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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. It's ok I like a little meat on my men
  2. Almost as thin as that one pic Sean always used to post up of him holding that fish....Congrats Sean.
  3. CL does have some deals as long as you look around and know what scams to look for.
  4. I have fallen victim to both the pee pee spot and the damn countertop rogue wet spot! Sucks when either happens usually results in me sneaking back to my cube and never getting up until it's dry.
  5. That is what you call bad pet owners, I never liked my dog barking when she was outside it annoyed me I could only imagine how others felt.
  6. It might be nasty but it was funny!
  7. So how many times did Cari and you shit together then high five during in that bathroom? I seriously want to go there next year.
  8. I rode Saturday for around 160 miles with my girl.
  9. Taking a bike ride with the woman, hopefully not freezing my ass off....probably some sex in there to but Chris you wouldn't know about that being married and all
  10. SPEC clutches at least in the LT1 cars SUCKED BAD.....I blew up two of them and my shit was stock as hell. Then again I blew up my red Sentra as well....hmmm :bangbang:
  11. I have a cape cod and its easily 5+ degrees upstairs but I am not keeping it at 68 to keep the upstairs 72-3. My bill is usually 220+ a month.
  12. I seem to remember a "built" mustang that raced Kenny and lost.....bad.....mr nos guy?
  13. Kenny always made CR interesting.....
  14. GRN96WS6


    People that makes posts like this are lame......seriously just leave if you want to why make a whining ass post about it.
  15. Umm its standard practice of ANY place of business to not take something back with gas in it. That is the same policy at Lowe's and Home Depot....why wouldn't you have emptied it before taking it back?
  16. Nothing will prevent them from getting stolen...been there done that got over it and stopped putting nice shit in my cars because or lowlifes. Alarms no one cares about or will pay any mind to and a good theif knows how to disable it anyway so it is simply money wasted.
  17. No offense but with your record of women I hope you stay single a while this time
  18. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,400842,00.html Wow that's terrible he was a funny guy to!
  19. That bike is nice I will own something like that someday hopefully built by myself.
  20. Is that what you call it? :gay: I don't have to grow into my ears they suit me just fine.
  21. I have nothing to add to this other then to say please slow down the speed on your avatar kthxbye!
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