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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. You do not count as you are too fast to ride with. I bet Chris can tell you how awesome this road is though.
  2. Pauly took us on this rode Friday, I went back to it Saturday & if it wasn't raining Sunday would have been back on it again. http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=GA-60+S&daddr=GA-60&hl=en&sll=34.62764,-83.954867&sspn=0.001194,0.002411&geocode=FTAoFAIdopD6-g%3BFXFgEAIdlfL--g&mra=ls&t=m&z=11 If you can make this road part of your trip you will not be disappointed, especially on a supermoto. The majority of bikes I saw on that road were supermotos.
  3. This may be true but they turn way, way, way better than the XX.
  4. By far a superior choice over the soulless CBR1100XX
  5. You list bikes that are practical and serve your stated purpose then throw in a want and desire bike, doesn't make sense. The other bikes all handle way better, are lighter and have better ergonomics. You can surely do better for a want and desire bike than an outdated bike that was developed in the mid 90s and hasn't been sold for nine years.
  6. How in the hell does the CBR1100XX make it on a list with the other bikes for any kind of close comparison? It is subjectively the best looking and can get 200 miles out of a tank but has none of the qualities the others have for your stated intentions. Is this another matter of a mistaken 636=650 or am I missing something?
  7. I would like to see the word "Marine" removed from the thread title. Not a judgment call on the original post or its subject but just to keep it from being associated with all the stupid that followed. It has nothing to do with the discussion.
  8. I think I've met him as well, short guy that can't touch the ground on an adult sized bike. I don't know about the bike in question but every damn Ducati I came across down south recently was fast as hell.
  9. This is my least favorite thread in the history of me being on this site, please make it stop.
  10. I will probably regret starting this dialog but I'll bite for now. Just what instinct would you be referring to that might put a human in danger or make you worry?
  11. It was meant to be until my tire cut it short. We only did half of 180 until it crossed 129 then we ran that back instead of going on to 28. I like 60 better than the dragon. https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Cherohala+Skyway&daddr=US-74+W+to:TN-40+W%2FUS-64+W%2FUS-74+W+to:TN-30+W+to:TN-315+N%2FReliance+Rd+to:TN-68+S&hl=en&sll=35.372675,-84.285221&sspn=0.075726,0.154324&geocode=Ff6nGwIdzKj5-g%3BFbqDFgIdw1T4-g%3BFcjIFwIdym31-g%3BFTjuGAIdCpb2-g%3BFdBTGwId6Mn4-g%3BFWuoGwIdrqj5-g&mra=ls&t=m&z=10
  12. Fuck yeah! http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=N+Carolina+28+S&daddr=US-129+S%2FTapoco+Rd+to:N+Carolina+143+W%2FCherohala+Skyway+to:Cherohala+Skyway+to:Toccoa+St+to:GA-60+S+to:State+Route+180%2FWolf+Pen+Gap+Rd+to:GA-11+N%2FUS-129+N%2FUS-19+N%2FState+Route+180+to:State+Route+180+to:GA-17+N%2FGA-75+N%2FUnicoi+Turnpike+to:Warwoman+Rd+to:N+Carolina+28+N&hl=en&ll=35.07946,-83.787231&spn=1.215967,2.469177&sll=34.885931,-83.08136&sspn=1.218845,2.469177&geocode=FSoqHQId0Hv_-g%3BFcw-GwIdRBoB-w%3BFfleGwId7K39-g%3BFf6nGwIdzKj5-g%3BFU7gFQIdAJ74-g%3BFT5PEQId-Ov9-g%3BFdCTEgIdHpL_-g%3BFersEgIdZOL_-g%3BFVx_EwIdJGEC-w%3BFe7RFAIdpWQC-w%3BFR4lFQIdXqEK-w%3BFSYqHQId9Hv_-g&mra=ls&t=m&z=9
  13. The bull terrier club of america has a rescue program ....call them 1-800-282-8911 web site below http://www.btca.com/btca_rescue/rescue_frame.htm There is also a rescue group in Columbus area Buckeye Bull Terrier club ....here is an e-mail to one of the rescue team members......glenbully@yahoo.com
  14. I don't know your whole situation but this scenario is one of the reasons you buy from a reputable breeder. They should be taking this dog back and be responsible for finding it a home. Initial upfront costs are sometimes more buying this way but when lifestyle or family situations change the extra added assurance of this being an out takes some of the stress out of an already stressful situation. As someone that has been around the dog world for decades I have seen plenty scenarios where getting rid of a dog was the best thing for all concerned especially the dog. People who are choosing to chastise you are ignorant and lack enough life experiences to make a judgment call on your choices so I would just ignore the negative input as another asshole not adding anything useful. Good luck with getting this situation taken care of, wish I could help but the house is too full of dogs as it is.
