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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. You are correct, ride that bike off the road where a car can't follow and you are gone, on the road not so much.
  2. Not really out of the loop, I'm fully aware of the outcome and discussions that took place when that happened. I was trying to prevent a debate that I've seen happening on other forums about the hit and run video where sport bike guys seem to think that a four wheeled vehicle can't keep pace with two wheeled vehicles on the back roads. A pickup is not a sports car yet loaded it was able to keep a decent pace and probably could have gone faster as with most vehicles on back roads if the riders wanted to pick up their pace.
  3. Discussion http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2371594 Follow up video to show how bikes frustrate drivers. http://youtu.be/wBIB9F3WrGM Even a redneck with a loaded pickup can run down a bike
  4. This is from the other thread. Casper didn't want the front page littered with political talk so I am respecting his wishes. I'm all for establishing private hospitals that can sell a membership for their services or actually sell their services. If they can run, test, treat and limit their liability without interference from the government. The government will not allow it though; they have created the healthcare cost mess and want to be the savior so they can have control. Some amount of tort reform support from them would have eased the quick cost rise of healthcare.
  5. While you are making logical choices trying to learn and not destroy a bike my vote for starting out on the track would be the 600. I am certain that you will beat any time on the track with a 600 that you are currently running with the Busa. You will learn more about riding and can always move up if you find the 600 wanting.
  6. That's easy for me, I hate the law. I wear mine not to comply but because I want to, like most traffic laws I will violate them if they don't meet my needs. I can't understand how you can have a seat belt law and allow motorcycles on the road at all let alone without helmets. I'm thankful that it is that way but don't get the freedom of one and the over moderation of the other.
  7. We could go into the history of that but it had no bearing to the question being posed. I expect he was looking for continuity among the thought process of liking an outcome based on personal beliefs regardless of the means. I do not want the government to force a purchase from a business even if I like the business.
  8. Multiple flaws with that, the police protection isn't a private business, no fucking way should anyone be forced to buy a gun.
  9. And so the debates begin again. The court ruled that it is a tax and within the government’s authority, they didn't decide if it was a good law or not. I don't see where you are going with "everyone will be involved in the system at some point". That doesn't mean the government should be involved in every business we all get involved with, I can't get my mind around the leap it takes to find it okay for the government to decide the businesses I use. Their involvement only means that the cost is driven up such as is already is now by making the businesses give away free services.
  10. Wow, very, very disappointed in this outcome. Hopefully the republicans can get a super majority in place to repeal the law all together. This is another nail in the coffin of the debt that is not sustainable by government and it accelerates the spiral to harsh decisions that will forever change the countries future. I'm not sure I will recognize this country in twenty years.
  11. This is going to be a very busy news day. http://www.scotusblog.com/2012/06/anticipating-the-health-care-decision-in-plain-english/#more-147840
  12. What the hell do you know you don't even work at a Honda dealership or drive cool cars.
  13. http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?zip=44035&endYear=2008&modelCode1=S2000&showcaseOwnerId=69387&startYear=2006&makeCode1=HONDA&bodyStyles=CONVERT&firstRecord=26&searchRadius=500&maxPrice=39000&listingId=310878964&Log=0
  14. http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2007/09/16/multi-cycle-crash-injures-six-riders/
  15. http://www.buschurracing.com/ Closer for a dyno check and they know turbos really well. Dave is an asshole, knows his shit and is cool as hell if you can make it past the asshole part. Seems priced right but I don't know if I trust putting a turbo on a non turbo car especially buying it third hand. I don't know this but would guess that that high revving motor has too much compression for a turbo. If the H.P. numbers are correct to the wheels that thing would be crazy to drive. I say go with a non turbo CR model, might pay a bit more but won't have the headaches.
  16. I approve of the course this thread has taken but would like to encourage vvvpr to keep trying. These dumb brainwashed kids don't have a clue about what freedom is and can't draw from enough life experiences to be truly enlightened. Keep schooling them maybe one or two will get it but based on the makeup of this board that’s the best you can hope for.
  17. blaa, blaa thanks, blaa, blaa seeing your dad again, blaa, blaa nice ride down, blaa, blaa first time Iron Pony, blaa, blaa bike haven’t seen long time, blaa, blaa no uglies for me, blaa, blaa long boring ride home, blaa, blaa checked out new Cleveland casino, blaa, blaa ate at Brasa.... I learned some VERY disturbing information about Justin today that makes me sad and means that we can no longer hang out together. I'm questioning my judgment about hanging out with the rest of the folks around here too, sad just sad.
  18. Are you leaving from your folks place or home? I'm riding a really minty 2001 W650 for a couple weeks, if you're leaving from up here I might tag along if you don't mind waiting for me.
  19. Much props to the man for forming a plan, executing it and actually has it work out in his favor. Not always the case when alcohol is involved because it multiplies the variables infinitely.
  20. Only copious amounts of alcohol needed.
  21. Now I understand why you are staying that far north when all of the good roads are south of there you cock hound. Good luck on the 27th I rode 80 on my way back from the gap. The road has a lot of potential but it is very dirty, has driveways and cross roads everywhere. Not to mention all the coal trucks, coal miners driving to work and every redneck in a pickup. I rode forty miles of it in both directions between 1:00PM and 7:00PM on a weekday it's a great road but traffic and hazards keep it from being a destination road. I would use it to get somewhere on a motorcycle trip but wouldn't go out of my way to get on it without having other roads to ride. http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=VA-80+E%2FState+Route+768&daddr=VA-80+E%2FHonaker+Rd&hl=en&sll=37.133065,-82.1129&sspn=0.592302,1.234589&geocode=Fa9AOQIdbVIY-w%3BFWT1MwIdytId-w&mra=ls&t=m&z=10
  22. Shouldn't you be going to jail soon how are you planning a trip?
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