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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. They should make violence illegal, that would fix it.
  2. It is a rare occasion when hard braking is needed on group rides. I will touch my brakes as a preset when riding a fast pace in case I need them when riding along with experienced people I trust at an accelerated pace. I have boiled off my brakes trying to keep up with faster people at a way too fast stupid pace that doesn't belong on the street or around a group ride. I have never had an accident nor had one of the experienced guys go down at that pace. It seems the accidents occur with people going too fast for their skill set and not understanding that their survival instincts are telling them to do the wrong things. The pace has little to do in these cases because it boils down to the disparity of skill among the riders. I can't recommend a track day enough to people, not because it will make them faster but because it will make them safer. I was having just as much fun going slower before I had any track time as I do now but wasn't as safe so speed is not the end all of having fun. The pace works out great if you ride around others of the same skills. I like to help people out when doing group rides which means riding with people that have less experience. If you don’t have someone else in the group that is willing to lead and that knows the route it’s hard to help others because you are leading. I have seen disastrous results from passing roads and stopping to turn around to make a turn. If I am leading I try to make sure I know the route. I’ve had lots of fun on group rides but am getting discouraged with the accidents. Riding with only experienced riders would probably change this but I never would have known the roads or gotten the experience I have now if it hadn’t been for more experienced riders taking the time to ride with me.
  3. I would have prefered to ride sweep on a group ride with new people that way I can evaluate and offer help but Jinx rides too fast up front so I thought I could keep things under control better from the front. Guess I was wrong, I think Jinx needs to quit riding it would be best for all involved except him, this way he gets to sell more bikes to the crashers
  4. What a crazy string of events, I'm not sure what to think about it or how to prevent them. We had another guy go down real close to where these guys went down on the first ride out this year. I know anyone of us could go down at any time but I'm starting to think I should only ride with people that I have ridden with in the past. I try to give them a pre ride prep about how things are going to go and what to expect, maybe when I tell them the ride mood and atmosphere will change once we get south of 62 puts too much pressure on them. The pace in the curves quickens but we slow down to 70 between them so we never get too far ahead plus we always wait. The surviving riders rode 83 to 541 to 60 back to 83 we had a Busa with us but it wasn't us that far south. I thought I remembered TigerDoug from a few years ago but he says no it wasn't him. He is a very good rider and had no problem keeping up with the pace; I would suggest he look into C.O.R.E. if he wants to do some longer group rides. He is geared up for distance and went out farther once our group decided it was time to go home.
  5. But you have to get back home so that makes it two hours of boring if you want a good ride.
  6. Metal printing has been around for almost as long as plastic printing, currently you have to add a sintering process to the steps. I would imagine that having a furnace in space isn't practical at this time so the process will need to change. The weight sent to space would be the same it's the volume that offers the benefit.
  7. New rear tire that only had 90 miles on it before today. I didn't look too hard trying to find it, just put bike in the garage after a long day. Depending on where it is I will hopefully be able to plug it.
  8. Let me guess your friend from work is the slow guy that cleans the toilets.
  9. Nice meeting and riding with you TigerDoug hopefully the next time won't be so eventful. It wasn't my ride to post so I didn't put it up on the board. Local guys mostly and it was Jinxes ride so there were some wrecks. Eight riders and I had only ridden with Jinx prior to today. We had two go down with one of them being a cruiser. The first wreck we knew about was a ZX10, as we were there someone pulled up and said that another bike from our group was down about four miles back. Both were transported for "minor" injuries and should be home tonight. The ZX10 looks to be totaled and the cruiser looks like it could be fixed. One of the guys from the group rode back home to get his trailer but I am not clear if he was able to bring back both bikes but he was getting the cruiser for sure. We had a dropped bike in a driveway turning around in deep gravel plus when I went to put my bike away tonight I found that I have a flat. Maybe I should start a thread about plugging it or replacing it.
  10. This should amuse the military guys. http://www.duffelblog.com/2012/07/gay-infantry-marines-protest-female-grunts/
  11. I lost my Dad in '93. I make it a point to call my brother and sister on the day he died and his birthday.
  12. http://washingtonexaminer.com/cbo-to-employers-obamacare-has-4b-more-in-taxes-than-expected/article/2503013
  13. This is what I was trying to address. I agree with the rest of your post. Truth.
  14. I was making the point that very few self defense scenarios need 50 foot head shots and the ability to do so is not needed to have an effective self defense mind set. No one really knows yet what he was or wasn't wearing and I wouldn't be surprised if all reports up until now have been wrong. I was conceding the point that you could make a case for the need of such skills but very few self defense shooting need that ability. To make a point that if you don't possess the ability that you shouldn't be carrying is so far from the truth that it's not an idea others should look at as fact or give much credence to.
  15. I agree with this post with one exception. The need to make head shots at 50 feet is a good skill to have but NOT needed for effective self defense. It would have been useful in the movie theater but that situation is so rare that it really doesn't count just as banning large capacity magazines will not affect such a rare occasion. I cannot make reliable head shots at 50 feet with a sub compact pistol but very few threats need shooting at that distance. I have back up weapons and carry spares, get in my safety zone as a threat and expect to have an effective fight on your hands.
  16. I haven't rode with everyone here but would guess that my suv can keep up with 80% of the riders here on back roads. Parks should be able to verify that, I was surprised as well about how easy it was to keep up with bikes on the back roads and always believed that it couldn't happen. Experience has shown me to be wrong in what I thought on the matter. If you haven't been around a vehicle trying to keep up on the back roads you have no idea how capable they are. Brakes are it's downfall as stated above. I have kept up with the local stunting crowd on the back four lane highways until we get into traffic, mostly because they have the bikes geared so they can't go over 130MPH. Riding a bike is more fun but it's easier to go faster in a car. I have been a passenger in a Z06 at Nelson running 1:12s and other than safety equipment and brake pad upgrades the car was stock. (Older 405HP model.) From my understanding that is a quick pace on that track for a bike. Some are faster than that but it's a very small percentage. I would put my money on a car in most cases knowing that they can be beat but the odds are in most cases it won't be the case.
  17. McDonald's is equal opportunity http://www.365black.com/365black/opportunities.jsp Susan G. Komen supports abortion http://www.lifeissues.org/abortionbreastcancer/komen/index.htm
  18. You must be drinking to not realize that all anyone would have to do is follow the sound of the loud pipes. You should have left it as the electric bike that is was.
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