  15. http://killboy.photoreflect.com/store/Orderpage.aspx?pi=04RK01OR070159&po=159&pc=1011 This was sport bike victim number four out of five that the scooter passed on my one Dragon ride over the weekend. I love the 250 scooter, the horn isn't as good as the one on the 150 but it hauls balls. Turnone That bike is too beautiful & fast.
  16. Look out for scooter on the Dragon. http://www.photoreflect.com/store/Orderpage.aspx?pi=0QAK016X061123&po=1123&pc=1142 I only made one pass on the Dragon while down there and it was on the scooter. I had a blast and should have done a few more passes but wanted to go see the folks over at Fontana before dark. I ended up riding back to my hotel in the dark anyway so I wish that I would have stayed for the fun. I didn't miss not getting the bike on it at all. This is the first time being there that I have been on other roads instead of the Dragon, Cherahola or 28. This is the most fun I have had down there by far though. I vote 60 as being the best road evar! Four of us took her the other direction Saturday and had a blast. I got schooled by Turnone on it with much enjoyment. Thanks Ken and Pauly for introducing me to her. What a great group of guys to go riding with Friday. I didn’t really plan to ride Friday but I am so glad I went with you guys because it will make my future visits to the area that much more enjoyable. As an added bonus I got to ride in a group that included a Harley in it and wasn’t pissed off at all because it wasn’t holding the group up, good times for sure. We had to cut our ride short Saturday because I finally shagged my rear tire. Had a new 190/55 Pure mounted, loaded the bike in the trailer, took the scooter out and never got the bike back out again because of the rain Sunday. I have heard for years that there are better roads in the area and couldn't imagine it being true so I never ventured out. What a mistake that has been and I promise it will never happen again. I had lunch with Turnone and his son Sunday waiting for the rain and wet roads to clear but it never did so I decided to go visit my brother in Apex, N.C. for the day and would drive home as planned Monday. Wrong, I am still in Apex waiting for a new oil pan to be installed. I had a small leak that I was going to take care of when I got home, well it must have opened up on the trip and the truck would smoke badly when I pulled a steep upgrade hill from the oil burning off the exhaust. I burned and leaked two quarts of oil the first tank of gas getting out of the Gap area. This is going to cost about $1,400 to have fixed, luckily I brought work with me so I haven't lost much time plus I got to see my brother. As an added bonus while he was working yesterday I got to go see my nieces dance recital practice so I have that going for me.
  17. He did not have it on, I told him not to bother because it would just be of scenery.
  18. I was saying "Oh my God" over and over I can't believe we're doing this, "Oh my God" what did he just do, "Oh my God" where did he go? This trip restored all Ducati riders into the rider category. Turnone and I.P. can flat out ride. Turnone left me with boiled off brake fluid trying to stay with him.
  19. I drove through the night. I am sleeping in my. Car in the parking lot by the general store. Don't wake me up too early.
  20. I will be taking my scooter to the gap this coming up weekend so I may have my scooter fix on the nice curvy roads. May not plan another ride for June.
  21. I PMd you before I saw this. I thought the room was not refundable?
  22. I would like to point out to the other dumbfuck posting that likes to tell others that they are being ignored how stupid and juvenile it makes him sound as well. Good company you are keeping there dicklick, I would rate both of you in the same category of being about the stupidest posters we have here. But don't quote me on that.
  23. One southbound lane open two northbound lanes open,looks like going home this could be the way to go. I can go down 77 to 81 from Cleveland & that only adds 1:20 minutes for me if the detour costs more time than that then it might be the way to go down.
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