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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I can't decide what I want to do with my new VFR. Should I keep it and sell the 1K or sell both of them for a Super Duke?
  2. How about some tow vehicles time trials?
  3. I could swing by & pick it up on the way down. NOT! If I did that I couldn't bring my scooter & that ain't happening because there is nothing more fun than a scooter at the gap.
  4. WTF is wrong with you crazy fucks? My scooter has already been challenged to a race!
  5. Reservations are set. Leaving late Thursday evening or really early Friday morning, heading back home Monday sometime. I will have my scooter since a spot in the trailer for it opened up when Inya decided to stay at home for some nonsense that sounds like an excuse. Hope to see you all in North Carolina.
  6. The notion of climate change is for real and has history to back it up. Scientific proof of it and theories exist to show these changes over the earth’s lifecycle. Even though I haven't lived it I trust the conclusions that it exists. Manmade global warming is a hoax and will be corrected over time to keep its believers hooked on that religion.
  7. The science in the 70s said that we were starting on an inevitable path to another ice age. I also remember reading articles during the oil crisis that had copies from the 1910 newspapers with scientists stating that there were only a couple more years left of fossil fuel. Stating and coming to unfounded conclusions has been the way of scientists for as long as the profession has existed. Keep on smoking that pipe.
  8. http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/watercooler/2012/dec/23/84-percent-world-population-has-faith-third-are-ch/ http://blog.heartland.org/2012/10/im-here-to-chew-bubble-gum-and-debunk-the-97-global-warming-myth-and-im-all-out-of-bubble-gum/
  9. Not at all completely different resources. Every time I think about entering the discussion of manmade global warming I go check to see if I'm making a mistake. You know, wouldn't want to be proven wrong. I haven't come across any information that can sway me to believe in it though. In fact all I can find is credible information to make me fall on the side of it being thought as a hoax. You can keep repeating all you want about 97%, just because you say it doesn't make it so. Real similar to the religious zealots shouting that theirs is the only way. Good luck with that.
  10. Makes no sense to me how someone thinks himself intelligent enough to not believe in God can then throw out all that reasoning and logic only to fall into the pitfall of manmade global warming. The same type of people that are peddlers of religion are peddling man made global warming but seem to have found a way around some peoples defenses for logic. It's sad and I feel sorry for both groups for the same reason.
  11. Hope the weather is good for the ride. I expect to trailer down to the starting point if the weather holds out. See you all Saturday.
  12. Oh dear God help me, I can't resist, I'm breaking one of my own self imposed rules of staying out of intro threads but....................................................................................................... "Show us your cock"
  13. I will be at the meeting spot by 11:00AM and help in any way I can until 11:30. At that time I will be heading out to ride. My organizational desires have gotten the best of me though and I'm going to follow a route. Yes, it includes 555.
  14. Mach retard has only been done one time with other riders from here and it was clearly laid out as not a group ride. I'm not sure but did I just get called a not responsible rider?
  15. Those guys are nuts I thought so too once we got rid of MT
  16. That looks like a blast, that bike sounds like it is tuned perfectly and dialed in.
  17. I usually ride around 70 in a 55 between curves, speed up to whatever is safe in the curves and coast back down to 70 on the straights. (Sometimes I forget to slow down but it's not a theme on group rides.) I keep it no more than 10 over in any speed zone other through town and villages. It was kind of funny last year, few wanted to ride in the fast group, we had to recruit people out of the next group to make the sizes more even. Totally unlike the Coshocton rides where everybody wanted to be in the fast group.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gYE5TyijxE&feature=player_embedded
  19. You have just nominated yourself.
  20. I know and trust both of them to be responsible for their groups but I have complicated the whole trip by making additional plans after the ride that I don't think will happen if we stay with the whole group. I could have made the estimated time in the first group out but each following group will take longer and longer to make it back to the start finish.
  21. I need to bow out as one of the faster group leaders. I will be at the meet up point and intend to be at the meet up point at the estimated end time. I am bringing my nephew with me and intended to put him in a medium group with a leader that I know and have rode with in the past. These last minute changes don't sit well with my organizational senses, I can't see how he will be taken care of so I am taking responsibility for him. He has never done a group ride is fairly new to sport bikes and we haven't rode together yet. I will be leading him around however we please or wherever the roads take us which could be good because I haven’t ridden the area yet, with the exception of 555 but I don’t know if that road is considered in Hocking Hills. See you all Saturday morning. https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Hocking+Mall&daddr=39.682755,-82.2929785+to:S+Columbus+St+to:OH-555+N+to:39.5306445,-81.9433992+to:OH-32+E%2FOH-7+N%2FUS-50+E%2FJames+A.+Rhodes+Appalachian+Hwy+to:OH-7+S+to:39.1775777,-82.1341049+to:OH-356+S+to:OH-356+S+to:OH-93+S+to:39.5259661,-82.418978+to:Hocking+Mall+St&hl=en&sll=39.53463,-82.398663&sspn=0.03793,0.076904&geocode=FZRoWwIdZTgW-w%3BFcOCXQIdDk8Y-ymjL1FL0f5HiDGl5Wh6XB8YaQ%3BFehnXwIdwzYY-w%3BFXERXgIdTlcc-w%3BFZQwWwIdmaQd-ynxVxosURdIiDG_FRwvWAhLGQ%3BFX4-VwIdL3wh-w%3BFSSrVQIdaSAf-w%3BFWnNVQIdqLsa-ylnh6YMf3lIiDEFxq5ZqP0Irg%3BFc3TVwId9MMY-w%3BFcBkWAIdR-wY-w%3BFZfhWAId6LsV-w%3BFU4eWwId3mIW-yk7W9P5CO9HiDEFBlgJytFLxA%3BFZ1qWwIdJS8W-w&mra=ls&via=1,4,7,11&t=m&z=9
  22. There is no double standard, the standard is most women behave differently than most men in social situations. Let anyone get on this site actually disrespect MJ and they will be in for a world of hurt from the bitch slap put on them from the regulars here. That goes for all of the regular female posters here. Not one of the girls here aren't capable of taking care of themselves but the pile on would be amusing. Harassing the noob is a time honored tradition that should be expected and if the one's being initiated can't take that then they don't belong. The girls that make it through the hazing that goes on here are quite well respected and harassed only to the extent that they allow. If some guy joined here and couldn't take some girls harassing him I wouldn't want him around anyway.
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