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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Sport bike = crotch rocket Cruiser = crotch crawler Scooter = panty dropper
  2. Let me take care of this for you. Supermoto bikes are as cool as you can get without riding a scooter.
  3. If the cruiser guys get their own place here I want one for us scooter guys. I promise we won't gay it up too much.
  4. Not sure at all. The product is finished but currently product liability lawyers are holding up its final release date. That date is no longer in the hands of those who want to sell them so there is no real definitive answer to your question.

  5. Uncle Punk

    Norwalk, OH

    See if you can get in contact with Sniper_308 he worked in Wakeman and should know all the best joints in the area.
  6. I hate the remaining viable candidates and if it weren't for the Supreme Court I would abstain from voting for a president. This debate about healthcare is going to get a lot of coverage next week when arguments are made. June is going to be very interesting when the verdict comes out. I’m still on 5-4 against but doubt it will be an overhaul of the bill until after the election cycle in November and all of the new offices are sitting. Unforeseen twists or turns can happen but I doubt the bill gets thrown out totally even though it is an option.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qhm7-LEBznk&feature=player_embedded
  8. http://news.yahoo.com/4-republican-justices-control-fate-health-law-115552374.html
  9. I think he is right, why would you want to escalate a situation. I intend to help him with his cause and will make it over to D.C. as soon as he disarms the police department. Escalating a situation is no way to handle a violent criminal and until the police learn that people will continue to get hurt.
  10. Rep killar is the new rep superstar. (Evil plot?)
  11. It looks like I have lost all my rep as well. Can I.P. get that fixed for me?
  12. I thought I was piling on.
  13. While my personal Korean scooter has never hit a dog I have heard that it would be an excellent dog killer.
  14. As a general rule, no. This goes along with the whole cost of ownership being lower for the better ones. As with anything deals can be had but waiting for them usually means you miss the boat when it comes to time enjoying your purchase. You have treated yourself to a top of the line discretionary toy why not do the same for her? If she ends up not utilizing it you will, scooters are a blast.
  15. As with most things those two criteria’s don't go together. Cost of ownership is usually less with a more expensive scooter. I put over twice as many miles on my scooter last year than I did on my street bike.
  16. My 3-4 went last summer, swapped for a rebuilt, and did not get it built. I replaced my engine two years ago, common problem with the same rod bearing. Talked to a dealer a few days ago who told me that he has taken four of these in as trades, warrantees them to resell and has had to replace two motors. The expense of keeping this piece of shit running is keeping me from buying something new.
  17. An unrelated time waster, no hula hoop in this one either. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=752_1327014971
  18. Do you guys think upper management will be mad at us for being mean to the cruiser crowd? I am so ashamed of your behavior.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Nb_KJyMHgw
  20. I loves me some older ladies and look they have formed a club to put them all in one place for me.
  21. I missed this thread until now. Thread title suggested a reply of "Aren't we all." but it has taken a nice entertaining turn. If the cruiser folks want to hang together and not ride like the idiot crotch rocket riders that makes sense to me but why limit the size of bikes to 500cc if all you are going to do is cruise? I can keep up with most any cruiser with my 250 scooter. If the goal is to have a group of women to promote safe riding and do community service why limit the size of bikes used to ride safely? Unless you are really looking for women to be just like you. Have you vetted the folks you are helping with your community service to make sure they agree with your life choices? If someone can’t help because they don’t believe in your choices it makes sense to exclude those who don’t believe in them when they need help. When we do group rides we have 1300cc to 250cc bikes and a couple of cruisers or scooters thrown in here and there. If you are riding by safe group ride rules then no one is left out. Sport bike folks must be more tolerant than the crotch crawler crowd.
  22. Did you come out of your hiatus just to give me shit? I will bitch for more than a month if you guys mess up the good thing we have going now. Leave this shit alone guys we have it good now the more oversight you invite the worse it will be. As it is now it’s a stop and go if signals don’t work who wants to wait two damn minutes when the whole situation can be done in three seconds. I just don’t understand why you guys want to wait longer. I am never inconvenienced by lights when riding by myself.
  23. You guys are determined to fuck this shit up for me. I like the signals that don't work; I wish none of them recognized a motorcycle. I pull up to them and go about my way. Way more efficient than waiting for the whole sequence to happen. Now you fuckheads want me to wait two damn minutes. What a waste of my time. Can't you please leave shit alone?
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