I feel sorry for her because apparently she doesn’t have any friends either. Someone should have told her that video makes her sound like an idiot before she posted it.
  3. Good luck finding one. Is this to fix your little accident?
  4. Uncle Punk


    So you did just buy your bike to piss him off. Sounds like it worked. Good luck with your mods.
  5. Uncle Punk


    We can now scratch off I.P. from adding any valuable information to this thread. I read the article he posted and it didn't have anything to do with motorcycles' date=' try again. Well that's different then. On with the mods. I hear that the 2007 and later ZX14s were decompressed so that they could accept power adders. If you aren't going to put on a turbo or super charger one of the best mods for the buck is to upgrade to a stiffer return piston spring. This is not recommended if you plan to add a turbo or supercharger later.
  6. Uncle Punk


    I am not a hater, I am a kind and caring person who is concerned for the noobs well being. You guys are giving out professional information that is not safe for those without the skills to handle them. That ZX14 is a monster and should be treated with respect.
  7. Uncle Punk


    All this go fast stuff isn't something you guys should be telling the noob. Do any of you guys know him? Does he have enough experience to handle all these mods? I think you guys should get to know him better and evaluate his skills before you help him create a rocket ship. Fast bikes can hurt if you don't have the skills.
  8. I agree beware of cheap rubber. I also agree STG has good prices but being suspicious of someone who has been in business longer and can compete with them is unfounded and a concern without merit. All tire deals have different dynamics to them from different brands to models to buying a complete inventory to drop shipping from a distributor to too many different ways to explain how they come about. I am sure Lithium is not selling these Michelins from old inventory. They sold 200 sets just last week, some are drop shipped from a distributor and some are from their inventory. They have recently received a lot of 100 sets (Less than a week.) and the oldest set was manufactured 4-09. All of the Pures are newer. You can bet they are storing them properly because that’s their business. Lithium wouldn’t have access to manufacture dates if they are drop shipping but if they sold that many units last week imagine how many the distributor sold. Don’t you think they would be getting rid of their oldest inventory first?
  9. So your saying both parties are fail? I am curious what the old dude was carrying in the bag, it sounded like a bag of chains.
  10. I doubt they care when People are Eating Tasty Animals you don't eat the skin so I don't see how they neglected any part of the alligator.
  11. While you a critiquing the merits of the different fighting tactics can you explain how the guy could have improved his fetal position.
  12. Uncle Punk


    If you change the exhaust it makes bikes too fast and that scares me. This is something only a professional should do, be careful you could hurt yourself.
  13. Why would they? They have the superior God.
  14. Uncle Punk


    I have never been accused of being rude before. I was suspect because he joined a month ago and started posting in every random thread the day before his month was up. He has stated he didn't realize how he was affecting the main page and thought it looked pretty stupid. Time will tell how he handles himself. I just picked this thread to try to get him. I never change the exhaust on my bikes so I have nothing to add here.
  15. There were two conversations going on and I'm not giving you a transcript of both wait until you get home. One, black kid with chip on his shoulder and old white dude with chip on his shoulder. Two, girl filming egging black kid on to beat old white guy, sees results and tells him she has filmed it so he can press charges. Black kid calls for an ambalamps.
  16. The old dude really did stop beating his ass way sooner than I would have if that fucker would have touched me. I expected him to be kneed in the head until unconscious.
  17. He was too amped up to realize he got robbed.
  18. Funny video, does don't let your crocodile mouth get your butterfly ass in over your head mean anything to the dumbass? When you wear a t-shirt that states I Am A Motherfucker you expect trouble. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQJFv9SMSMQ The old racist fucker needs to stay on his meds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5fnjFVPCek
  19. Uncle Punk


    I see you have been around for a month and now you need your 50 posts. Does someone have something to sell? Go shit up the place in one spot instead of posting once in every thread.
  20. I hate this stupid ass but I will vote for her if she gets by the primaries. She has way too much baggage and poor personal decisions for me to think too highly of her. I do believe she will do the bidding of her party though. I hate Obama and think he has just as little integrity as her and I will never vote for him but he does do his parties bidding. I thought this was funny. Family guy rules! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjJTSSdkqJk
  21. If I buy stuff online I buy from them if they carry what I'm looking for. I prefer to shop brick & mortar though. Iowa is very far away. I would bet if they get enough sales from Ohio they would become a sponsor here.
  22. I think every bit of it is true. I also heard that if all those fat kids don't listen to her and be just like all the other kids they will be sent to the White House and she will eat them.
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