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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. See official report posted earlier in this thread. Shotgun was in the car as clearly seen in video at the time of them clearing the weapon in the trunk.
  2. Really, never mind, do you know now? Not all ARs are assault weapons. Thousands of AR variants were bought and sold under the old ban.
  3. There was no lying going on, an AR was used but it didn't meet the assault weapons ban criteria to be defined as an assault weapon it was a simple AR rifle.
  4. I missed the part where an AR wasn't used. I'm certain one was used but that doesn't mean it was an assault weapon. Assault weapons are banned in that state as per the last national assault weapons ban that the state continued after the national one expired. This crime was committed by a mad man using a rifle. Rifles are used in such a small % of murders that it's not worth making new laws for them.
  5. http://www.ct.gov/despp/cwp/view.asp?Q=517284&A=4226 Assault weapon ban is in effect in that state, the AR was a legally owned rifle that didn't meet the assault rifle description in that state, it was a simple rifle. Why the new assault rifle ban push?
  6. It's a cock, a big black one, want to feel it?
  7. Sell, sell, sell. Every layer of protection you add is additional expense up front or on the back end. I would check with the local small claims court to see if an LLC can defend itself in matters without in needed to be kicked up to a higher court.
  8. You have more issues that need professional help. If the house is already at risk in business failure you can't protect it, if it isn't get working on that LLC or do a creative sell for a loss, then protect the remaining money in several ways easily laid out with a competent financial planner or accountant. Read this again as sell and even more so now that I know you have exposure for other losses with known personal assets. I have found no real formula for success in renting, trust me I do everything I can to limit bad outcomes but still end up in court more than not. I never lose but never collect either, renters usually don’t have assets and most don’t have jobs that they can’t walk away from when garnished. I have had luck with military and can imagine that long time public employees would work out. Forget appointment showings. Set up an open house, leave agreements for prospectives to look at and applications for interested parties. Go over them at your leisure and reshow if needed. Trust me you will save a lot of time doing this.
  9. An LLC in your case is of very little value to single family dwellings for a multitude of reasons. That said you own the property outright so you could shield yourself from some exposure. Don't waste your time in this situation, carry the proper insurance, address tenant concerns and document the course of action, you have lived in the house so you have assumed any risk yourself. The LLC won't shield you from loss and that is your greatest risk exposure. If you are trying to mitigate your loss in a declining market by waiting for prices to come back be careful of increasing your loss by doing this, you have bought in the same market so it’s a wash. You can make money at this but not without causing a time suck at what you could be doing that actually makes money. A single family dwelling isn't worth the distraction. I could write a full page of personal experience on his subject let alone what I have seen others go through. Your case is not one that ends well. This is not to say that people don't make money doing this, I know several. Your situation doesn't end well unless you work the shit out of it. Contracts don't mean shit, I have never lost a dispute but disputes happen in the vast majority of cases. Sell, sell, sell.
  10. http://www.ct.gov/despp/cwp/view.asp?Q=517284&A=4226 The AR was a simple rifle as described by the states assault weapons ban.
  11. Do yourself a favor and sell the house. You have been warned and in three years you will come back here to tell me I was right if you don't. I was awarded a judgment against a renter last week for $3,000 because that's the maximum I could get in small claims court. The management company will be too expensive. Renting will expose you to loses you can't imagine plus if you work imagine having a second wife demanding your time with stupid shit. I have sued several renters for damages and won every time with a good contract but have NEVER collected any money. Sell, sell, sell
  12. I thought it was going to be around $1,100, I will have some reservations at $1,900 especially since it will most likely be a safe queen will <500 rounds through it.
  13. http://frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/gun-violence-is-not-a-republican-problem-its-a-democratic-problem/
  14. Uncle Punk

    CCW Belt

  15. Your wife needs to hide the keyboard when you're drinking.
  16. WTF, houses of worship, lets separate the government’s responsibility and role in defining what a house of worship is.
  17. Fuck each and every one of you that think adding more checks to the system is acceptable. It's none of your damn business if grandma wants to give me grandpa's rifle & great-grandpa's shotgun. If I want to make my own gun, stay out of my private life. This is a very bad thing to have all guns accounted for on documents no matter if it is centralized or not. How about you punish me if I act inappropriately with a firearm & offer me support if I have to use one to protect myself.
  18. Willful retardation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR3t7j2tUec&feature=player_embedded#
  19. How about no. I still hate you for selling the G34. Anyone want to trade a slide fire for some Glock magazines?
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