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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. I am disappointed in your Brian you KNEW this chick wanted to show you the breasts and you only came prepared with a CELL PHONE! WTF! Come on man!
  2. State farm full coverage here on the bike in my sig was $275 for a whole year.
  3. Well be prepared along with that bigger boat payment you'll have a bigger fuel bill as well Those wakeboard boats have 4 more cylinders and eat twice as much fuel I'm sure.
  4. I hope you had help or you're definitely one sore ass mofo!
  5. Took a while to get into peak boost and damn if that dyno graph isn't spiky I don't know what is! Still a sweet car.
  6. Def prayers sent your way Rigs.
  7. I like her and I haven't met her yet!
  8. Sounds good I'm about an hour to an hour and fifteen from there but its not like I'd not be willing to drive.
  9. Sounds like its time for a wakeboard boat Joe
  10. I'm going for the first two weeks in August on a road trip with my Grandfather in his RV providing he is still around, hes been in the hospital but is out now and I'm hoping its for good that hes out. I also plan on coming out there to Cbus to catch up with old friends.
  11. Saturday got back from California at 730AM help my little bro take the engine out of his eclipse to get redone. Rode my bike Sunday rode my bike and went to a college graduation party. Monday rode my bike.
  12. I'm always up for exploring new roads. I went up to point of rocks last year with a group of guys and had a ton of fun.
  13. Si takes premium and the Accord doesn't but it depends on what you want they are definitely not in the same class.
  14. Nice bike it was awesome all weekend where I live I rode all three days.
  15. Umm you asking like that states you're going to be driving under the influence. Stay home and don't kill someone who is innocent because your to fucking stupid to know when to say when and not drive.
  16. There was a dude on here that worked on boats or knew a decent amount about them. Assured Risk I want to say. My boss has a Yamaha jet boat and one of his motors locked up at the end of last season and it was replaced under warranty and he never found out the cost. If I had to guess I would say for new 4K might try finding a used one though.
  17. I have an excellent relationship with my parents. My mother died when I was 10 and my dad remarried back in 95 and my stepmother is cool I get along with her which is nice. I talk to them about once a week and when my dad is out of town working I go over to their house once every couple weeks to make sure she doesn't need anything done. I wouldn't change it for the world.
  18. Wachovia is my bank and I love em so far anywhere I've been on work travel they have been there which is nice not to get hit with the fees. Anthony their site doesn't say they are in Ohio yet, I'd be curious how often its updated though.
  19. GRN96WS6

    Scion TC

    My little brother has one and I have driven it a few times, they are nice for what you get I mean power everything and their options are mostly ricer boy related IMO. The pricing is fixed like Saturns so there isn't much haggling or really any at all from what the dealers say and reading on their site states the same. I am looking around for a new DD and I am leaning more and more towards the Mazda 3 as well the versatility of the 5 door drew me to it and I'm liking the styling of it more and more as well.
  20. Atlanta Sucks! Was there last month for work and wouldn't necessarily jump at the bone to go back.
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