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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. If you are bracket racing with a sand bagger time and find yourself winning but fear you might break out do not grab a handful of brakes at speed. Bad things happen.
  2. This weekend I'll be in Decatur, IL and I already have plans to take a friends wife out to go shooting the following Sunday.

  3. No bikes and a kid that's too cute to be yours. I bet you still don't have and time for yourself. Maybe you can smell me if we get a shoot together down your way.

  4. Yes, I'm saying that this election cycle if he has decided to seek the republican nomination he should be loyal to the party he was pretending to represent for giving him the opportunity for exposure. That has nothing to do with seeking a job that you aren't representing people or asking them for support to get that job. If he wants to be president at any cost why doesn't he also usurp himself into the democrat nominee process at the same time? Twice the exposure and he could still run as an independent when he isn't taken seriously by either party.
  5. You need to explain this a little better for me to understand what you just meant. Maybe I'm getting your point and the parties shouldn't have a nominee process at all just a general election where as many candidates that wanted to run should be the choices. If RP believes that is the best way to go then why bother with pretending and lying to all of us that he is a republican? Deciding to seek the republican nomination, when that doesn't work out for him he changes his stripes to run as an independent. I see such a move as not making him much different than all of the other lying politicians. It certainly doesn't make him stand out from the lying crowd as a better candidate, just another one that will lie and deceive to obtain the goal he desires. I think we should expect much better. (Not that we are getting better with our other options.) Now this is all speculation, when he loses the republican nomination and decides to run as an independent will the name calling be earned. I can't believe his supporters would want him to be such a two faced loser.
  6. There's not a chance I came even close to saying that. I'm saying that you have had your chance to vote for RP this election cycle unless he is a complete douche and runs as an independent. If he has been using the republican nominating process to gain name recognition for the purpose of running as an independent all along he is a spineless fuck that hasn't been truthful to any of us. I find that to be a less than desirable person to consider as a viable prospect for a vote. I really like RP and agree with him on 99% of his platform. Most of them are about things that the government shouldn't have been involved in at all to begin with. One of the few things that the government should be involved in is national defense and he is so wrong about that it isn't even worth thinking about voting for him. I think he would have made a fine independent candidate but he missed that opportunity as soon as he decided to run for the republican nomination. If you think that means I think you should be loyal to the Republican Party you need to take a step back and evaluate your fan boy status because it is blinding you and making it hard for me to take you serious.
  7. That made no sense at all if he was trying to defend the position that RP should be able to flip-flop and run as an independent when he doesn't get the republican nomination.
  8. So he is a Republican and won't abandon his roots to run as an independent?
  9. Why would he run for the republican nomination if he is an independent unless he is a spineless two faced asshole with no core or soul?
  10. How are you voting for him? The primary is already over in Ohio.
  11. I agree that we are fucked either way and find Romney to be the worst possible choice in my lifetime for a Republican nominee. (I go back to the first Reagan election.) I will not abstain from voting but only because of Supreme Court nominees and even then I'm not so sure we won't get another Kennedy. (Reagan appointee.)
  12. I hate both of these fuckers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWDJEc92d38&feature=player_embedded
  13. I couldn't have said it better myself. Crawl back under your liberal troll rock and take the rest of your ignorant uneducated liberal friends with you. It will be the safest place for you because out here in the open you guys just keep getting punched in the face with the truth.
  14. Damn peanut butter rule. Apparently I owe you $5
  15. I find it funny that when we went into a holster conversation it was moved out of this thread as off topic but butt sex and the gay pornz is left in because it's on topic for this trip. Carry on.
  16. It's good to have a point of reference and impressive that you are that well traveled and learned to regale us with your knowledge. I assumed you would simply describe it as something gross instead of a delicacy.
  17. I would definitely replace that tire, that's just not safe. I'll give you $50 for it.
  18. I tried to race in 2008; I don't remember much about the first race except the crazy uncontrollable urge to pee before it started.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=010KyIQjkTk
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