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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Uncle Punk

    Hike 049

    From the album: 053009 post ride

  2. Uncle Punk

    Hike 037

    From the album: 053009 post ride

  3. I didn't look at the category before replying. Jefferson National Forest is no motorized vehicles in Virginia, I don't know about Kentucky. I have spent a lot of time in that area on the Virginia side of the Breaks Park. Great hiking and I always wished we could have dirt bikes out in the mountains. I have family in Clintwood, Virginia (Blowing Rock) and spent many summers in the area. I got myself into some duress hiking one year and the only thing I can think of is the elevation caused it. From my understanding kayaking is great in the area in October when they release the damn. I've never done it but I have watched people doing it. Birch Knob observation tower is a cool place. http://www.myswva.org/maps/destination/777
  4. Uncle Punk

    Hike 001

    From the album: 053009 post ride

  5. Why are you going down and what regulation are you looking for? If you are riding what route are you taking? Are you staying in the park?
  6. Consult accountant. Start transferring large multi-year maximum contributions out of the current account while continuing to contributing to it until you have it emptied and you are down to a maximum one year contribution. This grows the money it makes in the 529 faster and leaves you with the nest egg longer for emergencies. Consult accountant, they have saved me more money than they cost.
  7. I don't think you should over analyze this. Resolve your issues at your own pace. Everyone has different levels of risk, reward, commitments, skills, goals. You will find that you can get past this and enjoy riding again or you won't. It will be the right path for you. I'm one of the have already crashed guys and found that it only affected me for half a day of riding the first day back. It never forced me to dwell on it or lose sleep about it. I went over it in my mind several times to keep from making the same mistake again but that was essentially the end of it. Track days after the fact helped my riding immensely, I no longer have self inflicted uh-oh moments. The riding environment isn't any safer but I am. We all ride at a pace that we enjoy, that pace is different for everyone but the enjoyment level should be the same for the fastest to the slowest rider. Don't judge your enjoyment against others, it's an impossible task. Your wreck is something to learn from, you know what happened. You should know what it will take to fix that one type of situation. You are going to hear "track day" from a lot of people. Having been there riding with you when this wreck happened I can without a doubt tell you that a track day would be of great benefit and most likely would have prevented the event if you would have had one prior.
  8. Looks great but dear God put an exhaust on that thing or you must ride in back.
  9. Don't even think about using my sarcastic post to refute the majority opinion. I sometimes entertain myself by taking a different stand on things to spark debate if time allows. I usually get bored with it if someone really challenges me because I can't make up enough fake logic to support what I don't believe. Mags determination in sticking with his contrary beliefs lends me to believe he truly follows his own rabbit hole of delusion. I like different views of things; it tends to help me form a stronger platform to my basic instincts. My instincts are telling me "Fuck you, Mags!" you have given me sufficient proof that I shouldn't value you opinion on topics. I really hope your social disorder isn’t something I should be embarrassed about by picking on the outcast. I have thoughts certainly not within the scope of normal social acceptance but find the impulse control to suppress uttering it. I hope you can find help with your disorder because it’s sad to see it displayed without a proper support system for you to utilize.
  10. Enforcement would be a judgment call too difficult for enforcement. My vehicles ability to reduce speed when approaching others would not be equal to others and unknown to LE.
  11. Mags is right, Chicago would be a utopia if we could just search every dwelling, every vehicle and every person entering the city. It would be the safest best place to live. I wish we could all be that safe. I would gladly give up the rights required to achieve this to eliminate the death and destruction guns cause. With firearms removed I bet having laws against murder would no longer be needed.
  12. I make several four hour round trip rides a year to Erie, PA with a 250 scooter in complete comfort at highway speeds. If the opportunity came up I could travel much farther. A 650 is perfectly capable of touring.
  13. I agree that there are people/vehicles capable of driving and handling much more speed safely. This utopia of driving cannot exist in the real world unless we designate driving times for the tiered system and commerce would take precedence over pleasure. Disparity of speed is far more dangerous than speed, through a couple novice riders into the advanced group and see how that turns out. Put a few expert riders in the novice group without rules or constraints for the same results. I would love to travel 120mph down the highway but it certainly wouldn't be safe sharing the road with others traveling 70mph. I have and do travel at times at 120mph plus but not with traffic around that I am passing. Allowing a huge disparity of speed to comingle is a recipe for chaos no matter how skilled the faster drivers are.
  14. I find taking the high ground with torture to be hypocritical.
  15. With a 50HP penalty to pay from the 14 to the Connie you can find a fun equivalent to the Connie. Now if you're talking about a 14 motor in a Connie I'd be all about it.
  16. Fuck you, I tried to say that, I just used too many words, smarty pants.
  17. Mark me down as one in the disagree colum. There are plenty of people to hate but that doesn't rise to the level of putting them to death that would be uncivilized. This action is reserved for those that have intentionally caused death. Having the ability to distinguish between the two is what makes us civilized. I’m not interested in taking the time to see if he is intelligent enough to realize the impact of his actions or has any humanity in him to feel remorse. Revenge is reserved for a perceived wrong placed upon you in which you seek retribution for yourself. This is justice being sought against an absolute wrong and falsely accusing others of being uncivilized is insulting. I don’t hate him but I think he should be extinguished. I have no guilt in that thought nor do I think it hypocritical. His deeds caused the cry for his death not hatred for him, had he not violated the lives of the families that suffer currently he wouldn’t be in the situation he finds himself. Actions have consequences and he knew that going in, I find it hypocritical to not follow through with the consequences leaving others to think they won’t have to pay if they destroy lives.
  18. That's what you get for not buying a 9mm in the first place. Have you handled a 9c? I hate the halfway size of it between a G26 & G19 with everything all kind of compromised.
  19. The new 1290 Super Duke looks promising but I think more wind protection is needed. I'm not cool enough to pull off the Multi, unlike some people. The stigma is just too much for me to suffer through, KTMs are cool.
  20. http://www.kymcousa.com/showroom/scooters/peopleS250/index.html 16", dual disk, steel braided lines, of awesome scooter power
  21. I've been through the whole cruiser phase, it lasted about three years. It taught me a couple things, one is I will never own a cruiser ever again and the second is a scooter will do everything a cruiser will do and in most cases better. I definitely spent more two up time during that time and it stayed that way until the scooter was acquired. Cruisers hurt my back and I could never spend much time riding, I know why constant bar stops are needed when perusing that type of riding, you need to get off of the torture racks. When I decide to get more comfortable for the flat boring part of my rides it will be on a sport tourer or a Goldwing with an adventure tourer being a strong contender as well. I wish the new KTM Adventure 1190 had 17’s as wheel sizes for tire choices ala the Multistrada. I don’t want to be a Duc douche, although some guys can pull it off. I get people's attraction to cruisers if they fit you, some can't ride a sport bike because they kill their backs, for me it is the opposite. You need to enjoy your free time and it shouldn't hurt, if cruisers fit that bill you are crazy to ride something else. However scooters have more to offer.
  22. Who else thinks jumping her in would be a good idea?
  23. Old people are easily confused. Looks like we have another grandfathered member
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