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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. I had this same debate not to long ago. Find the "considering swapping bikes" thread. ended up getting a monster instead of a cruiser. couldn't be happier I did.
  2. The tank may have had anywhere from 2 gallons or less in it. I dont recall how many gallons I put in it when i filled it up, but I probably had about a 1/4 tank left, so might have had 4oz/gal or higher. Might have been running on SeaFoam-free gas that was already in the fuel line for a mile or so and then the little bit of gas with too much SeaFoam that was sucked into the line while I rode to the gas station hit the engine when it stalled, then the normal ratio gas was running through from then on so no problems. That's my thought anyway. Unfortunately I can't really test my theory til springtime...
  3. Now that you mention it, I'm thinking this might be the case too. I only put about 1 mile on the bike after filling up before this happened and was pretty light on the throttle, any misfiring may not have been as big of a deal at lower RPMs. It also seemed to idle a little higher at start-up than usual. I also hadn't thought about this until now, but the Monster was much less appreciative of me adding the SeaFoam before filling up and stalled out when I first pulled away from the garage to get the gas. I figured I lived so close the gas station it wouldn't be an issue putting some in before filling up the tank, thinking it would mix it throughout the gas better due to the force of the incoming gas. Must have had a lot less gas in the tanks this year than in past years when adding the SeaFoam cause I've done it this way for a few years without any issues. Live and learn I guess. Thanks for helping me think this through, panic brain isn't the best at seeing the obvious answers.
  4. Dumbass did read directions. Can is 16oz. Directions say 1oz/gal of fuel. R6 holds 4.5 gallons of fuel. Therefore, it should get 4.5oz of seafoam to a full tank. 4oz/16oz = 1/4 of a can, which is erring on the side of not adding enough. I've used it in every car and bike I've owned with no problems. I've even used it in this bike every winter since I've owned it. I'm wondering if I just overfilled the tank and the tank breather tube was blocked and starved the engine for gas at high RPMs. Or maybe there's some maintenance that needs done?
  5. Thanks for all the input guys. I'll check out the battery terminals tomorrow and the kickstand as well. If it's a fuel issue, is should work out after a few miles since the gas should be well mixed now. And I didn't measure how much seafoam exactly. It was a 16oz can, I put about 1/4 of it in.
  6. I was getting the R6 all set for winter storage, put some Sea Foam in, rode it down the street to get gas, brought it back to air up the tires (yeah I know, wrong order, but it's about 1/10th of a mile to gas), and then went out for a short ride to work the fresh gas through the system. Got it up to temp around 180 degrees and was gonna do a quick shot down I-675. I got to the bottom of the ramp, changed lanes to get around the two cars ahead of me and punched the throttle. Got to around 8k RPMs and suddenly the engine cuts out. Multiple profanities start rattling in my helmet. Engine kicks back on. I quickly change lanes back over, get onto the shoulder and the engine cuts out again. So I started it back up and hopped off to ineptly look the bike over, check the chain. Seems to be running just fine. Within 1 minute a kind soul in a pickup had pulled over to check on me, who I promptly thanked, but since the bike was running, said I'd be fine. So I got back on and carefully rode back home. No other issues. Nothing felt weird on the ride, engine was smooth, power was normal. No sounds, rattling or otherwise that I noticed when it cut out or any other time on the ride. The battery was just charged up the day before. The bike had not been ridden in about 4 months and the gas was probably about half new, half old, 3oz. Sea Foam. filled it right up to the brim of the tank. The oil has about 800 miles on it and was last changed in early 2010 with Motul semi-syn. The garage seemed to have a slightly different exhaust scent when I was letting it warm up. Any thoughts? Could I have overfilled the tank? Odd quirk of sitting around too long? I don't want to sell this thing if there's something wrong with it.
  7. WHOA! They are doing something! They're repeatedly broadcasting it 24/7, holding moments of silence at NFL games further giving attention to the tragedy. Hell, even The Voice was shamelessly capitalizing on it by having all the singers hold signs with names of the victims! C'mon man! Like Chris Rock said, "I ain't lookin' over my shoulder for the media!" While I get what you're saying, that it doesn't excuse the behavior, be careful you're not discrediting the role and reality of mental illness in these events, because ignoring them is part of the problem.
  8. Paxil's not really the best choice of SSRI's anyway Just be careful with all of the "deal with your shit" talk. If you're able to deal with it, you probably haven't really experienced clinical depression and can't really understand it. It's a physiologic predisposition to having debilitating reactions to stress others might otherwise manage well. Some people with depression are aware of this misguided reaction but are still powerless to overcome it on their own, further exacerbating the problem. Misunderstand this is part of the reason folks who go apeshit like this don't get the help they need. Granted, some of it may be tied to how we're raised to cope with stress and the kind of things we're exposed to as kids.
