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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Truth Best possible scenario Wrong. I had shitty uh-oh moments very often before I made it to a track. Those are a thing of the past now; I can ride a little faster now because of track riding but well within my skill set. I have only had two uh-oh moments in the last seven years that were my fault. Learning to control your bike hardly makes you a snob and I can't see the jump you need to make to get to that conclusion. I try to help as many people as I can when on group rides and don’t think I am better than anyone I ride with simply because I have been on a track. Most everyone I know that has been on a track tries to help others when on group rides so my experience with these folks certainly doesn’t mirror yours. Have you done many track days? If you have we didn't pick up the same skills because I most certainly learned how to handle a dirty corner. I can change my line without upsetting the bike, I can slow down without upsetting the bike, and I can judge my entry speed to leave some in reserve and a multitude of other subtle things all because of track riding. Learning to avoid or recognize hazards that are others fault is something that comes with a mind set and experience but road hazards avoidance skills can certainly be learned on the track.
  2. I don't think much comment on my part needs to take place here. Read the above quoted posts; figure out who the asshat is.
  3. Isn't this the normal riding payload?
  4. Ignoring some of the more complicated errors (Easy ones in red.) please refrain from accusing others of being stupid if you are going to put your shortcomings in the accusations. It just makes your point kind of silly and hard to take serious.
  5. I'm still not 100% on this trip yet (about 85% in) but has a place to go shooting been found in case of wet roads?
  6. I understand that now after rereading the thread. I am confused about why it needed to be a PM if he wanted it posted? I think your views on OC are fucked up and prepare to receive a PM stating so.
  7. Your constitutional rights do not trump property rights in this case. Chevy addressed this, no handgun no inform. A LEO can't be expected to know every law and Wal-Mart employees can't be either. Should we get bent out of shape for either discretion? Negative rep for disagreeing is childish; posting PMs is beyond being childish. I don't like Tpoppas stance on OC but do believe he is doing what is best for his business, in fact good for his business. Having one OC customer pissed off is the best course of action for him and meaningless in the big picture. I open carry at home in the yard, at work and to the convenience store by the shop when it's hot outside. I fully expect that someday I will meet someone that won't like it but I won't be surprised about it and I won't be a victim either.
  8. An 80 pound woman, I've got to meet her. Maybe take her boating, you know anything under 100lbs has to be tied down.
  9. For the record I think it would be retarded to make a licensing system like mentioned above and thought it sounded so ridiculous that no sane person would take it seriously. I think our schooling & testing system for CHL is unnecessary, intrusive, ineffective and should be done away with. I think one is foolish to not be informed of the current laws but being stupid shouldn't be regulated. Your desire to regulate our rights even more than they are now is unfounded based on evidence of other states having no licensing system. Why would you suggest such a thing when it is clear that it isn't needed?
  10. Several states do not require "permission" to conceal carry as it should be everywhere. Chaos does not take place in these states. Self-defense is a human right and never should have been regulated in the first place. Being competent is not the government’s responsibility. They can punish you if you cause harm as necessary. I can send this into all kinds of different levels of competency debate that would take this into many tangents so how about a motorcycle one. I say no one should be able to ride a motorcycle on the street until they have earned their expert road racing license. There is no way anyone can know how to handle a motorcycle on the road unless they have reached this level of training. Sorry cruiser, scooter, touring riders you can never reach the level of competent motorcycle riding. I know this is a poor example because riding isn't a protected right but the slippery slope follows the same path.
  11. We don't know each other so don't take this wrong. You can take this stupid fucking idea and shove it up your ass. If you need the government to hold your hand to make decisions go for it but free people should do all they can to keep the government from regulating a constitutional right. Preaching this looney lefty bullshit won't endear you to free thinking people.
  12. So you're saying that if you lift the feed tray it will stop a runaway feed or will it cause a cook-off that sends shrapnel into everyone around?
  13. I have been trying to stay away from posting in this thread, it has enough stupid that it doesn't need me but this is so interesting I need to learn more. When you say melt do you mean it turns into a liquid pile of mush? Will a hot barrel cause a cook-off? What do you do with a jammed gun that is hot with rounds in it? We need to know these things and be trained so we can carry a magazine feed 33 round sidearm for self defense. I see your point and wish the rest of these dumbfucks would shut up long enough to learn something.
  14. Similar situations have happened to me or groups I've been riding with more times than I can remember. (Pickup truck every time.) The last one would have ended ugly if the sheriff’s department hadn't been waiting for the whole group at the next stop. Bikes lose every time in a pure vehicle confrontation and I assume everyone else is armed also. I do understand being pushed to the "fuck it" stage and wanting to go for it anyway but it’s a good way to ruin a ride.
  15. Uncle Punk

    v2gl c 020112

    Not my picture, I got it off of facebook. The small cases were swag at the shot show. I didn't get any of them when I was there.
  16. You carry a plastic handgun in a plastic holster, 10/22 with a wood stock works fine but isn't cool enough? WTF is wrong with you? Prejudice much? I say this thread gets moved to R&R & we ban the offender until he can fully embrace the superiority of polymer.
  17. I needed to check to see if I was being ignored and just knew what would draw a response. Thanks for restoring my faith in grammar Nazis; they are one group that can be depended upon to not be able to control their affliction.
  18. I hope you guys appreciate how hard it was for me to make that last post. It took me several tries.
  19. I will not be ignored. Your not going to get away with this, I would rather you ignore me then correct my mistakes.
  20. Same rules different enforcement? I understand how that's not confusing and makes sense. Once again I would like to request mod status so I can post in closed threads and ban any of the pussy complainers that want to ruin the R&R section.
  21. We have gone through this before I'm sure but I am still not clear about this. What rules a different in the R&R section from the main site?
  22. Yeah I was there so I have a clue about the sequence of events. Am I to get the impression that he could have made the post he did in the R&R section without any infractions?
  23. I quoted him for a reason. I will bitch like a little girl if the jack booted thugs modify my posts. I don't have a problem with his language and have maintained all along that a section where you could say anything would be where I spend most of my time. I participate in a forum with no rules and it is much easier to get rid of dumbfucks when you can relate to them in a manner in which they can understand. If you are just a loud mouth without any substance behind you I guarantee you will be very frustrated by the time you leave. Those that remain actually are very interesting and it becomes a very well behaved site not the chaos you might expect. I wish I would have gotten the opportunity to converse with our banned thread starter I bet I would have been able to make his head explode but over moderation is preventing that from happening. I don't understand why there is an R&R section when the same main site rules apply.
  24. Now this is how to get a thread moved. I wonder how this will go over on such a heavily moderated site?
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