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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. The tractor wouldn't have fit in, didn't the front three bikes need to be a Honda. Besides if that ugly bike that I want so badly had been there I probably wouldn't have been there. The ride was great but getting there & getting home sucked. I now have ridden my bike more this year than last year, five whole times.
  2. All the roads were clean, when I asked if anyone wanted to change their spot no one moved up, I didn't hear any complaints, I even remembered to slow down on the straights which is something I have a problem with at times. We had a good group I think the guy that volunteered to sweep might have had more fun & I probably should have switched spots with him to give him a chance to have some fun. We had one mechanical but it was just a rear brake leak that was found before it put him down. MT had a missed turn but I don't count his antics as a reflection of the groups sanity. I have been involved with groups of this size before and most everybody wants to be in the fast group, even some that shouldn't be. This group was different; we even had to recruit some guys that wanted to be in the medium group to ride with us because we had such a small number that wanted to be in the fast group. Everyone belonged in the group and proof of that is that no one went down and no one came up to me to tell me that anyone in the group was riding over their heads. I enjoyed the day & I hope the rest of the group did too.
  3. My ears have finally recovered from having the twin roaring in my ears. He was behind me but I could hear him over the sound of my bike. Who says sound is directional?
  4. Why would you go that far to ride those roads when you have great roads closer to you? The route was a good route with a great location for a state wide event but Ohio has better or just as good roads to offer closer to you. I wish I could remember when I got hooked on back road twisty riding but its fun to see people experiencing it for the first time and even more fun when they enjoy it.
  5. Touchdown Jesus has been replaced with Zombie Jesus.
  6. Am I to assume it's true that I.P. belongs to the N.R.A. this I have my doubts about? Why would anyone belong to such an organized lobby when their mission is involved with a constitutional right, sounds like extortion from the sheep to me?
  7. Dark hair, gray beard, stylish green one piece suit, riding red Honda. When or if you get any video with I in it please speed it up. Whenever I see video of someone else riding I think why is that idiot going so fast don't they know that shit is dangerous. When I see clips of me riding I think, "Why am I going so slow.” Must be kind of like not liking to hear your voice recorded.
  8. There are a few pictures of a guy that looks a lot like me except his beard has too much grey in it.
  9. I thought I took a wrong turn. I memorized the loop this morning but not how to get to the start of it. We should be able to figure this out. The group I was in had nine until MT left to go plow fields on his own. If the leads or sweeps of the other groups can post their group counts we could have a real total. We did okay for organizing on the fly, some things could have gone smoother. Overall what stands out in my mind is everyone made it home safe. This is unheard off with this many people, everyone did a good job by riding in their comfort zone. I understand people are now thinking they would have liked to be in other groups but the overall outcome being crash free means it worked out well for this ride. I can't thank the guys enough that stepped up to lead & sweep, it changes their ride & their sacrifice is appreciated. Especially when pressed into duty on the spot without notice. I would also like to extend another apology for ending the ride the way it turned out. It was selfish on my part because at the gas stop I figured out if I road back to Newark that I would be getting home way after dark, us old guys don't like that plus it would have been colder than it was. Better planning with cooperating weather and this won't happen again. Lose my number please. Us grey hairs need to stick together, you old squid ( Naval, not idiot biker.). I really like 83 between 146 & 78. You should have seen the Kia Sportage on the last ride, he was moving. Thanks for setting this up NinjaDoc, great location & roads for most of the state to attend. All new roads for me except 78 east of 555. I haven't had so many damn pictures taken in my life, where the hell are they? Who was the guy taking all the pictures, he rode sweep in a group & probably didn't make it in any pictures?
  10. That was a nice little ride around Coshocton.
  11. I will not be late, more like half an hour early.
  12. If there is no rain I'll leave my place at 10:00AM, google maps says 2:43 of drive time, with a gas stop I expect to be there at 1:00 which will be plenty of time to head out at 1:30
  13. The good doctor gave us a prescription of shut the fuck up, troll. Along with a doctors excuse for at least a week off.
  14. This has been played out before; all of the quotes are from another forum. It doesn't appear that English is his first language or he is not all that educated. There are better was to go about what he is trying to do and if he needs others to tell him how to be successful I doubt he will be. Alienating the motorcycle community by lying to them or thinking that they are too stupid to see through your spamming bullshit isn't the best approach.
  15. Before he comes back in here defending himself I would suggest he not bother. I belong to another motorcycle forum that had the exact same post made in it. Come back in here to lie and we will have fun with you, I doubt it will be worth your time.
  16. Exactly why I don't like politicians and this one is included, I don't like a lot of his political convictions and his compromising weak kneed lack of backbone to get ahead politically can’t we all just get along bipartisan bullshit. Don't get me started on the other guy.
  17. The government did not buy the auto companies; they stole them from the owners. Not one shareholder was paid anything for their shares. Then the government went about giving away shares to the unions and trying to sell the remainder to new investors. Our money they gave to the companies went to shore up money the companies owed itself and left thousands of suppliers without payment for money owed to them. When they are in trouble again what do you think will happen? It was a failing business model that should have failed but its problems were so similar to governments that the government stepped in to reset the playing field and left thousands of people without money in their retirement accounts but they weren't union members or public employees so it was okay because they picked new winners.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsyS3xVxTyU
  19. Trigger happy cops should not be an issue for this event or any group ride for that matter. None of the group leaders should be leading through any town with posted speed limits more than ten over posted limits. If they do they should expect a ticket and they are going too fast.
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