  9. 5 over the air channels, all Sandy Hook coverage... can we please start to move on or are we gonna keep showing nutcases that the world will stop for them?
  10. Thanks for the suggestion, Scruit. I hadn't even thought to look for a 2-pronged charger, in spite of the fact that it's a ridiculously simple solution... Going to return the Battery Tender Plus I ordered from Amazon and pick up a NOCO Genius charger that uses a 2-pronged plug. Should have thought of that first! http://www.amazon.com/NOCO-G1100-Automatic-Battery-Maintainer/dp/B004LX3AXQ/ref=cm_cmu_pg__header
  11. as long as they are well trained to use them in a crowded school
  12. thanks for the offer, but I'm not sure whatI need help with yet. scruit, what tender do you have?
  13. isn't there a way to connect the small ring for the ground to . something to ground it to something? does the battery tender plus unit need grounding anyway?
  14. can't modify the socket, it's an apartment garage
  15. Here's my situation: I've got the Duc stored in a detached garage that only has a light bulb socket for power. I was gonna pull the battery, but after about an hour of hacking my way to the ill-conceived battery location, I gave it up. The bike already has a quick disconnect for a battery tender installed, so I'm wondering: I have a 2-prong socket adapter in the light socket and an extension cord running down to plug things in, but the Battery Tender needs a 3-prong. Is it gonna be safe to buy a 2-prong to 3-prong adapter and run the battery tender for a few hours once a week to keep the battery topped off? Obviously the ground connection wouldn't be connected... The other option is could I ground the adapter to something like the garage door metal and would that make it serviceable?
  16. Maybe head out after the game is over? No indication of rain for this afternoon and temps to hit 60 by 3pm
  17. I would totally be up for this if the Packers Bears game wasnt at 1pm today...
  18. The beginning just reaffirms why playing stocks will eventually cost you dearly. Most people trade based on emotion, the thrill, and go with their guts on things. Remember, every bit of "research" you see has already been seen by tens of thousands of PROFESSIONAL money managers who work full-time at this and risk analyzed from just about every angle by computers that make trades on a second-by-second basis. A quick Google search of how many mutual fund managers fail to beat market indexes pretty convincingly backs this thought up. The end of your post isn't a bad idea. Set a fraction of total investments aside to pick with if you want. But ensure that you leave it at that so that if you lose all the money, you will not add more later.
  19. I turned the TV on this morning and Stephanopoulos is reading Facebook posts lambasting the media for talking about this all the time, basically agreeing with Morgan Freeman, then they proceeded to talk about it more for the next 20 minutes...
  20. Seems like great logic until you realize there's a reason no one is willing to pay more than $5/share for it. Playing stocks for long-term investing is just foolish.
  21. Der Dutchman actually burned down in a kitchen fire not too long ago...
  22. A point I've been thinking a lot about. CDC stats showed that in 2010 1,200+ children were killed in auto accidents where alcohol was a major factor. Yet where's the outcry against the 21st Amendment and reinstating prohibition? If each of these kids had been killed over the course of a year by drunk drivers, no one would bat an eye. How do we get personal responsibility in one regard and not the other? Or do we as a society think that alcohol has more of a positive role in our country than firearms?
  23. It's a fine line you gotta walk though. Lots of folks have transient delusional disorders, psychosis, and the like. I just got off 6 weeks of my medical rotation at the psychiatry department at the VA hospital in Dayton and the ability to really predict people's behavior is so tough, not to mention even getting people to be upfront about their mental health issues. On the one hand it seems simple to disseminate these diagnoses to try to keep guns out of these folks hands. But the flip side of that is people will be less likely to seek treatment if they know that kind of extremely sensitive information gets out there. Every patient gets assessed for suicide and homicide risk, but it's still a guessing game. Physicians have a legal responsibility to inform specific potential victims of a person's expressed homicidal ideation already and hospitalized patient's are held until their risk of suicide and homicide are felt to be sufficiently low. One of the other problems that come from things like this is further stigmatization of mental illness, such as depression or schizophrenia. This just makes getting people into the help they need that much harder, because in reality these kind of things, while often committed by people with mental disorders, are not typical of people with mental disorders. Even in the end, the mall shooter guy got his weapon from a friend or relative, if I recall correctly.
  24. If you're really low-maintenance: lifecycle or changing composition-type mutual funds Medium maintenance: pick your own index funds between S&P fund, extended market fund, international fund, total bond fund and rebalance on your own annually. Want to lose money: buy and sell stocks Want to basically waste your time: CDs and savings accounts Read this book: http://www.amazon.com/Bogleheads-Guide-Investing-Taylor-Larimore/dp/0470067365
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