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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Wherever you are young Marine say hey to Chesty, we'll all be there someday for relief from your guard duties. Semper Fi
  2. I haven't talked to her about that, she is supposed to be working Saturday. If you're interested I'll dress real pretty just for you. I have always liked the bike as well and if I didn't already have three two wheeled vehicles I would want this. I love the Ninja 250 but would have tired of it as my first bike, this bike is a great first bike that you can keep for several years.
  3. Uncle Punk

    2006 fz6

    This bike belongs to my cousins daughter, I'm trying to drive some traffic for her. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/3304668899.html Yes, she is cute, no, I won't post pictures of her. If anyone needs to see it I might be able to make it appear on the dream ride.
  4. I didn't state no big deal; the other companies would have been able to fill the need though. They also would need to hire more qualified people; the suppliers would get back to full capacity. There would be better stability to the market where the supply chain would be paid for their work instead of worrying about getting shafted by a mismanaged company. Currently developed products would be able to put out more capacity, the R&D for upcoming products would be in the waiting already and they would be able to increase capacity on those as well. In the three to five years that the existing products and developed products are put to market they could have hired and created the infrastructure to meet the new market demands. I assumed you had a network of people to draw from, the people you associate with and the people I do have two very different opinions about their businesses though. It's not a level playing field; it's about managing a company so it can be sustained. American auto companies made the mistakes of how they chose to offer benefit packages the other companies didn't, one is able to survive the other isn't. Just because the government doesn't like the outcome of those consequences doesn't mean they should take money from the rest of us to reset the playing field. See above remarks, new products are already developed before release. Capacities can be increased on existing products and the forecast for developed products would increase. Most projects I've been involved with were for products that were three to five years from release, I have even worked on one particular project that was eight years out.
  5. Yes, the remaining ones that were running effectively would have had a bigger market share and added capacity to meet the needs. Are you speaking to employees of public company suppliers that were at one time owned by the big three or are you talking to owners of privately held suppliers? My firsthand feedback is much different than yours; I am talking to owners of privately held companies that are also suppliers or management from these companies. This wasn't manipulation like the currency manipulation it was less government burden to allow survival in the market that changed too rapidly for them to adjust. What our government did here had little effect on the global market for the businesses involved. They are structured and were doing okay globally by the new economy standards anyway. I didn't say they were American car companies but you made a very nice list.
  6. I can go on and on about why people are so pissed at the auto bailout but you don't seem to understand. The company was taken from one group of people (Shareholders that spent their money for retirement & investments.) and given to another group (Union.) free of dept. (They gave shares back to the government for payoff.) This was nothing but legalized robbery with the government picking its own version of winners. I do know that a small minority of auto companies were in dept and the government tried to manipulate that but the industry would have survived stronger without them. I have worked for suppliers or been a supplier for six auto companies, the industry as a whole would have survived fine without the two companies that were bailed out. I also realize that the shareholders would have never gotten back all of their value but suppliers could have been paid and the companies had enough assets that could have been sold to at least given the investors pennies on their dollar instead of nothing, only to give the company away to the unions and potential new investors. (The government is trying to sell their shares.) I am just as pissed about the Wall Street bailout as I am the auto bailout. I also know of the hardships it would have placed on the economy by not acting. Pay a little now or pay a lot later, the problem was just kicked down the road by bailing them out. Making something tangible has nothing to do with the validity of a business nor should it for the government to manipulate the market. There were more auto companies operating fine without our governments help (I know Japan has helped their companies, our government is my concern.) than needed it so the ability to move things by vehicle wasn't going away if that’s what you needed to see to legitimize government intrusion.
  7. Uncle Punk

