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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Okay, who is the fucking asshole that started a trolling account? That shit is hilarious!
  2. I stand by the statement. DOJ has good intentions but their protocols will end up getting people hurt at a greater number than it will save. It wouldn't be the first time poor policy and tactics have been implemented with little working knowledge of practical safe ways to handle situations. The tactics used in this case would have saved a lot of carnage if the man with a gun had bad intentions to cause harm to the police or others after he had dispatched with the police. They had this guy pinned down with very few options to cause harm to others at great risk to themselves. This wasn't a mistake at the time, it was a reaction to a situation made in split seconds. Distance is your friend if you are only concerned with yourself and a great defensive start of a strategy, if you don't care about what can happen to others or you are certain everyone in the area has a means to protect themselves. These guys selflessly put themselves in danger to protect the community by taking the fight to a known armed suspect. In hindsight with all of the facts known this was a horrible outcome. It could have just as easily gone the other way. In cases like this I'm okay with erring on the side of caution.
  3. Don't be an ignorant dumbass. Fuck no I wouldn't be shaking their hand if it were my child. I also wouldn't be vilifying them. The scenario had several possible outcomes and the one that happened is a perfectly acceptable one. The police bravely confronted a man with a gun. They closed all the distance to him that they could. Possibly blocking his exit or minimizing distance of a foot pursuit. They kept the fight at a distance where their shots had the best chance of accurately hitting their target therefore lessoning the chance of collateral damage. These risks were taken in the name of protecting the community from a gunman menacing the neighborhood. All risky moves on their part that most people wouldn't take for self-preservation reasons. They took risks at the chance of grave harm to themselves to protect the community. Yes, I fully support and commend these brave officers for their excellent work. Had this guy killed someone a block over and was looking for another victim these two would be receiving commendations. Turns out that a good scolding, taking away the kids toy and marching him home to his parents would have worked. The two officers involved had no way of knowing what any of the background information was. I am thankful to know that there are brave people out there willing to take the risks these guys thought they were taking to protect us.
  4. I am no fan of the Cleveland Police. My worst ass beating came at their hands in public view. I was beaten again behind closed doors out of sight from anyone except the police in the holding cell with me & a friend that was also put in the cell at the same time. I couldn't swallow for three days without it hurting because I was choked so hard. The knots on my legs from the night sticks swelled so much that they bled. So I am certain there have been bad officers in that department but only from the private beating after I was in custody, the public beating was deserved and justified. I say all that to say that I fully support the actions of the two officers in this one incident where the kid was shot. It is tragic for everyone involved but a very foreseeable outcome given the circumstances. Obviously there are several other outcomes possible, knowing what we know now none of them would have been tragic but not knowing what we know now there would have been just as many tragic outcomes possible.
  5. This kid, white or black, would have been shot by any other armed person, white or black. If there is anyone carrying a gun for protection that wouldn't have drawn and shot this kid if he had threatened them with a gun I question what scenario would better suit their self preservation instincts. I still maintain that this was suicide by cop or extreme profound ignorance with a justifiable predictable ending.
  6. So we have a death by assaulting someone that's armed, a suicide by cop, a suicide by cheeseburger and apparently the police don't kill white people.
  7. All foreign invaders should be shot in the head on sight.
  8. I fucking HATE, HATE, HATE this new software!
  9. http://ohioriders.net/uploads/gallery/album_1313/med_gallery_3121_1313_1369457582_15971.jpg Poor bike.
  10. Adam, you are such a holster whore.
  11. I have made a mistake it seems and have been confused about the screen name, riding group and the ghost rider. They are associated somehow but Justin doesn't seem to be the same person as the ghost rider. The older guy in the video is our ghost rider from Saturday. He certainly hasn't seen 25 years old in a couple decades and I'm skeptical that he is a Marine. My fault for getting the two mixed up.
  12. Before this gets too out of hand I'm going to lead with this. This guy is a good rider, he sacrificed a ride to sweep the fast group a few years ago for the spring epic ride. http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/90662-twisty-sportbike-ride-519-and-every-saterday/?hl=%2Btwisty+%2Bsportbike+%2Bride+%2B519+%2Band+%2Bevery+%2Bsaterday http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/104933-getting-back-into-riding-again/ http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/90663-justin-butts/
  13. Wholly shit, ^^that's a ridiculous wall of text. What have I done? Well Doc, you wanted something to read. It might not be entertaining but is sure will occupy some time.
