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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. So...i've now basically came across a project car. Needs a new clutch. I've been quoted at around 200$ or a little less on the clutch kit, and roughly 1000-1200$ on the labor. I'm sure i could find a kit off ebay cheaper. Just wondering if anyone happened to know someone or a place that could do better than 1000-1200$ in labor. Car is a 1992 Toyota Celica gts. Thanks for any info.
  2. 197$? Does it vibrate....? Even a little for gen3flygirl?
  3. Anyone NOT from the Cleveland area going to this?
  4. Glad the kids should make it out ok at least.
  5. Ahh man. Where is V4?
  6. How did you figure this one out?
  7. So your getting rid of both your bikes?
  8. DIAF. That is all. Thanks.
  9. Considering i wrecked the bejeezus out of it...any work to it would have been a major improvement.
  10. No. I only ask...because it said AFJ on the back windshield. I think the suv was gray. Going about 60. Bike was yellow, looked like a track bike. Looked descent.
  11. I only caught a glimpse of it as it passed, as i got caught up in traffic. But who was trailering the Gsxr on 70 West tonight? Suv. From what i could make out. Assfaultjunkies.com on the back of the windshield. Anyone from here? Just curious.
  12. Thanks douche. In all seriousness. Happy birthday.
  13. This is disturbing to say the least. Many thoughts come up, when you hear of this stuff. Never really know what to say. It's always a shocking, tragic wake up call when someone goes down. Even more so if it's someone from here. Rip Tim.
  14. I only use Chrome because Safari just quit working on me. Period.
  15. What was the purpose of the beta? What changes? Can you switch back?
  16. Chrome beta? No. I have the original version. Didn't know there was a beta.
  17. Wow. If wrecking wasn't bad enough. Possibly getting mauled/eaten by a bear is god pissing on you.
  18. I have chrome too. I can see the pictures fine, and they expand ok for me as well.
  19. lol. Hardwood floors. Always the best.
  20. I was gonna say...a corvette? Sure. Nice cars...but they're not Ferrari's. Now we're talking. This was actually seen in Kershoctin?
  21. This should be right up Swingr's alley. All that effort...on scooters.
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