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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Chain lube is a waste of time, energy and effort. Clean it with WD40 and ride. Simple and effective. I have around 17K miles on this bike using that method and have used it on all of my bikes. What are you guys trying to achieve with all these messy unneeded waxes? I expect to change my chain and sprockets in the 20K to 25K range if I keep this bike that long. How many miles from a chain are you guys expecting by complicating the process?
  2. You were warned about this very thing. I just can't understand why you won't pay attention to my reason and superior logic.
  3. Ain't this some bullshit? What a cool bike. It's a shame that it's been turned into a track bike which means that if I owned it, it would have to get it's pretty little ass wrecked. I have rode along with this bike for a few of it's road miles and it's the real deal. But with confidence. I'll trade you a 1000, a 280 and two 250s for it.
  4. All of, every single one of your calculations are wrong. I predict doom and failure. But it will be a fun ride.
  5. Every roof mounted crew service weapon should come equipped with a roof Korean slaved to it until its service life is exhausted.
  6. I ain't signing no damned petition. I'm just gonna lane split when & how I feel like it. All this hand wringing and debate about it is for losers. Man up and take the bull by the horns, if it feels good just do it.
  7. After you complete this 400 mile scooter ride you will be exhaustively cured of that stupid 650 mile ride around the lake. This ride will at least have 130 miles of a fun curvy road.
  8. You are an idiot of the worst magnitude. You need to forget that the word race is associated with that stupid Lake Erie loop. It will be nothing but a boring, full throttle, snooze fest, torturous, mind-numbing experience. If you don't kill your scooter doing it you will be lucky. I thought that I wanted to do the Lake Erie loop at one time but after the scooterific run I was completely cured of all stupid ideas associated with it. 400 miles of flat boring wide open riding is bad enough but when it gets to 650 miles it is beyond torture.
  9. Back of the dragon is an awesome road if there isn't gravel on it. Virginia builds and maintains their roads differently that Tennessee. The snake is the same road as Deal's Gap only longer. Highly recommended. Those cocks sure are pretty.
  10. You have an excuse for everything. Your stupid cruiser is slow enough to keep up with the scooters. We are meeting late enough in the day that it won't be too cold to ride. The kids are a legitimate excuse though but they have got to be old enough to take care of themselves for a day by now.
  11. It has been long enough since the last one to try this again. It will be changed up a bit this time as 555 will be the only road on the route. There will also be a planned lunch break. Meeting in Zanesville at 11:00, ride down 555 to the river, get gas, get something to eat, ride back up 555 to the original meeting spot. The end. Currently there are two of us committed to this, Turnone and I. Anyone else is welcome to join us. This is coming up again because Turnone thinks it's a good idea to ride around lake Erie and I'm hoping to prove to him just how all kinda wrong he is. Did I mention that this is for scooters. If you want to join riding something else feel free but expect much frustration waiting for us on our scooters. Ride starts at 11:00AM Saturday May 2, 2015 from, 214 Underwood Street, Zanesville, OH 43701 Gas stop at, 15 Arrowhead Road, Little Hocking, OH 45742 Lunch stop, Hardee's, 1801 Washington Boulevard, Belpre, OH 45714 Here is a thread from the last time we did this. If you read this thread you will know why it's been so long since it's been attempted again and why it's been made shorter. http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/72826-scooterific-river-run-june-5th-2011/?hl=scooterific
  12. He is replicating an existing build on his bike and is expecting to go from 198 to 243. Super nice guy, I've been out riding with that crew highway bombing at night. Kinda boring especially when I'm riding the slowest 1000 in the market. (Read that as I'm always last.)
  13. This world confuses me. For the life of me I can't understand why this wasn't a report about it raining college kids onto the parking lot & who was going to be responsible for the clean up costs.
  14. I'm just whining. It's only 15 minutes longer for me to get to Bolivar but moving the start time up an hour just killed it for me this early in the season. I did zero prep for my body this year for riding and it showed yesterday. My hands hurt from turning the bars or stopping, my jacket shrunk somehow and has made it uncomfortable to move around in. I'm still getting kicked out of the house today so some sort of riding is in order. Apparently plans for today have been made around me being gone & I am not to mess them up by sticking my nose into them. Maybe I'll see you guys out there.
