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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. I've thought about picking up some of them for the longer rides as well. I just ordered some corbin saddles so hopefully no more numb nuts or ass after a few hours of riding haha
  2. Joe the Grand Canyon is a day trip in itself its almost 300 or over from Vegas there so that would be 600 miles there and back plus time to tour. I recommend seeing it but it would take away some time in Vegas and you would lose a night in the hotel in Vegas and have to stay in a hotel out in the Canyon for that evening. You'd basically lose two days. I'm going out there for my 30th in July and taking my g/f with me and we are going to the Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon as well. I'm also going to be renting a sweet car but for driving to the canyon and back I'm renting some POS unless I score a deal. Take a lot of pics its amazing out there!
  3. Columbus Police did that shit to my car when I lived there. Reported it stolen said I had an extra set of wheels and to notify me when they found it and I'd go put the wheels on it so it could be towed. Never got a call and it was drug on its brakes onto a rollback causing more damage. Sometimes I think the Police force is run by idiots, how hard can it be to input the tag into the system and see it was reported stolen or see where the people live so that they could be notified.
  4. Video game stores that take in old items then resell?
  5. Jesus Joe do you or Janet like anything but wine! I don't have a bar but have been looking at getting one in my house. The next house with have a basement and will have a bar in it. The g/f's apartment has a decent bar and a little wine cooler but I don't have pics of that.
  6. You can get a light install kit relatively cheap that plugs into the factory harness from wal mart or the like.
  7. Been there before except it was my mother who died at age 33. Hang in there and talk to friends you really know who your true friends are when something like this happens.
  8. There are definite advantages to both and the person who is in the position to move has to do the pros and cons to both to determine which is best for them right now. I like my house but damn when crap breaks or I want to do a project sometimes I wish I still rented because if I were I'd call a landlord when something broke and I'd never think of improving a place I wasn't paying for to own. Apartments can suck but I think it depends on the neighbors ultimately, shitty neighbors hour or apartment make it a less then pleasing experience. Joe has one of the most in your face bitch of a neighbor one could have and he owns a house...haha So you can have a crappy experience in a house or a apartment. I'm lucky to have decent neighbors on the sides of me but the one whore at the end of the street whose dogs shit in my yard needs to die!!
  9. WRT54G here running DD-WRT firmware.
  10. Your post is a little confusing. Are you trying to connect 5 hardwired devices wirelessly? You know you can get a wireless router with 5 ports in it and solve the problem?
  11. Craftsmen 30 gallon 6HP I believe but I use it very sporadically, maybe when I get some free money and another car to tinker with it would be used more.
  12. Navigon 2100 here was around 130 on BF last year. it has lifetime traffic real road signs and text to speech as well.
  13. I went to my ten year reunion and had fun, there wasn't a huge turnout but it was nice seeing some old friends. Funny enough I still don't talk to any of them on a regular basis.....times change and you grow up and make new friends I think. If you don't think you will enjoy it don't go....if you think you could have a good time go.
  14. I have a bold and love it. I had a pearl before and it was interesting getting used to the new phone. The screen is ten times better looking then the old phones to. The browser is faster as is the cpu which makes reboots faster as well. I played with the storm and didn't like the lag or the screen sensitivity. I really was hoping it was going to be better so I could cancel my personal phone abd only carry one device. Maybe verizon will get the bold soon time will tell.
  15. Most people flock to Garmin as they are simple and easy to use. I have a navigon and am happy with it.
  16. I can't believe you sold it let alone bought it back.
  17. I don't live in Ohio so its not as cold here and it seems to keep heat pretty well if I have it warmer its uncomfortable for me.
  18. 64 when home and 62 at night when sleeping and while at work.
  19. I don't hunt and peck and I don't keep my fingers on the home keys either I know the keyboard and make minimal errors.
  20. I bought a pair of timberland pros and they have been good for me. I stood on them for 10 hours one day last week in Kuwait on a hard concrete floor and my feet were ok come the end of the day.
  21. For the scenarios you gave sure I will agree with you that the iphone is more suited for your needs. But as Akula stated for the business person who needs to have his contacts and appointments the BB wins hands down and always has. I know the iphone can interact with exchange but it only gets the mail part not the calendar or active lookup of the corporate directory to my knowledge. Some of you guys get WAY to damn defensive about a damn phone! I like the iphone and think its a great product but for my needs a BB suits me better. I will probably be getting the storm once I get my hands on one first.
  22. If its the same "click" as the Voyager then it just vibrates when you make a selection so it makes you "feel" your selection of sorts. I turned it off because its nice at first but annoyed me real fast.
  23. Damn can't even look at the sites in Kuwait....darn government is bringing the man down!
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