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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. supposedly billions of years ago these fucktard bacteria/algae decided to dick over the whole goddamn world by using up the tons of CO2 in the air and pumping toxic-as-shit oxygen into the atmosphere and were so arrogant about it they never even had a world climate summit to discuss controlling their emmissions. Look how that turned out. Thanks a lot you piece of shit, inconsiderate, single-celled bastards.
  2. i feel the same way about the new honda lights i felt when yamaha ditched the awesome projectors for the reflectors a few years ago.
  3. Not following you here? Are you thinking grandma get sick anyway? I think it's strains, and so long as the virus you end up seeing has one of the multiple immunized epitopes, you'll have an elevated immune response. I had to get the flu vaccine last year as i worked in a hospital. They gave us the intranasal spray, no shot, no pain, no sickness. If i can get the IN one this year again, i will.
  4. alpine. if you can find one of the MRD-M301 mono amps on ebay for around $50-$70 they are incredible. All digital controls, small, powerful, no overheating. I've been running that paired with a 12" Type-R sub in a closed box daily for the last 6 years (swapped out between cars) and the SQ is stellar and will more than overpower your listening needs in the car.
  5. that sucks. i've had my boxer a year and a half now. she drives me nuts sometimes but i'd be miserable without her.
  6. http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/10/13/florida.teen.burned/index.html fuckin A. what the hell are kids these days thinking? i thought this would be more relevant given kids with eating utensils are being suspended from school.
  7. thanks man. i just ordered the socket that i SHOULD need today: a Snap-On 1/2" drive, 7/8" 6-point socket. Hope to God this is it, set me back $22
  8. actually, i dont know if they are locking nuts, i got the top nut off and didnt notice any nylon residue in the nut. now the new KYB struts do have locking top nuts. i did spray them down with some brake cleaner to get some rust off and soaked some WD-40 in them. but the combo of the 02 sensor socket and massive 1" box wrench was more than enough torque to break the nut, the problem is just getting the right socket. i did find a 7/8" spark plug socket online that i'm gonna buy and try. hopefully it'll work.
  9. if anyone wants to donate unused beer bottles, i'll drink them and donate the bottles on your behalf.
  10. Yeah i saw those online but got KYB struts/mounts/boots for about $80 from Rock Auto. trying to cut cost was most of the reason i'm DIYing. Yeah, i bought the 22mm O2 sensor socket and it worked just fine using a 1" box wrench on the upper strut mount nut, the O2 sensor socket is just too wide to fit inside the strut rubber bushing. I work in Gahanna, and at this point i'd try anything just to get this project over so a drive to gahanna wouldnt be out of the question. i just cant see how the impact wrench is gonna work we cant stabilize the strut piston. i tried the 13/16" spark plug socket and it's just a tad too small and the 7mm allen is too thick to fit through the socket on that size.
  11. while it wont matter if i knick up the old strut, i still gotta be able to do the same thing to the new strut to get the nuts tight. the offset wrenches were a possibility, but i think they're too thick to fit between the nut and rubber bushing.
  12. aww man. thanks anyway, i have short and deep 22mm sockets, they're just worthless for this application. i cant figure out why they dont make all sockets with a hex external top, seems like it would make them all more practical. Autozone, Advance, Lowe's, Home Depot, Sears, and Harbor Freight all do not have what i need (wasted 4 hours today driving around looking) and this is just getting irritating. any other suggestions? anyone work for a shop that'd do it for cheap? i'd feel like a failure bailing out on the DIY at this point, but i'm gonna need an alignment afterwards anyway. got all the parts, just need the damn right tools.
  13. much appreciated, HOPEFULLY this will be all i need, but i'm sick of buying tools to simply unscrew something. oh well, gotta build the garage somehow i suppose.
  14. yes i'm compressing the spring! I already got the rear struts replaced no problems and the ride is massively better. but that makes sense considering the rears were completely non-functional (absolutely no rebound once compressed). the fronts are just being a pain in the ass cause the piston spins when you crank the nut and you have to use a non-socket wrench to wrench the socket while holding the shock piston steady with a 7mm allen wrench (aka, gotta stick the allen down through the socket). i wont need/be able to use the impact wrench as there's no electric out in our garage, but if the 22mm socket will work, i'd be glad to snag it. the spring plate retention nut seems it might be a 21mm nut, why they would change it from the 22mm mounting nut, no idea but my rounded 21mm socket fits just fine. just cant grip the damn thing. where you at in clintonville? i would come during work, but my lawn route will be in reynoldsburg tomorrow, so it'd likely be in the evening.
  15. well i bought a 7/8" oxygen sensor socket, which fits and has the hex top... but after removing the top strut mount bolt, the retainer plate bolt wont fit cause the damn rubber bushing opening isnt wide enough, still a 22mm (7/8") nut... ran out of time and patience so just put the old struts back on after finally getting them off. very pissed right now as in reality the only thing stopping me from doing this job is two fuckin nuts that i cant unscrew.
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/EMPI-5827-VW-BUG-22MM-STRUT-NUT-SOCKET_W0QQitemZ120340074179QQcmdZViewItem like this guy
  17. cant get through to you, goes straight to voice mail. got the socket?
  18. Are they smoking? or are they gay?
  19. like the socket in this pic
  20. http://www.theonion.com/content/video/new_anti_smoking_ads_warn_teens
  21. does anyone have a 22mm socket with a hex top? i'm trying to get the damn front struts off my car and that's what i'm missing and autozone/homedepot dont have them. here's what i'm looking at (this is not my car, but another of the same model year): need to set a 22mm socket on the nut, hold said socket with a wrench, and drop a 7mm allen wrench down the middle of the socket into the piston, and wrench the damn thing off. Problem is i only have rounded 22mm sockets and the needlenose vicegrips dont seem to be giving me enough leverage/grip to hold the thing. it's hard in there as fuck right now and it's pissing me off cause i should have been done with the whole front suspension project 2 hours ago...
  22. this just reminds me of the awkward "cartoon character sex" ads you see on porn sites...
  23. i've seen the Fuk Mi Seafood. there's one in Honolulu.
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