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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I would like to get your impression of the route from your perspective. The route currently is set up to run counter-clockwise, with a gas stop at 87 miles along the 156 mile loop. There is a curve on 555 heading north that causes me some concern for a group. The route can be run the opposite direction but I don't know any of the other roads to know if they have any bad curves going the other direction.
  2. I'm sure once they are registered as an Ohio-Riders sponsor that they will run a special for members to get the ball rolling. I trust their service department for anything I need done and hopefully they will expand on their credentials with their intro thread. One of their salesmen is the guy we jokingly refer to as Jinx around here. He is big and ugly but don’t let that fool you, with the exception of Turnone he is the fastest street rider I have ever rode with.
  3. I don't work there but I do know just about everyone there. If I'm not busy or riding on Saturdays I'm usually there. They are attempting to get registered here to become a sponsor but we keep hitting snags in communication. I buy all my supplies and the vast majority of parts from them. (I currently ride a Honda.) In fact I just bought a helmet from them that all of you will burn with envy when you see me out riding wearing it.
  4. First post updated to address passing concern.
  5. ^True, true. ^ Total bad ass bike. I've spent some time on one with an exhaust and tune. It took me a while to get used to it because it can make it to redline in any gear so fast you don't expect it while making some serious speed. Brakes are excellent as well. It's harder to hustle through the corners than my 1K Honda but the motor is so sweet I would easily give mine up if the right deal came around. Don't know much about the BMW other than it is just as fast from being around a few and seems to be more comfortable for me.
  6. This is from another thread. Good catch and it is being addressed, expect to see this updated and defined. More hate mail for Inyaazz is needed, I'm certain of that.
  7. Uncle Punk

    North Korea

    Pics of your BBC or it didn't happen.
  8. Quit with trying to get this on topic, we are about to wage war with the Korean Queen of the track gays.
  9. Judging from the track riding thread I don't think I could ever get gay enough to qualify for the track.
  10. Page 22 of thread http://www.esquire.com/the-side/DESIGN/hotel-of-doom-012808 Don't miss http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r0fM31BXKk&feature=player_embedded Remarkable propaganda
  11. http://www.bcsportbikes.com/forum/showthread.php/146566-Build-to-Fail-Fail-to-Build.-What-is-this-I-don-t-even I would retire right now if I had this kind of talent because all of my masterpieces would be selling for millions.
  12. What do you have against complete looped routes?
  13. Thanks for the suggestion but adding to the route doesn't seem to be an option. Adding better roads is an option but we need to take something away when adding, along with not complicating the route. If everyone shows up we could have seven groups of ten riders (My idea of maximum group size.) that hopefully have all the group leaders, sweep riders with the route memorized. I would like the route to Google Map at about 3:30, with a gas stop close to the middle of the route and facilities large enough to handle a crowd.
  14. We are soliciting bickering that way we can be sure that everyone isn't happy. Tell us how and what you would like to see and I'm sure the powers that be will accommodate you.
  15. I bet you think you're helping
  16. I don't usually ride the Hocking area, 555 is a road I know, and I’ve heard that 93 is decent but haven't been on it that far south. So sitting in my easy chair I picked one good road I knew about and tried to get a loop with decent roads and facilities to handle large numbers along with making the route easy to memorize. I'm positive there are better roads in the area but would mean a complicated route that would require people to lead with knowledge of them and I'm expecting that if the weather is good the crowd will be too large for local guys to handle. It's not my decision to make I'm just suggesting a starting point that I think will work. I'm not all that interested in riding four hours to do a 100 mile loop to turn around and ride four hours back home. That's why I'm suggesting a longer loop. The people that are camping and getting rooms should get some access to a longer loop as well.
  17. Shut your bitch mouth. You aren't going to make it because it will be too cold in the morning and in the evening unless you are nice to someone with a trailer to bring you down. No cruisers in my trailer.
  18. Nivin, I started posting some of this publicly because it needed to be resolved so people can have a month to plan. I don't know how much time I'll have in a few days to correspond about this.
  19. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=39.277529,-81.687871&num=1&t=h&z=18 0.4 from intersection, two large pump count stations.
  20. https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=S+Mulberry+St&daddr=N+Market+St+to:Washington+Rd+to:OH-681+E%2FUS-33+Alt+W+to:OH-7+S+to:OH-32+E%2FOH-7+N%2FUS-50+E%2FJames+A.+Rhodes+Appalachian+Hwy+to:Marion+St+to:OH-37+W%2FState+Route+37+W+to:S+Main+St+to:Clark+St+to:S+Mulberry+St&hl=en&sll=39.185433,-80.540771&sspn=2.435388,4.938354&geocode=Fb9KWwId4JAW-w%3BFTLbVgIdhHgV-w%3BFYCNVgIdU6oZ-w%3BFc9PVQIdoWcc-w%3BFSSrVQIdaSAf-w%3BFX4-VwIdL3wh-w%3BFTOPWgIdXtQe-w%3BFcRtXQIdHE0c-w%3BFafzXQIdoKQZ-w%3BFWPpWwIdMSkZ-w%3BFexOWwIdXpEW-w&mra=ls&t=m&z=10 Let's discuss this route option. Meet and leave from Logan at 11:30AM, gas stop at "F", back to Logan at approximately 3:30PM
  21. No one expected me to read the first post did they? Entirely too many words. 100 miles would be easy to organize because a gas stop wouldn't be needed but a lot of work for people to get to for little payoff. If you are making an effort to get there from the flatlands wouldn't you want to have more time riding the good roads? The only thing I do know is that the ride needs to start and end at the same location, no leaving people stranded out in the middle of nowhere.
  22. Not trying to single you out, more of just trying to get a feel for what this event's expectations are. I can help Nivin organize a group ride not so much a meet and greet. Is 160 miles too much for a group ride?
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