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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. If this makes it to trial I hope the prosecutor has the sense to charge him with something that will result in a conviction even if it is jaywalking. The L.A. riots could have been avoided if the prosecutors hadn't of over reached with their charges. It would have been a slam dunk to have charged them with assault. Based on protests so far if this makes it to court there better be a conviction or expect to see riots. I don't know what happened in this case but I would have no issue if it doesn't go to trial. A death does not mean a crime was committed.
  2. Did the riders have an endorsement or current insurance?
  3. There is a slight chance I may end up down there with you guys. A few of my friends had decided to go down there May 11-14. May 13 is mother’s day so we might be scrapping the whole trip. August is the soonest anyone can get together again. I might crash your party if we can't come up with an alternate weekend.
  4. +1 on the Ventura, I have ran them on my last six bikes. They hold the baby well.
  5. Bring me my trailer, I will trade you 50 pounds of puppy meat & will quit pimping out your momma.
  6. Hey, all of you all are a bunch of dicksqueezers! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDbFEjUNXak
  7. I will do a track day I promise. Can you deliver it to Grafton?
  8. I wonder if the other site has a better rep system? I know they don't ban people or close threads.
  9. I could also use mod status for more rep of which I am currently out of.
  10. I had figured that this would take place and once again would like to request mod status. I promise to not use my powers for evil only to post in closed threads and maybe read PMs.
  11. Jack booted thugs at it again. That would be a dick move. People can decide to ignore and not post but closing it would do what, other than prove you are unable to handle controversy.
  12. Quick somebody call a wambulance
  13. Never thought you attacked them or stated so. Attacking your wife was a douche move and doubtful the little pussy that did that would do it with men present.
  14. At the risk of having to call myself a pacifying pussy. Fuck yeah! Quoted from their site. I will have to say this is a fair assessment of the situation. Can someone who posted on the first page please edit their post to include the link to their thread about this latest drama. I'm tired of having to go to page 12 to find the link.
  15. I hear they want to crash one of our planned rides. That would be so cool, the more the merrier. I just might plan another scooter ride this summer, everyone is welcome.
  16. Have you seen my e-penis, it's huge!
  17. Challenge Oh my fucking god, some dumbfuck over there just made my day. This has made my efforts here worthwhile. I “is” now being talked about by the junkies. I find it even funnier how ignorant the poster is about my nut swinging to Ben's will as I'm sure he will as well. Keep it up over there guys or bring it in here it's all good. Give me some more time I'll try to help you guys out with some more material.
  18. It's getting very very cold, another move I am in strong favor of.
  19. WTF have you and Jbot morphed into the same pacifying pussy. I can't wait to bang that sweet midget Asian punane, I’m here for the gang bang. Bullshit, too many rules here. Jack booted thugs trying to keep a brother down. I think the other site is moderated less, what now bitch. Outstanding, I approve this move.
  20. Their thread over there is fun to read. I think the drama is entertaining after all it’s just the internet. Some illiterate halfwit over there thinks a lot of folks over here are yuppie morons all the while showing how stupid he is. I would rather be a yuppie moron than a dumbfuck that wants to throw shit but is too stupid to put a sentence together. The typical argument on a motorcycle forum is being made there as well, suggesting somehow that because some of their guys are faster than some of the guys here this site is inferior. I’ve stated this before, it doesn’t matter how fast you are because that doesn’t insulate you from being an asshole. If being faster than others made you superior or the rest of us lame then only MotoGP champions should be talking about motorcycles because there isn’t anyone on either sight that is in that league so therefore we all must be lame, using their own logic against them.
  21. You big fucking pussy. This has to be your worst post on here ever. If you can't find a way to continue the drama shut your pacifying lips by sucking my big black cock.
  22. Can't ride until I get my fork seals replaced & I haven't even started the process. Your skinny little ass needs to eat a sandwich.
  23. You need to put her on a diet, she shouldn't out weigh you.
  24. Looks like he has your number little boy and your attempt to gay up the thread has been thwarted. What does being a Marine have to do with riding other than being ugly and smelling funny?
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