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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Hey Jordan, nice to see you finally made it here. I heard Jinx denies all knowledge of his alter ego. Its okay we still think he is big and ugly. Tell him my new helmet is so much more way cooler than his new helmet. Kevin, your reply the other day was very thoughtful and not gay in any way; I guess it makes sense since it wasn't about the track.
  2. If she isn't willing to carry some sort of weapon for protection I don't agree with her getting training in self defense. A weapon equalizes things; a woman fighting back is next to impossible to equalize a determined assailant. This often requires the assailant to up their game to cause more damage. Fight back if needed, absolutely but training almost never equalizes a woman to a predator’s physical prowess. A weapon fixes and changes the odds so much better to the point of being superior. My girlfriend will no longer go to a mall alone after a scary incident. Thankfully I haven't been forced into being her shopping partner.
  3. How did your trip turn out? I have never been offroading in that area but would be interested in trying it out.
  4. If you want more mileage out of a tire add air, if you want less take some out. This formula works no matter which tire you have and your riding style. If you want to get to the highest pressure for your riding style it's fairly easy to figure if you aren't worried about replacing them. Find the curviest road you like and run it aggressively, if you have rolled your tires up with boogers drop the pressure until you don't do that anymore. Your tires should remain smooth for street riding. If you can run maximum pressure without cold sheering the tires then you should step up to a sport touring tire. Trying to decipher what you need over the internet will be impossible because a lot of what dictates your tire pressure is what you want out of them and what bike you ride. You can add a lot of pressure, never get them up to temperature but be perfectly satisfied with that combination. You can lower the pressure, have gobs of grip and not need that entire grip. I run 32f/30r with 2cts. Back when I had the 2003 600 I tried to run DOT track takeoffs at 22PSI because they were made for that pressure but hated them on the street because I couldn't get them hot enough for traction. I get really shitty mileage from a tire but I like the safety of having the extra grip. I figure that having that safety margin, paying for it by buying more tires is cheaper and safer than crashing. When riding my scooter I have the maximum pressure for two up riding in them at all times and they are long lasting tires. Totally different riding styles between the two bikes with totally different results.
  5. I ride a scooter wearing sunglasses, t-shirt, jeans, flip-flops faster than anyone can down and back on 555, and in fact I have even been able to pass a pick-up truck doing so. Scooters are by far the superior mode of two wheeled transportation. I am super fast riding a scooter and I juggle kittens. Come at me bro!
  6. Sorry about that Udell, I realized that I shouldn’t be screwing around in a thread that mentions a business in it after I had already started down that path. I don't muck up any advertising sponsors threads and intend to maintain that policy. They aren't a sponsor yet but once they are I don't want to be associated with any negative views on them that might come from a search of their name. Not everyone knows the personalities of the posters or how to take what’s being said.
  7. Relax, it was meant to be a joke that hasn't had its chance to play out and never will now. My niece went to the same school, trust me she is far from being rich or a bible thumper. Don't worry religion is not a theme or topic of discussion when you go there and you won't get the impression that anyone is too rich to take the time to talk to you. This is precisely why I couldn't be a rep for business, I goof around too much. You will have a hard time trying to find a better qualified mechanic than their lead guy. It's unfortunate you didn't like your experience trying to buy there. Communication isn't everyone’s strong suit and hopefully you were able to convey what you needed better somewhere else to get the deal you were looking for.
  8. So your wife is a rich, private school bible thumping type?
  9. We're not all equal, who knew? Shouldn’t the people earning minimum wage do something to change their circumstance like the rest of the wage earners have done if they aren’t happy with what they are worth.
  10. Uncle Punk

    North Korea

    These two sound like Ron Paul supporters
  11. I would like to get your impression of the route from your perspective. The route currently is set up to run counter-clockwise, with a gas stop at 87 miles along the 156 mile loop. There is a curve on 555 heading north that causes me some concern for a group. The route can be run the opposite direction but I don't know any of the other roads to know if they have any bad curves going the other direction.
  12. I'm sure once they are registered as an Ohio-Riders sponsor that they will run a special for members to get the ball rolling. I trust their service department for anything I need done and hopefully they will expand on their credentials with their intro thread. One of their salesmen is the guy we jokingly refer to as Jinx around here. He is big and ugly but don’t let that fool you, with the exception of Turnone he is the fastest street rider I have ever rode with.
  13. I don't work there but I do know just about everyone there. If I'm not busy or riding on Saturdays I'm usually there. They are attempting to get registered here to become a sponsor but we keep hitting snags in communication. I buy all my supplies and the vast majority of parts from them. (I currently ride a Honda.) In fact I just bought a helmet from them that all of you will burn with envy when you see me out riding wearing it.
  14. First post updated to address passing concern.
  15. ^True, true. ^ Total bad ass bike. I've spent some time on one with an exhaust and tune. It took me a while to get used to it because it can make it to redline in any gear so fast you don't expect it while making some serious speed. Brakes are excellent as well. It's harder to hustle through the corners than my 1K Honda but the motor is so sweet I would easily give mine up if the right deal came around. Don't know much about the BMW other than it is just as fast from being around a few and seems to be more comfortable for me.
  16. This is from another thread. Good catch and it is being addressed, expect to see this updated and defined. More hate mail for Inyaazz is needed, I'm certain of that.
  17. Uncle Punk

    North Korea

    Pics of your BBC or it didn't happen.
  18. Quit with trying to get this on topic, we are about to wage war with the Korean Queen of the track gays.
  19. Judging from the track riding thread I don't think I could ever get gay enough to qualify for the track.
  20. Page 22 of thread http://www.esquire.com/the-side/DESIGN/hotel-of-doom-012808 Don't miss http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r0fM31BXKk&feature=player_embedded Remarkable propaganda
  21. http://www.bcsportbikes.com/forum/showthread.php/146566-Build-to-Fail-Fail-to-Build.-What-is-this-I-don-t-even I would retire right now if I had this kind of talent because all of my masterpieces would be selling for millions.
  22. What do you have against complete looped routes?
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