  15. You fuckers. I was all in for Millersburg at 10:00. Spent yesterday / today prepping and doing a shake down ride in anticipation of this years first real ride. There is no way I'm making Bolivar an hour earlier. You guys are nuts. It's going to be too damn cold for riding that early. Speed safely & have fun. I hate you all.
  16. I think there is good potential in the global inequality debate but I'm not sure where it's to be directed. Is Venus too hot and Mars too cold or is it the equator region is too hot and the poles are too cold on our planet? What can we do to rectify these situations and make everything equal because it's just not fair. Which in turn begs the question of what is the ideal climate for everywhere? How will we get everyone to agree before we set out to make it all equal? Surely everyone wants everything to be the same don't we?
  17. Global Inequality? Dude stop, you're killing me. This guy is too funny. When we find out who you really are there will be a beer on me.
  18. Okay, who is the fucking asshole that started a trolling account? That shit is hilarious!
  19. I stand by the statement. DOJ has good intentions but their protocols will end up getting people hurt at a greater number than it will save. It wouldn't be the first time poor policy and tactics have been implemented with little working knowledge of practical safe ways to handle situations. The tactics used in this case would have saved a lot of carnage if the man with a gun had bad intentions to cause harm to the police or others after he had dispatched with the police. They had this guy pinned down with very few options to cause harm to others at great risk to themselves. This wasn't a mistake at the time, it was a reaction to a situation made in split seconds. Distance is your friend if you are only concerned with yourself and a great defensive start of a strategy, if you don't care about what can happen to others or you are certain everyone in the area has a means to protect themselves. These guys selflessly put themselves in danger to protect the community by taking the fight to a known armed suspect. In hindsight with all of the facts known this was a horrible outcome. It could have just as easily gone the other way. In cases like this I'm okay with erring on the side of caution.
  20. Don't be an ignorant dumbass. Fuck no I wouldn't be shaking their hand if it were my child. I also wouldn't be vilifying them. The scenario had several possible outcomes and the one that happened is a perfectly acceptable one. The police bravely confronted a man with a gun. They closed all the distance to him that they could. Possibly blocking his exit or minimizing distance of a foot pursuit. They kept the fight at a distance where their shots had the best chance of accurately hitting their target therefore lessoning the chance of collateral damage. These risks were taken in the name of protecting the community from a gunman menacing the neighborhood. All risky moves on their part that most people wouldn't take for self-preservation reasons. They took risks at the chance of grave harm to themselves to protect the community. Yes, I fully support and commend these brave officers for their excellent work. Had this guy killed someone a block over and was looking for another victim these two would be receiving commendations. Turns out that a good scolding, taking away the kids toy and marching him home to his parents would have worked. The two officers involved had no way of knowing what any of the background information was. I am thankful to know that there are brave people out there willing to take the risks these guys thought they were taking to protect us.
  21. I am no fan of the Cleveland Police. My worst ass beating came at their hands in public view. I was beaten again behind closed doors out of sight from anyone except the police in the holding cell with me & a friend that was also put in the cell at the same time. I couldn't swallow for three days without it hurting because I was choked so hard. The knots on my legs from the night sticks swelled so much that they bled. So I am certain there have been bad officers in that department but only from the private beating after I was in custody, the public beating was deserved and justified. I say all that to say that I fully support the actions of the two officers in this one incident where the kid was shot. It is tragic for everyone involved but a very foreseeable outcome given the circumstances. Obviously there are several other outcomes possible, knowing what we know now none of them would have been tragic but not knowing what we know now there would have been just as many tragic outcomes possible.
  22. This kid, white or black, would have been shot by any other armed person, white or black. If there is anyone carrying a gun for protection that wouldn't have drawn and shot this kid if he had threatened them with a gun I question what scenario would better suit their self preservation instincts. I still maintain that this was suicide by cop or extreme profound ignorance with a justifiable predictable ending.
  23. So we have a death by assaulting someone that's armed, a suicide by cop, a suicide by cheeseburger and apparently the police don't kill white people.
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