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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Lol ive got 19+ inthe job and a good pension going why leave and waste it. But i still think about it everyday.
  2. I think about it everyday. I have worked the same job for almost 20 years, i make good money but strugle still to pay for a big house and a big family. I am thinking about down sizing and going back to a less stressful life. I dream of a little house on lots of land, with a lot smaller payment. I would switch jobs but my skill set is very narrow, and i could not make the money i do elsewhere. Yeah the rat race sucks and i would love to throw in the towel, but my wife and kids keep me going.
  3. Next year i get my fourth week of vacation. Should free up more time.
  4. Dunno i just bought a shotgun at the berea show last month an the guy use a cube reader for my debit card? No atf has kicked my door down yet. I see then used at gun shows all the time within the last few months?
  5. Looks good bad, did you do the grill? I am thinking about doing the plastic crome on mine as it has a few small spots that are starting to peel.
  6. Well started to round up all my muzzy stuff to get ready for next month. Pic of when i bought it. Pic of when i took it out to sight in last year.
  7. Yeah was a glitch in the system. And yeah they are already saying they will press charges.
  8. My wife said at her k-mart they had a lady come in with $23k in cards an clean out the electronics dept. http://fox8.com/2014/09/15/gift-card-fraud-fallout-some-shoppers-spend-more-than-they-should/
  9. That sucks, hope you fair well. I am without a bike for the first time in 19 years, and am starting to miss it. Hope it all works out for you Matt
  10. ^^I thought that is what the light and gun in my hand said???
  11. How loud is it a guy at work is looking for a muni lot genny
  12. I have done the same with a tac light and chased them on foot between neighbors houses from the back door after calling the cops. Two nights later while I was at work 20 cars got hit in my suburban neighborhood. They may be back if they are hard up.
  13. Gun show, used hi point with no prints on it. Just saying, if they had a gun on them......
  14. Oh and did i mention its hunting season now? Any free time will be spent with the boys hunting.
  15. No problem. Between work and football with the kids i got no free time right now.
  16. Just looked im on third that week. If you want to drive down i might be in i get off work at 7 saturday morning.
  17. I will let you know scott. Work picked up again if its a sunday im safe saturdays are iffy.
  18. Don't sell it pokey what will you ride around with steve on that dr350?
  19. Wait sould cinci also say ghetto? More so then cleveland in areas.
  20. Hope the leaves fall soon its hunting season in a few weeks. Lol
  21. Why not just build a new box to fit the truck and use what you have?
  22. That would kill my weight loss plans lol.
  23. Maybe if we all chip in we can buy the smallest track lol.
  24. Yeah with it being an auction who knows. Land in this area goes for $1800-$3000 a acre not in the park. With this land being attach to such a large piece of public land it could go higher. You could buy one of the smaller tracks that butts up into the other aep land and it would be like having 100x the property. Why I would give my left ball to get one of the right tracks.
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