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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. That sounds more like dad needed to take it away from an underperforming teenager. If I would have had access to a motorcycle at his age being up for riding would have never been a problem.
  2. It's a well established fact around here that Casper is not so bright. He is a power hungry over moderator that likes to move threads to the ranting & raving section to die. He usually does this to people he doesn't like. You might be included in that category. We have also had a long ongoing debate about OsuMj's gender with no proof either way being offered by the character portraying itself as OsuMj. Maybe with your help we can get these issues resolved. Hell, I think we should make you a moderator, you have already demonstrated that you are able to pick up subtle nuances that our current crop of moderators are unwilling to recognize.
  3. Make him buy you a new bike. I can't believe he would put you on that wrecked one. What kind of a cheapskate is he?
  4. The constitution is outdated and needs to be changed to fit modern life. Sound familiar to you gun guys? Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7 This is another constitutional discussion that isn't an inalienable right just like the 2nd amendment isn't, therefore subject to change. Be leery of a majority shift in the minds and hearts of those indoctrinated into the new political correctness we are currently seeing. A majority of states would be needed to change things but the constitution has been changed before.
  5. How did highway etiquette turn into your turf skills? Aren't there rules around here about staying on topic? I ride off-road with the proper bike so me no jealous.
  6. I am officially out for this trip. Nephew Punk strikes again. No matter how I plead with him to make other wedding plans he seems to think it's too late to change them. I have no idea why they didn't check Ohio-Riders first before they started making their plans. Have fun and be safe everyone.
  7. This isn't a track thread yet you are insisting on making is all sexual, save that for its proper place.
  8. What you said about you. Ditto See above replies Hypocrisy much?
  9. Is all crashing because you were riding over your head or do you have extenuating circumstances that make you the cool crasher? Is it too late to call the authorities to have you ticketed?
  10. So you are a cool crasher? While the other type of crashing makes him a fucktard?
  11. If true that is a punch in the face award winning move. Didn't you wreck on the dream ride? With all due respect and shit.
  12. Uncle Punk

    bbc in us?

    Somebody need me? Here I is!
  13. I've conceded that you get half of your reasoning correct. You appear to be smarter than the average bear but can't seem to make it past your ruling culture. Your kind of help aligns you firmly with the rulers and is the kind of help not needed. You have embraced existing infringements and believe adding more layers to the issue will fix things. The enemy from within.
  14. I do think you have good intentions but have been retarded by your origins and possibly will never get the independent loving origins of our culture. You have the mindset that we have existing laws that are good and are hell bent to make up additional laws to help take away more rights. I understand that you have been brainwashed by your rulers into believing that rulers are the answer but we have already given them our answer to being ruled. I can't blame you for lacking the ability to break the chains that bind you much like the leftist brought up in our largest metropolitan areas their culture won't allow them to make a full intellectual escape past their emotionally shackled upbringing. You have made an attempt for which I commend you but I still see you as the enemy from within.
  15. I can post meaningless statements that have nothing to prove bias. I missed seeing you at boot camp. Your turn.
  16. That would be you; you're the only other anti in this thread. I'm not real sure about Cheech he can making a point no one else gets but you certainly are one of the worst anti gun people on this site. I understand your confusion because you aren’t from around here so I can't hate you for it.
  17. It's cute to witness two anti-gun activist have a tiff over the level of usurping rights they find acceptable. I'm amused by the minutia that seems important to those with closed minds.
  18. Wish I could help but my little trailer is full with bike and scooter. I will let you ride my scooter.
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