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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. Did you mean a 250? Hell most people can't ride a 600 to the full potential on the street or a track. I think for most people a 600 is just fine and would suit someone well for some years to come. I started on my R6 never had a 250 and I haven't wrecked and I'm pretty tame on it since it comes up pretty easily with my light ass on the seat.
  2. Sweet house Joe and love that attached garage. You need a bigger shed to get the 4 wheelers and mower out of the garage.
  3. That's nice if they don't mess it up that is. It might be my next car in a few years if so.
  4. Hopefully the company fights paying that....that's nuts!
  5. How far is exactly give minutes away?
  6. Looks nice I'd love a chopper like that someday.....
  7. Ass gasket on seat then sit and shit....so many people are so afraid to crap in public...if I have to do I gotta go. Women all of you women!
  8. He cheated on his wife he deserved it. Dumbass
  9. I always use my clutch but when I've raced before I've opted not to use it and I don't think it causes any harm.
  10. Tough call I like both and would love to own both. You built the camaro with your own two hands and that says a lot and has a lot of driving force with it. Get your camaro back.
  11. Ricky don't get all pissy because someone asked you a question....I work 5 days a week just like most of us and still it takes 5 minutes to get on here to update a thread. No one was thinking you took our money and ran but you have to expect something when you offer nothing. I didn't think for a second that I wouldn't get my shirt and if you needed info all you had to do was ask. I can't stand how people play the victim role when confronted. No one said you weren't a good guy or that you were untrustworthy. If you don't want people picking up shit from your house that's your call but at least offer to meet up with people so they can get their shirts I think that's all that people want. I only asked that mine be mailed because I was out of state if I was local there is no reason anyone should need it mailed. Anyway thanks for updating and don't have such hard feelings.
  12. I hear the DEER are in the area as well I have been on skyline but haven't been to Blue Ridge yet.
  13. I've been in contact with Anthony as well. He is aware. I "know" Ricky and I don't think he is out to steal the money but at the same time don't say one thing and do another......
  14. I've pmed him but heard nothing so far.
  15. Umm follow up please? I don't mean to be a nag but those of us that paid kind of want the shirt...to wear ya know? I'm in no way shape or form local and I'd need mine shipped if someone wants to get mine then ship it and I will send you the few bucks it costs let me know.
  16. Definitely thinking of the two of you Andy keep your head up.
  17. I just got mine LUCKILY as a trial membership for an existing member. I never got to use it
  18. GRN96WS6


    That is my response when I get one of those retards as well. Sometimes CL infuriates me but what can ya do since its free to list?
  19. Pussy there is 24 hours in a day and you could easily be back by time the reunion starts
  20. Ok so get mine and meet me halfway on the bike this weekend
  21. Boy what a mistake Franklin made Congrats Ben!
  22. GRN96WS6

    CCNA - Passed

    I need to study for that but not until after my masters courses are over I can't do both....Cisco books are so DRY.
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