  14. This was my third time riding this season & my second group ride this year. I have been very busy at work & just haven't had the time. This event turned out to be a horrible experience for me last year or I should say prior to the event . I've decided that I don't have the desire to witness another rider get hurt even though I know it's a risk we all take. I want to know the people I'm riding with or at least have someone I know to vouch for them. I don't ever want to be responsible for leading an inexperienced rider to their doom. I still ride how I've always rode by myself, I understand & assume the risks. We all can go down at any time but I'm not talking about that, I've been down & I know plenty of good riders that have gone down. The difference is we weren't sucked into riding over our heads or caught up in a group ride atmosphere that ramps up our adrenaline allowing us to disregard our better judgement. That said I wanted to get past & shake off last years lingering doubts. The best way to do that in my mind was to join in this ride but giving myself an out if I felt uncomfortable or things didn't seem right. Tony led the fast group for this event, I know, trust & respect his riding abilities so I intended to follow him thinking we weren't going to have anyone else in the group except for Jim who I am also comfortable riding with. It turns out we had two other riders start out with the group which made me a little uncomfortable so I told Tony that I was going to tag along in the back to see how things were going and that if I didn't like what I saw I would just go off to ride my own ride knowing that with Tony leading & Jim sweeping they could clean up any messy riding. The two other riders rode like champs within the pace Tony set for this ride & I would be happy to ride with them again. There I am riding along in the back of the group without any responsibility for the group because Jim was the official sweep rider, enjoying the worry free ride without a care in the world. What a nice day this is turning out to be when we pass by a rider going the other direction. The other rider turns around and falls in behind me. This is okay he is keeping our pace time for me to move aside & let him in the group. Nope, our new rider decides that the groups pace was not to his liking so he starts passing all of us. So far this is okay especially since once he gets past Tony he keeps on going out of sight. Hurray, he just won the road racing title and really showed us how wrong we were riding. I hope he goes on to find other people to impress. Hey wait a minute there he is again slowing down waiting for us to get behind him. WTF is this idiot doing? Oh no he didn't, he actually made us all slow down for some nice curves. Now it's clear he is trying to fuck with us because he can clearly ride faster than the designated group pace. This turn of events somehow needs addressing, nobody fucks with my people. I have no group responsibilities so I guess is up to me to chase this idiot off. I pass the group, get in behind him & he picks up his pace. Faster & faster we go with him winning until we come up on a car that our antagonist passes but I back off hoping he has fulfilled his MotoGP dreams secure in the fact that we had nothing for him that he couldn't outride thus he would continue on looking for other victims to display his obvious superiority over them. Tony slows the groups pace down for a while hoping this guy would get far out of range, I filter to the back of the pack and all is right with the world again. You have got to be kidding me, this M'Fer is back, same as the last time, he has slowed down to get in front of us again. He is actually slowing us down again going into another nice set of curves, what is this guys problem what is he trying to achieve, can't he take a hint, we do not want to play. So back up to the front I go again, back behind him again, he picks up his pace again and we keep going faster and faster. I will just do the same thing as the last time, wait until we come up on a car and not pass it, surely he will take the hint that we don't want him playing with us. No cars in sight, now what am I going to do? I don't know why or how but I suddenly form a new plan, not a good one or a well thought out plan, in fact a totally inappropriate plan but reason has left my body and I'm getting a little mad. My new plan was to dust him so badly that he would go find softer game to pick on. I pass him and start going at a brisker pace than where he topped out at. This is working, I can see behind me by turning around after turns that I am putting ground on him but I make the mistake of checking my mirrors for some idiotic reason. Never check your mirrors, never check your mirrors, never check your mirrors, I know this, no good can come from it and this mantra proves itself by allowing a 20MPH curve to sneak up on me. I'm going too fast, damn it, I should never let myself talk me into doing stupid shit. This is going to hurt, I can't make it.... No way, I stopped, thank god the entry was uphill and allowed speed to scrub off much quicker than expected. As usual when we think that we have lost control we throw away all reason & I slowed down way more than needed to safely make it through the curve. Embarrassed I turn around to see that the other asshole riding a motorcycle behind me has caught up to me. What do I do with that realization? Of course I slow down and get back to riding like a reasonable person. Yea, right, that would have made sense. So there I go determined to make sure this guy isn't going to catch me again and start riding like a complete idiot. Great big long straight after another series of curves so here I go up to 150MPH, a couple of rises in the road block the view behind me so I stay at 150 for a while. When I sit up to get a look behind me expecting to see the douchebag way back a couple of rises behind me I see no one. Nothing. What have I done now? Please, please, please don't let it be that this knucklehead went down. I stop and count to 60 still nothing, not even our group, they should have been here by now. Well not if that guy went down they would be helping him if possible. I turn around and start heading back toward what I anticipate to be carnage. Damn why am I such an idiot, I was acting worse than this guy, he didn't deserve this no matter how big of an asshole he was. I make it to the group and everyone is safe including the fuckhead that started this whole turn of events. He knew the route that I hadn't bothered to look at because Tony was in charge. Now I'm pissed at everyone myself included. It turns out that I have ran across this guy before. In fact he was the sweep rider for the fast group two years ago on the spring ride that I was the lead rider of. He says to me that his bike is only running on three cylinders and that it's no wonder I could get around him because I was riding a 1K. Whatever dude leave us the fuck alone. What in the hell were you trying to do? No answer to that obvious question ever came and I just wanted to get going again. I'm done typing for tonight but we pick up two more good riders at the gas stop and get back to the meeting spot. Our stalker shows up in a van at the meeting spot trying to talk. I couldn't have been less interested in talking about it especially with him at that point.
