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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I couldn't have said it better myself. Crawl back under your liberal troll rock and take the rest of your ignorant uneducated liberal friends with you. It will be the safest place for you because out here in the open you guys just keep getting punched in the face with the truth.
  2. Damn peanut butter rule. Apparently I owe you $5
  3. I find it funny that when we went into a holster conversation it was moved out of this thread as off topic but butt sex and the gay pornz is left in because it's on topic for this trip. Carry on.
  4. It's good to have a point of reference and impressive that you are that well traveled and learned to regale us with your knowledge. I assumed you would simply describe it as something gross instead of a delicacy.
  5. I would definitely replace that tire, that's just not safe. I'll give you $50 for it.
  6. I tried to race in 2008; I don't remember much about the first race except the crazy uncontrollable urge to pee before it started.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=010KyIQjkTk
  8. Who says the internet has too much porn?
  9. I can't believe this but I may have been wrong in one of my earlier replies. It is quite possible that I have been duped by the most cunning troll ever or our new little friend is too ignorant to be made offended. I honestly can't figure it out.
  10. What a pussyfied stand to take, let someone else do it. The police had proven to be inadequate in the area already by the amount of crime that was taking place. (I don't blame the police; property crime shouldn't be a high priority.)This concerned citizen decided that he would be responsible and watch the area. He did call the police and they were still too busy with other business to have someone check out a suspicious person. We don't know what happened next but the existence of a neighborhood watch isn't a point to jump off of for a compelling argument. I'm sorry if you don't have the fortitude to confront someone who you perceive to be a problem, others do, sometimes doing what you think is right isn't easy.
  11. He most certainly was looking for trouble. The reason he was out there doing a community watch was because someone was bringing trouble to the neighborhood. He was trying to prevent any further mischief by letting it be know to the cowards that were causing the issues they weren't doing it in a vacuum. I can't imagine people who were in the area were threatened or bothered by someone looking out for their best interests. If the kid took exception to that and decided that he would confront the concerned citizen by acting like a thug then that’s on him. I would expect that a conversation about whom he knew or why he was there would have made things a lot easier for both of them but that's not what happened. It sounds to me like the kid was looking for trouble just as much as the old man because I doubt the kid was shot for politely replying to a concerned citizen in the neighborhood. He was under no obligation to endure an interrogation for merely existing but having a chip on your shoulder, eluding, confronting or attacking someone is not innocent. I don’t know what happened just as much as any of us debating this but if you are surprised by people who are concerned about their neighborhood and feel that confronting them for being concerned is a proper way to handle yourself don’t be surprised if you don’t like the results of your actions.
  12. This should suffice but they may not be trying to build a case as well. The interview, physical evidence, history of those involved could have given them enough to make the determination that what took place while unfortunate resulted in nothing illegal. It astounds me that people can actually think an entire police department can be inept. What shocks me even more is that these same people think they would know better about how to handle the situation than the police without the knowledge of the whole situation. These are not political figures that we can debate philosophical differences. These are people who are trained to do a job with a rule book they understand. You may not like the rules but to think these folks are inept at their jobs is ridiculous especially when you apply that thought to an entire department. Much of this debate is about people’s dislike of the laws that would allow this situation to take place. I think that is a legitimate honest place of which to start the conversation. To blame the police for enforcing the rules that are put forth in front of them is spitting into the wind.
  13. Not a trick question I'm just curious as to peoples reasoning for choosing a nontraditional holster for carrying. Does this serve as EDC or a specific role? Not much similar between a versacarry and a retention holster yet you find both will work for you? Are you just buying something that is available? Don't you see anything custom you like but won't wait or pay the price? Are you still trying to find something not being offered by the holster market?
  14. Really, that's an answer "Anything except and Uncle Mike's that fits my gun." I hope the new guy has set better standards for himself. Were you planning to carry that gun when you bought it? Did you do any research on holsters before you bought it? Would you make the same decision now that you find your carry options limited?
  15. Fair enough but not finding something readily available shouldn't redefine your needs of a proper holster. I'm hoping for a better answer than that more like what your needs are and how it's being met by this product.
  16. You aren't the first person in this thread that was looking out for him and ignored in haste to find a perceived slight.
  17. What is your definition of a proper holster please? I like that you find the versacarry to meet your needs but can you explain what your needs are that it meets. No wrong answer just curious to hear what a nontraditional holster offers that couldn't be found in the standards.
  18. This is bullshit. I was policing up butts in the Corps over 30 years ago, smokers have always been nasty fuckheads. What has changed is that we have entered the pussyfication of the country where people are actually expecting to not be offended. Peoples actions haven’t changed over time but people think they are so special now that they expect to be treated as such. Shut up and grow a pair, you are not owed everyone else’s courtesy.
  19. Really? You are having a hard time putting forth a comprehensive compelling argument on self defense and want to touch on church and state. You were being warned by someone that most likely shares you views to have a better grasp of your position or you might not enjoy your stay. Having no clue about what he meant is reason enough to question your judgment of jumping into discussions half cocked. I got yellow fever, I got yellow fever You might be listening to the wrong people and repeating an uninformed lie. Sums up all my prior replies I am all out of rep and this is good enough to get all of it when it returns. Cool story bro
  20. If you need to be shot you need to be shot, where on your body doesn't matter. We can discuss this as men or you can be made to be offended. I'm not upset that you have a different opinion because you don't know what you don't know, your choices work for you even if they seem naive to most adults who use their brain. People that know self defense choose to carry because they understand disparity of force, I'm glad you choices work for you but your person philosophy lacks judgment that most aren't able to reason away. (I hope you all are proud of me for containing my comments to a civil reply.)
  21. noob http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=89272 http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=89294
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