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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. No worries, your story is very similar to a man whose family lives in Polk. I thought it would be funny how much of a small world we live in if we knew of each other in person.
  2. Snapper33, is there a chance your family lives in Polk?
  3. I see one of the exhibitors is Columbus Public Health, that display should keep the crowd’s attention.
  4. So you think it generous extending discounts to a select few while ignoring the rest of us that are entitled to them. If this practice persists I will be left with no choice but to wage a war against you the likes of you have never before witnessed. My free shit is to acknowledge good deeds and in anticipation of future sacrifices.
  5. Then you can understand where I'm coming from by not accepting my doom and I understand you willingness to be asshole-ish. The biggest bestest assholes I know have U.S.M.C. stamped on their ever loving souls somewhere.
  6. Check that for a proper "Oorah", its okay soldier I won't hold your shortcomings against you.
  7. That is some shit right there. Why not all military veterans? I feel like you owe it to all people that have served in the military what are you some kind of Woodbury? I'm going to tell everyone I know how unfairly you treat veterans. You have potential Why get into the mud with the civilian public, it leaves you unclean. I understand getting dirty sometimes it's quite fun but leave what deserves respect out of the equation, you are not representing when you are slinging shit at civilians. I'm sufficiently cross-pollinated and immune to asshole-e-ness.
  8. Prevailing has not yet been determined. You might be persevering through your unprepared mistake but your self evaluation of prevailing is premature and inaccurate. Not all commissioned billets are the same but I would expect the rank deals more with allocating resources and the logistics of making his decisions stick through the politics of command. I'm assuming he has some supervisory duties this experience should have left him with sufficient communication tools to keep him from being caught with his pants down. If his intentions were to blow up the internets he should have studied better tactics because if he was expecting the result he got I missed the goal of his intended mission.
  9. Call me skeptical, I'm not sure I believe someone with an education along with the experience it takes to earn his rank would make such a tactical mistake as the OP did by coming here to throw shit without having a better lay of the land. At minimum he should have expected some shit to be flung back in his direction. His original behavior is below an E-6 let alone an O-6. I still don't get what he is trying to achieve here and if he is here in earnest suggest he stay away from the original flame war until he has earned enough trust that his contributions are of sufficient content to suggest he be taken seriously. Not that being serious here is the goal. Having military experience doesn't shield you from being an asshole, much like being a faster rider doesn't shield you from being an asshole. You don't get to slide around here just because you have achieved something in one aspect of your life. Being in the military has been part many people’s life experiences here but it doesn't make their participation here more valuable. Having raced or being a fast rider does not make your participation here more valuable. Your experiences offer you the chance to positively contribute but they do not give you the high ground on valuable content. We talk about many subjects here and have people with experience in some capacity of those subjects that offer the rest of us knowledge or insight that makes us better informed people. Or some such shit.
  10. I can't imagine who would want to block me, I'm full of niceness
  11. Mine very rarely if ever makes it off of the 70s channel.
  12. Since being ratified the first ten amendments commonly known as the bill of rights have remained intact but there is no mechanism in place that I am aware of that protects them from being repealed. Amendments have been ratified and repealed in our history so don't rely on an amendment to be there to serve you if you don't protect it. The people we elect to office in any capacity have meaning; the right to vote for representatives that will serve to protect our established bill of rights should be our vigilance. Amendments are not natural or inalienable rights they are laws of the land and subject to review. I could foresee a time when given the right set of circumstances that several amendments could fall under review. I highly doubt that this will occur in my lifetime but I have lived through enough change that I don’t understand or never could have predicted that all bets are off.
  13. Stop by the Kawasaki booth and say Hi, I will be there Saturday from 11:00 to closing.
  14. We are drowning in taxation yet it still isn't enough to quench the thirst of government. This country had a revolution because we were over taxed by a government and they weren't going into debt ruling us. Imagine if we were taxed at a rate to balance current spending, talk about a tipping point.
  15. That is a good price with the included barrel, I wouldn't apologize for that. New Gen4 going rate around here is around $580 without the extra barrel.
  16. Gouger. Selling the pistol A la carte without any magazines?
  17. If you don't respond to the situation above you will lose in court with or without an LLC that’s why I said you need to respond and document the resolutions. Personal negligent injury will allow the value of the property to be attacked whether the principals of the LLC are shielded from liable or not. The vast majority of tenant/landlord disputes end up in small claims court where you have to be able to defend yourself with or without a lawyer, in my area an LLC can’t defend or go after litigation in small claims court which adds unnecessary expense to hire a lawyer for the higher court. LLCs do have value and in this case I think he should have one. Try to originate a mortgage on a single family dwelling with an LLC and you will eat up any gain by the added rate. Banks don't like to loan to an entity that is shielded from established recourse. Multi-family dwellings and partnerships practically require an LLC but this isn't the case here and if he didn't have mitigating circumstances an LLC wouldn't apply with the exception of an unmortgaged property.
  18. WTF Mr. Overmoderator, with the exception of the first post that was corrected by the second post there has been nothing incorrect here that is stirring the pot. In fact we were discussing how ineffective an assault weapons ban is because you can use a simple rifle to kill people as well. Did you jump to a conclusion without reading the thread like Swingset did? The exchange between us should have been a minor distraction and I hold no ill will toward anyone. Well maybe I do toward the overmoderator for moving this to R&R for no reason. We were having a real discussion with actual factual information. There was no pot stirring going on. If you take exception to the exchange between Swingset and I move that out to a thread that will certainly die because it was meaningless and my involvement with him was simply to keep the thread on track in the informed direction it was going.
  19. The OP corrected himself before anyone else had a chance to respond. I posted a link to the actual state report that has been public for a few days now. We were having an adult conversation about the factual information when you decided to tell us how we weren't doing it right. We had already taken care of the wrong information on the first page by the second post and for sure by the third post. You show up on the third page like some half cocked noob addressing a matter already taken care of. You usually contribute good content so I know you are capable of following along, it didn’t make sense to me that you needed to rehash the first post especially since it had already been taken care of, kind of like you hadn’t read the whole thread. If you have a problem with the link I provided not having anything to do with the OP we can address that but I need you to explain how you come to that conclusion.
  20. Problem with absorbing information? There is no info wars bullshit going on here. Go back and actually read links before you prematurely admonish the informed.
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