  15. Nobody fucks with my people with impunity. The guy apologized but only after he figured out he knew the people he pissed off. I would have much preferred that he didn't set out to mess with a group of riders and avoided an apology in the first place. I'm still a little smoked by the whole ordeal and mad at myself some for showing my ass a little. I turned this ride into a two day event for myself after feeling really good when the event was over. Route 739 Total average 41.2 Average moving 59.0 Trip timer 17:55 Time moving 12:31 Max speed 152 I pulled into Coshocton with moving average of 66.6. Tony and I pulled into the meet spot with moving average 65.9. We slowed down on the straights when riding together instead of my alone straight line speed. After the ride was over I had a moving average of 53.4. Tony led the fast group at a perfect pace for an organized event with unfamiliar riders. I have followed him around at a blistering pace when among known riders and would like to thank him for sacrificing his ride in the sake of the events integrity. I made my way to Caldwell and spent the night there with a total of 416 miles for the day but don't recall my average moving speed at that point. Had a great day riding some of my favorite roads and wasn't exhausted from riding all day to get to them from home. Leave this event alone is my simple answer. I understand the inclination to make another event but this one should be left alone. Jack is correct that people might end up only consuming about 10% of the information to form an opinion about where they stand on the issue so I won't go into my long dissertation about the whys and how’s of leaving this alone. Your eyes would just gloss over at the wall of text before you. I do have multiple reasons though but none of them are important enough to sway a consensus.
  16. I miss all the fun. I did make it home by shaving half an hour off of the three hour ride with two gas stops and avoiding highways.
  17. http://i.imgur.com/rqeGNTP.jpg
  18. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/08/what-i-did-after-police-killed-my-son-110038_Page2.html#.U_K6znKme76
  19. Typical CNN. They have edited the video above to narrate the story how they want it told without regard for truth. Putting out a video from someone that admits on the video that he saw nothing but is saying stupid things. In the link below there is more of the same video above where someone that actually saw what happened talks. It's very hard to tell what they are saying but it will most likely support the facts when they are officially released. http://www.brennerbrief.com/witness-michael-brown-bum-rushed-cop/ The stupid bitch friend of the family should be keeping her mouth shut. I wish the police were quicker in releasing information but they can't release their findings until they are facts, not speculation. Speculation has caused all of this trouble.
  20. I made it down but only got to ride the sport bike once by myself and that was following my girlfriend back from Maryville while she was driving a 14' U-Haul. She wouldn't drive it down the gap so we went all the way over & came down the Cherahola Skyway. I did make the Skyway about 30 miles longer by going out ahead of her three to four miles, turning around, passing her going the other direction for about a mile then repeating the process over & over again. My transmission went out as soon as we turned onto the Cherahola Skyway early Friday morning before daylight after driving all night. Could only go about 35MPH in second gear. Spent some time trying to figure out what to do and getting organized. Ended up towing home with the U-Haul. We made it to Fontana briefly Saturday evening to thank Midget Todd for offering to tow our trailer back home for us. I saw Casper standing in front of the gas station, I waved but you didn't recognize me apparently. I would have stopped to talk but it was later in the evening and I didn't want to ride back to Robbinsville in the dark. None of my riding plans worked out like I expected nor did almost anything else that we had planned out but we still had a good weekend just being down there.
  21. I've never had a sport bike guy while passing me be rude or obnoxious nor have I ever tried to block anyone from passing. I have been on a lot of rides with sport bike riders and the worst I've seen is maybe someone will speed up some when you come up behind them but never swerve over to block you. This is a cruiser phenomenon and an often enough occurrence to label them as big babies.
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