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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. You want to talk about the one exception to the rule. All must bow down to the vast superiority of an I4.
  2. Roamer, you are the man. I had to work very hard to stay up with you. Any time that it seemed like I was going faster it's just because of the far superior power that an I4 has. You boys were smoking on 377, it was very entertaining. What about that FJR? I was very impressed with it and it's rider. I really did expect him to be much older riding that bike, like maybe as old as us. I don't organize rides anymore for various reasons so I am at the mercy of those that organize them or ride solo. I would be a real dick if I showed up and took over anyone else's ride that they have spent the time to organize. If you do all of the leg work you get to dictate the pace and the duration between stops along with how long to stop. I will ride in one of your rides anytime. For future reference you don't need to lie so much to sell your ride. I can't remember seeing 75 all day unless it was coming to a stop. I want in the next apple core throwing contest, I'm pretty sure that I can beat at least the negative yards throw.
  3. This VTwin torque has always mystified me. People mention it like it's a good thing. I'm not sure where it's applied while riding to be a good thing. Admittedly I've never been able to make a VTwin run well but they always seem slower than an I4.
  4. Did your father make it to you with your truck before the diner closed? Did you guys go back home or stay in WV for the night?
  5. Ireland was doing an excellent job riding yesterday. It was apparent that he knew how to ride and that he was capable of riding inside his limits because there were some faster riders with him and he never got sucked into riding over his head which is an easy thing to do on rides like this. I've seen that scenario happen countless times but this was not how this happened. I couldn't figure out the scene when we rode back to it and I thought that he might have been in the wrong here. Both the car & motorcycle were traveling the road in the same direction coming up from the blind rise shown in his picture. The car decided to turn around and go the other direction and had the road blocked. When he came up behind them, he hit the car and spun the car around knocking it across the road facing the other direction. This accident was not his fault, he did nothing wrong here the car will be sited for the accident.
  6. No one in the world would ever believe that a motorcyclist could spin a car around after hitting it and walk away with a cut that didn't require stitches. TreeFime is a big ole linebacker hoss of a man though so the car never stood a chance. Glad to see you posting and hope to see you soon on another ride. I am a little jealous of him though. The women working at the dinner where all too willing to take care of him. They make up a make shift pillow and had a booth all ready for him to take care of him. If I wasn't hours from home I would have stayed too.
  7. I'm home safely. Roamer is a liar of epic proportions.
  8. This is so disappointing and cool at the same time. What's a fella gotta do to get a topic moved to Ranting & Raving? Don't you jackbooted thugs have anything better to do than over moderate this site. I'm so conflicted.
  9. I will be at 83/93 at 9:45. The building that was across from the stop sign is gone & the parking lot looked a little messed up the last time I was through there but we should be okay.
  10. I am up in the air about making it this weekend. I need to find a way to make it happen since my next three weekends are booked. I dropped my wheels off at lunchtime today for new tires so if I get them back and mounted I'm game for either day right now. The guy on the FJR followed Dave and me for a while at the end of the spring epic ride. From what I could see he was a really good safe rider. Any amount of waiting for him would be very minimal and worth including him as a new rider to the group. Jacobhawkins if you remember following us on that ride, so far everyone that has responded will be riding the same pace that Dave and I were running. If you are looking for that kind of ride all day long then these are the right guys to ride with.
  11. Make sure you get it from a rescue or otherwise you are just a puppy killer.
  12. This shit isn't half as gay as a racing thread. Those guys make me blush with all their sexy talk.
  13. Zero sum gain is the reality of those that can't comprehend complex cause and effect in the real world.
  14. We have organized, collected and donated thousands of dollars for shelters. We have transported, fostered and have a failed foster. Four out of the last six weekends we have been spent doing these things. Telling someone that making a choice other than your choice amounts to killing animals is so disingenuous that it is laughable. I don't suffer fools easily & if anyone over the years had said that to me I would have shut that shit down right there and most likely not worked with them again. Making ridiculous statements to promote your agenda is a great way to ruin your credibility and turn people off to your cause. Hyperbole is effective if used correctly but addressing an audience that are animal lovers already with the crippling decision to make the right choice for their family or kill another animal is a great way to disenfranchise that very group of people.
  15. Then you and everyone else involved in the common core math are absolute fucking idiots believing your own circle jerk. We spend a considerable amount of time & money involved in the rescue community. I have never heard anyone use such a stupid catchphrase. We must work with a higher class of reputable people that have actual common sense that don't devolve into saying asinine things to promote their limited views or knowledge.
  16. ^Ringo may be an asshat but he has never said something this fucking stupid or simple.^
  17. There is an easy safe and reliable solution to this issue. It's called a siphoning hose. I carry one with me all the time. I've never needed it but it has been used several times by others I'm riding with. Why make things so complicated?
  18. Nice bike, congratulations. Riding a motorcycle can be dangerous. All of you guys lecturing about gear is understandable to a point. We all would be safer in a car yet wouldn't take criticism from drivers about our poor choice to ride a motorcycle. We all assume risks at different levels, preaching to your level of safety is as annoying as those fuckers preaching religion. I would ride through Deal's Gap without a helmet if it were legal. I ride way more without a helmet and gear than I do with gear. It's stupid but it's my own kind of stupid that won't change with your opinions.
  19. That curve is deceiving even with the overhead view. There is at least 20 feet of elevation change that leaves you looking at nothing but sky as you are looking through the curve. It's very easy to target fixate on the danger and then ride there.
  20. All you folks that rode all day in the rain yesterday make sure you spray your chains down. Especially those of you that only use WD40 because your shit will be rusty in short order.
  21. Made it back home. Rain was okay this morning but it made it to suck for the ride home.
  22. Knowledge and experience usually supersedes published lawyer speak for product liability. I'm sure that's why someone is asking what they expect to be experienced guys how to do things. It would be easy enough to go read what is recommended per manufacturer. Glock tells you not to keep a round in the chamber. Experience tells us that you're an idiot if you don't.
  23. Nothing wrong with going with what you think you know. I'm putting out correct, knowledgeable, experienced information out there for new guys that might like to know how to maintain their chains and even for the old guys that want to save themselves from the unnecessary hassle of making a fucking mess for no reason.
  24. & it works perfectly for maintaining a street bike motorcycle chain.
  25. ^This Never said every ride. I ride about 350 miles per ride or so. Clean with WD40 when I feel like it. Could be every 350 miles or 1000 miles. The chain doesn't get near as dirty without all that unnecessary shit all over it attracting dirt.
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