You know 93 runs into 83 right? is 643 a good road? if not just take 93to 83 then head south. If my work allows I might try to make this. Never mind just looked it runs into it to far south my bad!!
Get a 2 liter and some hose fill with gas hang from a coat hanger and you have a fuel tank have done it before when doing carb work. Bad a few more rides with Matt and you could of gone for a total re-paint. LULZ!! You using jbc for the paint?
Didn't realize he has posted any other threats? My bad Walthersgps. My advice would be to try to block the bullets with your fists of rage you seem to have that might work best.
Weather he needs anger management or not he is asking for options to protect himself. I might be the only one to point out that you could buy a crossbow and maybe a blackpowder gun.
Lol I am only familiar with the roads south east of the 77/70 area I know the roads down there pretty well but west of there I only know 93 down to zanesville with 555 to 78.
Next Sunday 4-1-12 I am planning to take my wife shooting for the first time. Thinking about going to a&a out by nelson ledges. Anyone is welcome to come out.
I am set to do this to my little dr-350 now I just need to get the rack and then wait for a gun show to get the ammo cans. Having a hard time finding a rack for the dr but think this could be made to work.