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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I'm not sure which model he bought I'm not sure of what year it is 2001 or 2003. I'm sure he is getting it in the air just maybe not able to ride it around all day. This ride is not about stunting, I want to help him to become a safer more confident rider, more speed is usually a result of that but speed is not the main goal. What are you guys up to? I'm not sure if Jinu was serious about joining but I would like to have another experienced guy with us. That would allow me to ride in front and behind.
  2. First post should contain all info needed and will be updated with any changes or additional information. Meeting spot is 82 & 83 in Eaton, 10:00AM, should be easy to find from Avon Lake.
  3. http://maps.google.com/?ll=40.304082,-82.013063&spn=0.000002,0.001974&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=40.304049,-82.013191&panoid=GZs2vEXvzPpdXk_iJzRnhA&cbp=12,71.91,,0,24.95
  4. Warning: Very gross picture of Inya's inerds....
  5. We talked about starting earlier but this time of year it's so cold earlier that you need good gear or a way to pack it for the eventual temperature change, plus the roads are still wet from dew. I don't think he has enough gear for both climates even though he suggested an earlier start time. I am looking at 83 to 541 to 60 to 39 back to 83 for the short loop (181 miles, 4-1/2 hours) or 83 to 78 to 555 to 666 to 60 to 39 back to 83 for the longer loop (296 miles 7-1/2 hours) depending on how he is doing or if he enjoys what we are doing. Nephew Punk wants to try doing wheelies but has been told he can't on this ride, I'm worried about making too many rules and giving too much instruction that it will suck the life out of any fun. I doubt this will happen but his first U.P. ride will be by himself if he shows up late, that is the first rule of group riding, 1. Be on time.
  6. It wouldn't be my first choice for him but he got a good deal on it. He rode a dual sport last year and I figured we would kill that bike taking it down south. There is so much I want to teach him I almost don't know where to start. I don't want to give him sensory overload or forget what I'm doing and suck him into going too fast. My hope is he will want to do a track day without me insisting he do one. The kid is bigger than me so none of my track riding stuff will fit him, which makes your first track day expensive if you have to buy equipment.
  7. Leaving from the CircleK on the corner of 82 & 83 at 9:00AM 70mph pace on 55mph marked roads, 10mph over on all others, passing on double yellows at rider’s discretion and responsibility. No stunting or passing. Change of position in line will take place at stops. Help and questions will be offered and answered at stops. No one left behind and everyone will be grouped back together at all turns. This will be a much more relaxed ride than folks are used to if you have been on a ride with me leading before. I will do what I can to help anyone within my limited abilities; I have no formal coaching experience but have some track time. The first and last 60 miles of this ride will be straight and boring if you are new to riding with us is patient it gets good after Millersburg. We will be meeting some riders in Millersburg about 10:10AM but this is a guess, time can and will change based on many factors. Gas stops will be about 70 miles apart +/-10 miles. Total ride distance 294 miles and should take 7-1/2 hours, this is just a guess about time though. I need you to have a bike in good repair, full tank of gas when we leave and be on time. By on time I mean we start, kick-stands up, wheels turning at 9:00AM. If you are not willing to go 70mph on the straights or pass on double yellows please don't show up expecting us to wait for you. We will wait for you to go as slow as you need to in the curves, stay within your comfort zone. I you go over a center line coming out of a curve you are not in control, slow down. https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-83+S%2FAvon+Belden+Rd%2FWooster-Avon+Lake+Rd&daddr=S+Washington+St+to:OH-83+S+to:W+Riverside+Dr%2FState+Route+60+N+to:OH-555+N%2FOH-78+W%2FOH-78+Scenic+W+to:Moxahala+Ave+to:39.927682,-82.0017361+to:Zane+St+to:OH-666+N%2FN+River+Rd+to:Main+St+to:W+9th+St+to:40.3353489,-82.0067627+to:Ohio+60+N%2FState+Route+60+N+to:US-62+E+to:W+Milltown+Rd+to:OH-82+W%2FElyria-Twinsburg+Rd%2FRoyalton+Rd&hl=en&sll=41.314366,-82.020887&sspn=0.00109,0.002411&geocode=FWhodgIdbXYc-w%3BFV9_agId-goe-w%3BFUbXXQIdPvgg-w%3BFZsBXQId5_Ee-w%3BFcAYXAIdOhcd-w%3BFUD9YAId_rIc-w%3BFYI_YQIduMAc-ykxMpJiXu43iDGcRqql0Ehqvg%3BFQKOYQIdJ8Uc-w%3BFdYxZAIdfMsc-w%3BFYwwZAIdwp4c-w%3BFVYqZAIdrooc-w%3BFfR3ZwIdFq0c-yndK5CZDZ03iDFgN9Fbdvi81g%3BFcTAaQIdHhAd-w%3BFUQuagIdsPcd-w%3BFfE3bwId86gd-w%3BFQdodgIdJnYc-w&mra=ls&via=6,11&t=m&z=8 To keep from reposting this: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=20252&highlight=pace http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?p=884955#post884955 http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=98828 http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Delaney+ridesmart&oq=Delaney+ridesmart&gs_l=youtube-reduced.3..35i39.8999.17866.0.18626. Go find online or buy both Twist of the wrist and Twist of the wrist II ..... Everything below is out of order and from the original post. Ignore everything below it's confusing even to me. Deleting it would be best but I ain't gonna. <<<CHANGES>>> See post #37 for explination I will do both days if needed in case anyone made plans to do this on Saturday. Let me know if you were planning to do this and haven't spoke up publicly yet. See post #54 for my decision to flake on riding both days I will be riding Sunday only. My nephew is a new rider & I would like to expose him to riding the roads south of us so we are going out from 82 & 83 Saturday morning at 10:00AM. I have a route in mind with alternatives that will change based on how he is doing, minimum 181 miles maximum 296 miles. I haven't seen him ride yet but he picked up a TL1000 a few months ago and I'm guessing he is ready for some help. I'm kind of excited to take him out, I remember giving him rides when he was little and hope this is something we can share. I intend to make him go slow first doing things right so this will not be a ride like others might be used to with me. If anyone up our way is interested in this kind of ride you are welcome to join us.
