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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Uncle Punk


    You should have asked the little Yellowbastid about it, isn't he the king of Asia? If I remember correctly the last group ride I was on with you, I was at the back of the slow group and you were no where to be seen. You have to show up, you volunteered to lead.
  2. Uncle Punk


    I can't commit to leading because I don't know how long or even if I can ride. I want to be home by 7:00 PM at the latest. I have a 10 hour ride in mind but it couldn't get done with any of the slower riders. It's not my ride so I can't tell them they aren't welcome. Maybe I should post a fast ride and have it be, keep up or see ya, no waiting, unlike most group friendly rides. There are plenty of guys on here that I have ridden with who could do that type of ride. That would be a dumb thing to do if I can't ride though. Did I.P. just volunteer to lead providing he can find a good mechanic?
  3. Uncle Punk


    I might join in. This will be my first ride since July & I don't know how long I can ride or if I can. If all goes well and I can ride I have some demons that need to be addressed and intend to slay them at illegal speeds. A lot of pinned up frustrations come from not being able to ride for so long. I can be in Millersburg at 11:00 am.
  4. I have a hard time justifying a motorcycle for police duties in the northern states when they can't be used all year long. From limited yearly duty to officer safety I can't see how they are needed. A cruiser can be used as a weapon, not so much with a bike. A lot of stops require a cruiser on scene for transport of drivers who are illegal and most departments won't chase over 100 MPH. A skilled driver in a cruiser with lights on should be able to keep up with any motorcycle if the chase stays inside pursuit speeds, outside of pursuit speeds who cares if your vehicle can keep up, you’re not chasing anyway.
  5. I am in Indianapolis right now for the Indy1500 gun show. The drive is next weekend.
  6. Hope your ribs are healed up by then and you have the bike put back together. We have to represent the Hondas. If we get another nice weekend this year I plan to do some riding. My finger won't be working yet but I can pump blood to it now without too much pain.
  7. My SUV puts about 338 HP to the wheels and going to straight pipes only adds 6 HP. There is no way anyone needs that little bit of extra HP % gain on a street bike. They just want to be attention whoring asshats. If they were worried about safety they would put a pipe on that faced forward. I don't like to ride behind anyone with a loud pipe no matter how they ride. That's why I try to get up front on group rides, because my ears are sensitive.
  8. He needs to be able to outrun those shitty slow Hondas before he goes BMW hunting. He is now telling me that I shouldn't believe everything I read. He's right I don't believe Kawasaki is the new HP king.
  9. I can't wait for the texting barrage with Jinx today. He wouldn’t stop on launch day, my turn now. I wonder how those apples taste now.
  10. Uncle Punk

    angry gorilla

    How rude, you must think we all look alike. Michelle is a woman, that is a picture of a male. Please don't insult us males.
  11. So we are at November 6/7 for the first available date? For those of you who haven't driven with a passenger doing this kind of driving and are thinking of bringing someone along be sure they can take it. I made my girlfriend turn green down at Deal's Gap in about 1/4 mile. I was too far from anywhere to leave her so I had no fun driving. Oh yea, if the weather is warm enough to ride I will be out because I haven't ridden since July 31st.
  12. Page two and no one has pointed out this is a re-post? It's in the R&R section because one of the mods thought people were bashing cops and moved the thread.
  13. Have to go to the Indy 1500 gun show the 23rd & 24th this month.
  14. I had a blast following some of the Coshocton crew down there this summer. A car can keep up with the fast group of any ride I have been on running the back roads. Passing other vehicles is more difficult than on a bike and I did get some brake fade. The cars that would be faster than me on a track have a disadvantage on the back roads because they tend to bottom out like they do in the kink at Nelson. The only thing I drag is my hitch sometimes. We should get a trip for cages set up especially since I can't ride a bike right now.
  15. 1:12s in a car at Nelson is way different than 1:12s on a bike. Way less drama in the car without the sensation of acceleration. Cars are superior to bikes for getting around the track but not nearly as much fun.
  16. My SUV can keep up with 90% of the sportbikes on here riding the back roads. I could make a run down 60 and up 83 but you won't see many long sustained 100 MPH runs.
  17. I can't do over 145 because the brick has too much wind resistance to shift into over drive. 115 for three or four miles, no problem.
  18. http://www.aeroforcetech.com/ I know these guys and can put you in contact with them, I have done work for them. From what you're posting I could do that with my SUV.
  19. That's way too many posts, especially when your views are wrong and don't parrot the views of those who are complaining. I don't agree with Justin at all in political views but am not weak minded enough to need someone else to protect me from him. I'm disappointed that people can't ignore or stand opposing views and choose the sensor route instead of a personal responsibility route.
  20. I see now, it's not political threads that really bother folks it's the large volume of them during the off riding season or around election time. I vote we make some software blocking program that will keep Jrmmiii from posting in political threads. That will keep him from being so prolific in the political threads and all will be peaceful on Ohio-Riders.
  21. I need you to stop talking to Jinx about riding when I can't, you big tease.
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