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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. This crazy fucker gives me hope. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/vp/34455431#34455431
  2. I remember reading an article about this event and hoping to see the video of it, thanks for posting it.
  3. http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2009/12/17/man-convicted-for-murder-asks-for-new-sentence-gets-12-extra-years/ When this judge is up for re-election he will be the first democrat I have ever voted for in my life.
  4. Uncle Punk

    2010 vfr

    My old CBR1100XX had a longer range than this new thing. I love that new transmission and can't wait until they put it in a sport bike, I'll be all over it. I think it's the best new technology to go mainstream on street bikes in a long, long time.
  5. The cost to campaign a 1000 will be cheaper because they are limiting the number of engines you can use for the year. In order to keep the performance of the bikes to the 800 standards they went back up to the 1000 so they weren’t such temperamental bitches and so they could make them last more than one race. These bikes have very little to do with production bikes and I highly doubt you will be seeing privateers that can last a whole season which is how they commit to the series. This is allowing Suzuki and Kawasaki to field a team in this current economy.
  6. Winner, in the handgun debate to eliminate the 22 for protection duty. They are an inexpensive way to shoot but I have never fired more than 50 rounds of 22 through a handgun without some sort of issue except for a single action revolver. The size of the round is not deficient but rim fire reliability as stated above. The difference between the 22 and 45 is less than a 1/4 inch. At 20 feet in a stressful situation I highly doubt most shots can be placed where desired plus or minus 1/4". The original poster should not have an issue finding a center fire handgun in his price range. I would steer clear of the 380 right now only because ammo is hard to find.
  7. Oracle money, chassis built in Kansas, body built in Poland in an old MIG plant.
  8. Hit the link. The chassis is billet. With a $4,500 book to show off the results. Beyond a chromed plastic body, this is a polished aluminum work of art.
  9. http://www.kirkhammotorsports.com/book_aoe/ Cubic dollars
  10. It's a joke, not real, fake. Good one though, believable because he does say some ridiculous things just not this.
  11. The Rev. Al Sharpton held a press conference today to blast Tiger Woods for the lack of diversity among his mistresses. Sharpton claims that the lack of African-American women among Woods’ harem will have a negative affect on the black community, specifically young black girls. “Why is it that a man who calls himself black can’t bring himself to cheat on his wife with a black woman?” said Sharpton, speaking to a group of supporters in Harlem . “What does it say to young black girls everywhere when you pass them over? Shame on you, Tiger Woods. What would your daddy say?” Sharpton, who has long championed taking black women as mistresses, said that today’s black athletes need to stop neglecting black women when it comes to extramarital affairs, and should follow the examples of positive black role models such as Jesse Jackson and Martin Luther King, Jr., both of whom cheated on their wives with black women. Sharpton also stressed that cheating with African- American women would help the black community financially by giving black girls the chance to sell their stories to tabloids and gossip magazines. Added Sharpton, “I’m not asking you to stop cheating on your wives, I’m just asking you to give back to your own community.”
  12. http://www.kmbc.com/news/21913569/detail.html See video on right side of page.
  13. Well my mommy thinks so anyway. I would be out there rockin a 600 but quite honestly I don't think I could handle a 1000 out there and it scares me a little. If I would do it with the street bike I'm thinking intermediate, to keep me from being sucked into a situation over my head.
  14. You'll like me I'm cool as hell. No track bike this year wish I could do it. I will not be using my street bike. I seem to wreck about every other time I'm at the track. I wrecked the last time so this time should be good but my new street bike is too fast for me to handle on the track at my skill level.
  15. The World Series doesn't involve the world, so what. If these kids are going to be making millions for the colleges shouldn't they be paid? They have a talent that is worth millions but jeopardize it playing for a college for free or a 160k education. Don't get me started on not giving scholarships to those producing the most revenue for the schools. Making it fair for the girl’s volleyball team to get scholarships has made it unfair for those who actually contribute to the college making money. The whole system is fucked up, so what, congress has no business managing it. DC should be doing their jobs, national defense and infrastructure.
  16. This thread has taken too many turns since I last looked at it. Once again I blame Justin for fucking it all up, now it would take me a very long time to make all the comments I want to make. Fuck that shit I have work to do. I agree with Gixies premise but don't agree with any of his logic behind it. This conversation has expanded into other topics in the same way religion is enter twined with all aspects of life just as money and politics are. I am now unable to move on to the other topics because I haven't been able to change everyone else’s mind to match mine on the OP. This does not work for me you are all supposed to listen to me and bend to my will. Quit having original thoughts and moving things along at your own pace, it is getting very frustrating.
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