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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gYE5TyijxE&feature=player_embedded
  2. You have just nominated yourself.
  3. I know and trust both of them to be responsible for their groups but I have complicated the whole trip by making additional plans after the ride that I don't think will happen if we stay with the whole group. I could have made the estimated time in the first group out but each following group will take longer and longer to make it back to the start finish.
  4. I need to bow out as one of the faster group leaders. I will be at the meet up point and intend to be at the meet up point at the estimated end time. I am bringing my nephew with me and intended to put him in a medium group with a leader that I know and have rode with in the past. These last minute changes don't sit well with my organizational senses, I can't see how he will be taken care of so I am taking responsibility for him. He has never done a group ride is fairly new to sport bikes and we haven't rode together yet. I will be leading him around however we please or wherever the roads take us which could be good because I haven’t ridden the area yet, with the exception of 555 but I don’t know if that road is considered in Hocking Hills. See you all Saturday morning. https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Hocking+Mall&daddr=39.682755,-82.2929785+to:S+Columbus+St+to:OH-555+N+to:39.5306445,-81.9433992+to:OH-32+E%2FOH-7+N%2FUS-50+E%2FJames+A.+Rhodes+Appalachian+Hwy+to:OH-7+S+to:39.1775777,-82.1341049+to:OH-356+S+to:OH-356+S+to:OH-93+S+to:39.5259661,-82.418978+to:Hocking+Mall+St&hl=en&sll=39.53463,-82.398663&sspn=0.03793,0.076904&geocode=FZRoWwIdZTgW-w%3BFcOCXQIdDk8Y-ymjL1FL0f5HiDGl5Wh6XB8YaQ%3BFehnXwIdwzYY-w%3BFXERXgIdTlcc-w%3BFZQwWwIdmaQd-ynxVxosURdIiDG_FRwvWAhLGQ%3BFX4-VwIdL3wh-w%3BFSSrVQIdaSAf-w%3BFWnNVQIdqLsa-ylnh6YMf3lIiDEFxq5ZqP0Irg%3BFc3TVwId9MMY-w%3BFcBkWAIdR-wY-w%3BFZfhWAId6LsV-w%3BFU4eWwId3mIW-yk7W9P5CO9HiDEFBlgJytFLxA%3BFZ1qWwIdJS8W-w&mra=ls&via=1,4,7,11&t=m&z=9
  5. There is no double standard, the standard is most women behave differently than most men in social situations. Let anyone get on this site actually disrespect MJ and they will be in for a world of hurt from the bitch slap put on them from the regulars here. That goes for all of the regular female posters here. Not one of the girls here aren't capable of taking care of themselves but the pile on would be amusing. Harassing the noob is a time honored tradition that should be expected and if the one's being initiated can't take that then they don't belong. The girls that make it through the hazing that goes on here are quite well respected and harassed only to the extent that they allow. If some guy joined here and couldn't take some girls harassing him I wouldn't want him around anyway.
  6. How many group leaders and sweep riders have taken the time to memorize the first route so far? How many of those people want to change the route?
  7. I have my own welcome policy. Unless I know you ahead of time you are not welcome until you prove yourself by the content of your contribution. We have had some real dumbfucks that took hard work to modify their behavior or drive them off. Why welcome them only to wish you hadn't. I'm not much for modifying the group’s behavior in the welcome threads either. The group is what it is and artificially modifying its behavior in intro threads is dishonest and boring. Fraternities, sororities, branches of the military, police departments, MC clubs etc. don't modify their behavior for the new folks, they fit in or they don't. People that are thin skinned enough that they can't make it through the intro thread won't be adding much to the rest of us anyway.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWcwBheMtHI
  9. I would do it as a novice but not once you make it into intermediate. You are controlled more in novice and probably won't get to the point of touching hard parts. You can make up deficient of the bikes handling on the straights in novice but once you have 600s passing you on the straights in intermediate you will be humbled. At any point along your learning curve riding a road racing track you will be faster around the course riding a 600. Your bike is a fantastic street bike and you will be doing yourself a favor taking it to the track. You will learn so much about riding you will question yourself about why you waited so long. You will be a much better, safer and confident rider once you are done. I did three track days on a 2005 Busa after riding for 25 years. I thought I knew how to ride before my first track day but I was so wrong I couldn't believe it. I did two novice track days on it and wrecked touching hard parts on my first intermediate track day. Not saying you have to follow my mistakes but things change once you have less control placed over you outside of novice. The popular notion is that these big bikes make up the ground in the straights but it's simply not true at least coming from my actual on track experience. The straights at tracks aren't long enough to realize the straight line superiority of the big bikes. Starting with a rolling run, being able to hit first along with limited distance and the superior braking capabilities of the smaller bikes makes it hard to keep up with them.
  10. This is a make my head explode impossible decision. I'm not for banning anyone at all ever. So a no vote for Casper is a yes vote for MT, unpossible.
  11. See how things go around here. I have a legitimate bitch and the management’s resolution is to laugh at me like I'm just some sort of number, not a kind and caring person with feelings.
  12. I get stuck behind this bitch all the time on my drive into work.
  13. This is a bunch of over moderated bullshit moving this thread, what’s next locking it? The new person that started this won't even be able to find this new moved thread that they started because it's blocked from view unless you go through some fucked up steps to allow you to see this entire site. Once it gets locked the god damned moderators will keep posting in it just to aggravate me.
  14. WTF, MT I thought you were only bumping up the ladies, what are you trying to say about our fearless leader. Don't poke the bear.
  15. I am making every effort to make this ride but my bike is in pieces waiting for parts to come in. I haven't rode at all yet this year, not even my scooter and I love my scooter. Right now I'm not 100% but I do know that the day of the ride will be my first time riding this year if my bike is back together. My intention is to trailer down to Columbus Friday night and stay at my nephew's house. This is Nephew Punk's brother and Nephew Punk has told me he is coming with me but it's not Friday yet and he's not in my truck riding down to Columbus so I have no idea if he is going to make it. If he does I will be looking to put him in a group with a ride leader I know.
  16. http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2013/04/24/ohio-senate-moving-forward-on-outlawing-internet-cafes/ Fucktards want to kill business and a tax base. I can't figure the angle for such stupidity. I voted against the casinos every time they were on the ballot not because I didn't want them here but I didn't want to vote for a limited number of them. Let investors decide to take a chance and put money into the state not protected monopolies that lobby as special interests.
  17. I have no issue with the current level of moderation. I always thought too many threads were moved and worse closed. I can almost understand moving a thread but closing one seems totally uncalled for. I don't understand why anyone would want more moderators or oversight. The regulars chase of the stupid and the trolls fairly quickly.
  18. There may be someone here with a good story that can tell us what the result of that situation would be. I would try MidgetTodd as a likely starting point then move on to the track gays.
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