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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. Obviously I'd need mine mailed since I'm not even local anymore.
  2. I assume the ones who already paid a few months ago will get theirs soon?
  3. Definitely keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. You can remove the existing one but its been a while since I've done it the steps to do so are escaping me at the moment. It's the icon for personal email then view/change or add/change or similar.
  5. Old Town Alexandria is cool as well and metro accessible with a little bit of a walk. I live near there and pretty much live right outside of it during the week as I stay at my g/f's place in VA. There is tons to do and the monuments are cool and you apprecaite them but there is a decent nightlife there as well. Georgetown, Adams Morgan, Chinatown, etc... You should go to a metro station that sells a smart trip as it would be better for you if you're going to be here a month. The paper tickets suck and ruin easily.
  6. Wow what a beautiful car....then a stupid person goes and messes it all up!
  7. Get new job sue profit? Yeah makes sense but that's ridiculous you both have more patience then I would have had.
  8. You guys should seek a lawyer or at least talk to one to see if it's worth anything. I didn't have that much trouble with my house and it was going into foreclosure.
  9. Dubai Haven't been there but I'm in Kuwait right now and if I get sent here for work again I'm taking some time and going there for sure.
  10. LMAO he jut whips it out and takes a piss LOL
  11. Hoping it turns up for the two of you....buying a house can either go smoothly or not.
  12. haha his sister saying my bike in there is like insult to injury hehe
  13. Update? Come on man you don't post a thread like this then let it die with no ending!!!
  14. She doesn't let him talk at all, he sits there when they have their interview like a puppet. I despise that show because shes like super bitch.
  15. Its not that good and I'm from MD. I'd rather go to Myrtle or OBX. It needs revamped big time but not sure it will ever get done.
  16. Looks like fun I want to do that with my g/f sometime this summer just a few days and the open road.
  17. Nice looking car I would be in for some wallpaper pics for some of those shots.
  18. Just take it to Andy or Todd you know it needs attention Bug and tar remover should work but as said you definitely need to go back over it and wax it.
  19. I definitely want one of those for my kids when I have them. Hell I want a 50 or an 80 dirt bike for myself!
  20. I wish I was on the bike I'm over in Kuwait for work and will be working all weekend 12 hour days...for the next 13 days.
  21. I still feel weird seeing you type/say "wife" That stinks Joe but keep on them for real call every half hour for updates be that pain I know you are capable of being. Hope everything works out in the end. I bought a almost foreclosed home and it was a PITA as well and I didn't close on my original date it was a day or two later I don't recall exactly.
  22. I will never understand the draw to ape hangers....they seriously can't be comfortable for even 30 minutes worth of riding.
  23. I haven't been affected but I work in DC for a government contractor. We made it to being a billion dollar company last year and the numbers are looking good this year as well. That doesn't mean I feel invincible though as I've been laid off twice before and its humbled me some. I have one credit card I'm still working on paying off which will be gone by years end hopefully, then I will begin saving. I own my truck and my bike so no car payments for me. I also went back to school to get my masters degree to make me more marketable. It never hurts to have a plan and live by it.
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