    two to rotated

    First ride of the season, hit a guard rail on 83 between Millersburg & Coshocton. I'll try to find the thread.
  8. I've been with the same woman for 16 years without being married trust me it's locked down. I will laugh at the fool that would try to step up to show me how it's supposed to be done mostly because she would eat them alive.
  9. The difference between a 5K dog and a 1K dog is only $33 a month using a ten year life expectancy. Don't be a cheap bastard, buy what you really want because you will be looking at it for a very long time.
  10. Daniel Defense has six barrels in 16" do you know which one? Only one magazine going with it?
  11. That is too funny, thanks for the laugh, +rep. It was nice meeting you, you old squid, you kept me from being the old guy on the ride. If you identify yourself as a monkey to be offended by the comment then maybe you should be offended. If anyone from my family acts like an animal feel free to call them any type of name you choose.
  12. What happened to the tail section?
  13. This was my fourth ride for this season, not counting the Deal's Gap trip. Two rides had wrecks, one of them with multiple. I lead at some point on all of these rides but the common rider on the rides with wrecks is Jinx, which I got to tell him about yesterday. I also got to see a very much neglected black ZX10 in search of an attentive rider.
  14. Some help with riding two up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5P5BxpJGxM
  15. Any idea of what happened to the guy that wrecked that was in the Air Force? I think he broke his wrist; did he remain fit for duty?
  16. Very good looking ride inside your criteria but how much experience do you have riding two up on those types of roads? Will the passenger enjoy it? You have added some blind rises that can be scary.
  17. I called my nephew Monday, lets ride this weekend, sure how about Saturday, hey everyone I'm going to take a noob riding Saturday on a slow paced instructional ride join if interested, nephew says can't make it cause he didn't check his plans, change date to Sunday same deal, Friday nephew says can't make that either because he has to go to his sister's wedding shower, U.P. sad doesn't want to go riding but told people he would, meeting place 82 & 83 yes no noobs can ride different pace if no one in Millersburg fucks it up, only one guy in Millersburg waiting and he is a good rider should be fun day, east side crew shows up after getting gas for the tractor, nine bikes all good riders, U.P. has fun and remembers to slow down sometimes to 70 between curves, Kia over achieves, U.P. shows his ass, split off from half of the group on 60 when crossing 62, 300 miles home in less than seven hours, make fun of nephew, nephew now has two strikes for flaking out, one more strike and nephew no ride with U.P.
  18. ^This guy knows the roads in that area as well as anyone you can find, trust him^
  19. No, not at all just going about his business at his quick pace. Once I made it past him he moved over to the middle of the road maybe to be a dick to the others or just needed the extra room to pick up his pace because one of us got past him. It could have been as simple as him not wanting people parking in the corners after out accelerating him in the straights, I'm sure it's happened to him before at the pace he is capable of.
  20. I made it past him but it wasn't because I was out accelerating him quickly, when we were running out of road I stayed in it farther into the corner that I was comfortable with, probably my hardest braking maneuver this riding season. I don't know why he decided to drive down the middle of the road after that.
  21. I love to see the big bikes opened up, I've followed the same two kinds of bikes on a night time run by north Marginal this year. Fun to get out to watch but boring after one pass, (Mostly because I have one of the slowest 1K) I like the twisty stuff for variety.
  22. I'm warming up to the idea of something different, I'm obviously wrong about twins not making power from riding with some very fast twins this year. I just haven't been able to make one go fast yet, maybe if I own one my opinion will change if I don't kill it by overreving it. I've had all types of bikes, I see a Goldwing sometime in the future. I thought about a supermoto but think I would kill it on a ride or have to trailer to a ride. I will go back to a bike style or size once I get to taste all the flavors except a cruiser, I hated the Harley. You got a twin sister? The stuff fantasies are made of. Don't feel ashamed I had to pull a late braking stunt that shouldn't be done on a street ride to get around him. I don't know who is hopping up the turbo Kias but that thing was not stock.
  23. Your map is too hard to read. Nothing north of 39 is going to be entertaining. 83 is going to have more traffic and not as nice scenery but the road won't be as challenging for two up riding so it would be safer. 60 has very little traffic, nice views for a passenger but you will need to keep you pace more in check. This is just a comparison between the two roads, I call 60 a sweeper road compared to the roads I really like. https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Ashland,+OH&daddr=Coshocton,+OH&hl=en&ll=40.570154,-82.087097&spn=1.128683,2.469177&sll=40.805494,-82.155762&sspn=1.124704,2.469177&geocode=FTybbwIdduwX-ymPkkV8TPs5iDGPJETASM4y7A%3BFY-AZgIdCOwe-yn9x1AD-KE3iDGknSXxtuz1Wg&oq=ash&mra=ls&t=m&z=9
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