  8. I bet it would be even harder to crash a four wheeled vehicle going in a straight line. (Read with sarcastic font.) When or if such an event happens the fluids need to be cleaned up and the track surface needs to be reestablished. Ruining the tracks launch surface isn't hard close to the lights.
  9. Make sure you have accounted for all costs before setting a price. Ambulance and clean up fees can get big if there is a wreck with damage to the track. The costs that aren't fixed are what will fuck up a friendly shared cost event. Been there, seen it happen, it ruined friendships and the club dynamics for a very long time. O-R should not be part of the event or should be part of the organizing to make sure the participating fees cover worst case scenario. This way no one is left holding the bag for unexpected expenses with no way to convince others to chip in more after they have paid what was thought to cover the expenses. You have been warned, just call me dream killer.
  10. Most accurate description of this race I've heard so far. Imaginary rep to you via peanut butter rule. I find it amusing that someone could come to the conclusion that re-electing our current President could lead to 1,000 years of total mind control of those that think differently than him. Pretty lofty accomplishment just by winning an election, everyone will just lay down their ideology and continue to support what is destroying them. How little faith in people does one have to have to believe that?
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ud3pK5Wa90&feature=player_embedded
  12. Doesn't MTV play music videos? Last time I watched it they did. Did you kids let them fuck it all up by watching stupid shows so they got good ratings? Shame on you.
  13. What little respect the Navy gets now will be harmed by getting rid of their mens department.
  14. http://us-infantry.com/navy-to-sell-marine-corps-to-army/?fb_comment_id=fbc_10151118632371092_23410806_10151122525676092#f136bd64acb85ee
  15. I think you're right. Michigan Sucks!
  16. I need to get to the park from North Ridgeville for the day Saturday. I want to take the scooter, will be riding two up and want to avoid any highways. I would also like to avoid as much traffic as possible. Can anyone suggest a route that would accomplish this?
  17. I forgot about this. Go left, not https://maps.google.com/?ll=39.619807,-81.233637&spn=0.000004,0.002411&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=39.61982,-81.233382&panoid=imn-JDPpkf_YBojRm58hGQ&cbp=12,266.25,,0,14.62
  18. Safer and most likely less expensive.
  19. Don't worry about it, tell them you know U.P.
  20. What a terrible experience, glad you're able to write about it. The trike probably was safer that a bike in this situation. You were able to keep the wheels on the ground providing all the stopping power that was available instead of having to lay it down and sliding into the car much faster than you were going. Good for you to have the mindset to take care of your wife while you were hurting, just like it should be.
  21. The right etiquette for them would be to get in single file or allow enough space for you to get between them. This is if they are not doing the speed limit or backing up all traffic. If they are at least maintaining the speed limit or recommended speeds then they are under no obligation to oblige your desire to go faster. Having said that as long as you are not pushing them out of your way pass at will. It might upset a few of them but if they were to come up to some grandma on her way to church taking her good old time you can bet they would pass her so why should they be treated special. I have met Goldwing groups, BMW groups, FJR groups, dual sport groups and sport bike groups on the back roads all of them had proper spacing between them to get by them safely; I have only had problems with the cruiser crowd. Not trying to make this about bashing cruisers because I have been on group rides with them and they rode well plus were good guys. I have owned one as well but they do turn into jerks once there is a crowd of them at least while riding. I say pass them as safely as you can, remembering that not everybody is comfortable with another bike in their close proximity. If they decide to make an issue by blocking and swerving return the favor.
  22. You certainly don't need a 1K to have fun or go fast on the twisty roads and I wouldn't have one if I didn't buy it right but passing is a lot easier with one. Not much thought involved just dial up the needed throttle and go. I have had large cruiser groups try to keep people from passing them and it gets ugly for everyone. I didn't give them much of a chance to react and thought you might have paid for my getting by them uncontested.
  23. Tpoppa, did the Harley gang give you any grief? The group was so big they had a chase vehicle; it was a convertible VW bug with big Harley Davidson stickers on the doors, kind of cute.
  24. I can tell you that you are not smoking it out the exhaust. I will lose some on high rpm rides with the Honda while normal riding doesn't see any lose. More of a bypass issue than a burning one.
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