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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. So did you then you bought into the VW/Audi line
  2. Not all of us are rich like you bitch! :bangbang:
  3. A co worker just got one of these but not the MS version and I really like it, and I think it will be my next car as its versatility is awesome. I will need something I can run to the hardware store to get things in and this with the feasibility of a good looking hatchback will be nice. I'm strongly considering the MS3 but not sure I want another manual in DC traffic and something that requires premium fuel. I'm still on the fence but I plan to be test driving one soon.
  4. I believe he was referring to his bike since he said squid mode and pulling the front wheel. I know Kenny knows his Buicks but he isn't pulling the front wheel on the street.
  5. That is simply fantastic looking beautiful car.
  6. Word! Sad but people use the excuse they don't want to pay for a track rental. I don't know about their math but by my math its cheaper then getting caught street racing.
  7. Some people won't heed to a warning they just need caught to learn their lesson sad but true. I don't even believe that they thought that this time wasn't coming I mean sure when I lived out there in 00 the cops got on us once in a while but it wasn't as bad as it is now and to think the time wasn't coming is just plain ignorance plain and simple.
  8. Man I've been wanting to go to Vegas since I turned 21 and here I am almost 29 and still haven't gotten back! If I didn't already have plans for those days I would be in!
  9. Kenny I totally agree I want one so bad in addition to my 6.
  10. Nice catch still agree with everyone else here she got fired for what? Making the players who were male look bad...
  11. I was waiting for something to break then see Sam ninja style just toss her ass into the water. She was being a little rough on your boat man....christ.
  12. I really can't stand people who are inconsiderate in general which obviously this chick was. Honda foot or better yet ricer foot is the most annoying noise known to man.
  13. Even on the bike so you can see over the windshield? :bangbang:
  14. Do it Kenny you know you love the G bodies even if it isn't the best looking one it would make a nice driver like you said. Side note I didn't know you wanted another El Camino....thought you got rid of the other one because you lost interest.
  15. Not feeling it at all personally but all that matters is that you like it.
  16. I wouldn't own a bike without a garage.
  17. In some random hotel in Miami Florida for work. http://home.comcast.net/~ts6141/Tommy.JPG
  18. Why are you replacing injectors? No one does that unless bigger ones are needed or they go bad. They are not a required replacement after a certain interval.
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