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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Wait, I'm confused, "NO" to anal? Why would the professor care?
  2. I thought the same thing. In case anyone is confused "Michigan Sucks!" and that means the whole state.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrAqs4MGBjI
  4. I like the tribal tattoo on the tyrannosaurus, very funny if she is fucking with you, sad if she is serious. I hate group projects as well especially if I don't get to pick the team.
  5. Glad I'm alive as well. Thanks for your concern.

  6. That is a common tale among the cruiser community I didn’t think anyone in the sport bike world would believe it let alone repeat it, the story is not true but it does get repeated often. Think about it logically, the same good rider on a sport bike will beat his own best time through there on a Goldwing. Don't get me wrong I love Goldwings and hope to have one someday when I grow up but they aren't going to beat a sport bike through any road course using the same rider on both bikes. A well ridden Goldwing will stay with any well organized group ride, hell we had a T-Max scooter along on a group ride without an issue.
  7. Don't you already know how to wrestle with pigs?
  8. You guys understand that you are just making a menu with pictures for the jbot.
  9. There seems to be a run on 5 axis machines lately and a shortage of people to run them. Do you have a government contract? I have done a lot of work for this company. http://www.polycase.com/ Hundreds of pcb enclosures.
  10. Hey fuckface, stay out of my free dinner campaign
  11. I don't really believe you that no one will be coming to arrest you; they have to be you are a gun wielding mad man. Why would you desire to cause such panic in an eating establishment?
  12. WTF! All you open carry fags are just a bunch of posers and there is no way you actually open carry in public, what a bunch of keyboard commandos.
  13. While reading this all I can think of is. "Never get into an argument with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." I can't believe he got some of you to actually try to comply while feeding his homosexual tendencies.
  14. Conflicted. I am disappointed and proud of you at the same time.
  15. Isn't that what you are doing now? Attention whoring, you douche bag! You do a whole lot of things that would be considered looking for trouble. Shut up, the grown-ups are talking. We have a pervert here that wants to look at pictures of guys crotches, unless you can help with that keep silent.
  16. If people are handling loaded weapons in public trying to show them off then they are morons. If you think someone sitting down eating with an open holstered firearm is showing off you are a moron.
  17. This is not a valid argument or point. Someone’s ability to execute their own personal philosophy does not prove or disprove their stance in most cases. If I were to be able to remove your firearm does it make your personal choice invalid? Of course it doesn't and the inverse is also true. I think the poster you are referring to is full of shit but proving your ability to thwart him physically doesn't make him any more wrong or you more right. We have had this type of argument in here before and being able to out ride someone doesn't insulate you from being an asshole nor does being a poor rider make you a piece of shit.
  18. Why would there be a law against it if it's good for personal protection? Why even regulate it at all? You are a target just because you have something of value on your person, so you would advise against wearing a watch or jewelry? Nice theory without any proof but yeah I bet it could happen. Let's see if I can speculate about things as well. Criminals will stay away from someone open carrying to avoid the chance of failure. Criminals pick victims based on chance of success most people who appear to have the means or desire to fight back are avoided. But yet they still open carry. "If they were really concerned about protection they would conceal carry." L.E.O.s have and utilize all of the equipment described because they arrest people and that produces very erratic behavior. I'm going to let a criminal go about their business if they are no longer a threat; I'm not the one who is going to lock them up. Don't start none won't be none. Again, nice theory without any supporting evidence. You can be charged with inducing panic behaving in a lawful manor. You could induce panic showing up all thugged out walking while black in some rich lily white neighborhood but you're not getting charge with it. Absolutely couldn't agree more. My personal property rights on my personal property trumps your constitutional rights. Who is going to shoot these people if there are no firearms permitted? A trained L.E.O. that knows the law or someone else carrying that thinks they should be the only one. You appear to be living in some fantasy world imagining situations that could happen when there is plenty of antidotal evidence to prove otherwise. Can't do that, it would be illegal.
  19. When concealed carry was illegal in Ohio was it a valid method of protection if one chose to break the law? What if there was no law prohibiting carry of any manor does that make concealed carry a better option? I'm having a hard time understanding how behaving in a perfectly legal manor is an abuse of a constitutionally protected right. I can understand how most L.E.O.s aren't interested in protection that's why the dumb fucks open carry, if only someone would show them the error of their ways.
  20. WTF are you trying to turn your motorcycle money into as many firearms as possible?
  21. No regrip required with the Kahr PM9 you just can't be a cry baby about the snap it puts into your wrist. The negative about it is the round count but it beats the hell out of the Glock for size and ease of carry. I can seriously carry a G19 concealed better than a G26; the barrel length allows the grip to be pushed out too far. Not for lack of trying I really thought I wanted a G26 until I tried it next to a G19.
  22. I retract my earlier recommendation for the Kahr PM9 then. I didn't know you actually wanted to shoot the damn thing. It is snappy and not fun to shoot a few hundred rounds through. It is easy to carry though and I think you are trying to find something that will be a poor compromise given your conflicting desires.
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