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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. 173 mph on a two-lane road? Insane. You can really hear those Soundaktor speakers pumping out fake engine noise on those things though.
  2. I like that every person goes from to to
  3. And I thought it was weird when I got a random cigar with my computer parts... But for realz, dude looks like he's never touched a gun in his life. "Eww guns are bad! Where's my iPhone and Macbook so I can share this with instagram?"
  4. Or just go to different theaters. If this is a big theater with 30 or so rows, you're talking about shooting a handgun 30+ yards through 29 rows of panicking people. Assuming your shooter does like Holmes did and comes in the emergency exit at the front of the theater. And if he's sitting in the corner end of the row, then he's pinned. Or he could just go all Goldeneye throwing knife on him with his 4 blades.
  5. Not much of a protective advantage. He'd be pinned in the back corner behind the people next to him and that glock isn't gonna hit someone in the front of the theater. Loading the bag with knives too? That seems a little off.
  6. Makes you wonder if they have like some high school internetz dweeb looking all these over, cause most adults I know wouldn't catch any of the bad ones.
  7. The real question is why can't guys like James Holmes who just want to shoot people and then spend the rest of their lives in prison pick the scum of society instead of innocent theatre folk? Yeah yeah, BLAH BLAH BLAH you want people dead mr. smashweights! how's that for morals blah blah blah. I just want to see another Magley vs. OR thread hit 10+ pages of:
  8. My dad used to own a Blast and I thought it was great bike. Good low end, easy handling, fairly comfortable for short trips.
  9. Springfield M1903. I've got a thing for old, bolt action rifles. Plus there's just something about owning a gun that popped skulls in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Nam.
  10. Is it just me or does every thread regarding anything controversial always end up with 20 people arguing against Magley for 10+ pages? Seriously guys, DNFTT!
  11. LOL @ Ohio Use Tax. State trying to collect taxes in a way that I don't think is permitted. Plus I think I saw a stat that said only like 1% of people report any Use Tax in Ohio.
  12. Newsflash! Attention Whore Trolls Exist Everywhere!
  13. Tax records are not an absolute requirement for presidential candidacy, being a natural-born US citizen is. Regardless of the fact that I don't buy into the birther thing, your point is still pointless. And seriously, who gives a shit about Romney's taxes? If he paid zero taxes for the past 10 years LEGALLY, then that's not his fault, that's our fucking fault for electing shit-for-brains politicians. Until any of you whiners turn down your child tax credit, EIC, refuse to invest in IRAs/401ks, make donations to charity without writing them off, or take any of the other wad of tax breaks/shelters legally permitted, then you can talk. Yeah, I'm jealous I'm not as rich as Romney too, but you can't be mad at him for (ALLEGEDLY EVEN!) doing what every American does on a smaller scale: minimizing tax burdens. GTFO
  14. Damn it! Deal is dead. Apparently the one day sale was yesterday only. Sorry folks. I missed out too...
  15. Down from $52 at the door/$45 online to $25 per person! http://slickdeals.net/?sdtid=4928342&sdop=1&sdpid=51923798&lno=1&trd=http+www+cedarpoint+com+tickets+&sdfid=9&u2=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cedarpoint.com%2Ftickets%2F%3FpromoCode%3Dchristmas%23
  16. Problem in his logic is we're now in a world where great ideas and great minds are worth more than great labor. Big money is in creating, not sweating. This ain't the stone ages any more.
  17. http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/25/justice/canada-motorcyclist-arrest/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Lane splitting in triple digit speeds? Dude has some serious balls...
  18. No doubt, I was on unemployment for 3 months. Best time of my life. Part of the reason I question it, actually.
  19. And even that depends on how in demand your job skills are. Could need 6mo to a year. But why save for a job loss when you can just rely on the gov't and joe public to pay for your lack of preparation?
  20. That's kind of the point I was hinting towards: poor financial decisions are rampant in this country because people are too lazy to do things that benefit themselves OR to do the research necessary beforehand to make sound financial plans. And that stat blows me away. 80% of people can't come up with $1k in cash? My wife and I are right at the median household income for the US and if we needed to could come up with a hell of a lot more than that and we're only 2 years into regular, non-college kid paychecks.
  21. http://money.cnn.com/2012/07/24/pf/switching-banks/index.htm?hpt=hp_t3 So lots of people want to switch from banks with shitty policies but chose instead to get fee-raped rather than fill out a few forms to swap their cable auto-pay and work direct deposit? God save us...
  22. I agree with one commenter: Rick Rolling them would have been hilarious!
  23. Some of whom have family in the area.
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