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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. I guess it's pretty rare...? Never heard of one. Only made 1 yr? 90?
  2. Whoa...don't mean to bring up...bad..memories...but what happened? If you don't or...can't talk about it...i understand.
  3. Did you ever figure out what the issue was?
  4. Use lots of lube....the ceramic pieces....are sharp. I have scars.
  5. Why do you say that? lol. Welcome to the site, bike looks good to me.
  6. That was deep man. Unfortunately...you'll never be able to touch that perfect. Might lead to jail time, you know...?
  7. That wasn't formed as a question...so there is nothing to answer.
  8. You didn't take any pics!? Hot...or not?
  9. NightRider


    Just answer these...is she hot...? Roughly...how old...?
  10. To each their own. I mean...i wouldn't kick her out of bed...but i dunno. I think this hottie is hotter.
  11. NightRider


    Yeah..i've been there. Like the boss...or any higher up's got it out for you. It's either kill her...or kill her kids. I mean...obviously..the kids are the 1st choice.
  12. Yeah, it was pissing me off big time. I got out of it, what i put into it. So..no big deal. And...yes i'm the most impatient guy you'll ever meet. If you got the money...i would go buy a running beater bike man lol. Something that looks like shit, but runs good. I know how you feel, i wanted to ride like hell too. But...not really cool to do that when the bike sounds like it's gonna blow up at any second all the time. Oh well...i'm back in the waiting boat..just like you. Glad i could rejoin you.:D

  13. NightRider


    Have you tried the balls across the face thing...? I mean...maybe all she needs is a little loving...to lighten up.
  14. Must....not....fap. *fapfapfapfap.....fapfapfapfapfappityfappityfap...fap...fap* In all seriousness to me megan is hot....but she's not THAT hot.
  15. NightRider


    Wow...really? I would have told her her mouth smelled like herpe breath or something.
  16. You fuck head...i was waving that i ran out of gas. lol. How did he wave...? I had an old Hd guy on an 883 stop when i ran out of gas on my brother's bike. If i notice you on the side of the road, i may not be much help...but i'll stop.
  17. I knew the gay force was strong in you. Thanks for confirming.
  18. NightRider

    100 4844

    Nice bike.
  19. NightRider

    69 Z 28 1

    Pic looks a little dated...when was this?
  20. *doing well. Sleepy, but good. How are you?*

    This has got to make it to my page for me to see it lol. Don't worry, i do it all the time. Doing pretty good. You made it out to any events this year?

  21. I guess his wife is cool with...or at least...she buys him lap dances. Right Kos...?
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