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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. I like this much better now.
  2. Was that stock Brian? If so not bad a co worker has one the same year with a Leo Vince Slip on.
  3. Man I hate those I have a tree in my front yard that DUMPS those all over my driveway and when its a little windy blows them into my garage when I open the door!!!
  4. Did Tim buy a quad now? Man that's funny to see you all in suits all muddy...did you bring a change of clothes?
  5. My parents didn't buy my first car either and I'm not so sure I'd be willing to pony up the cash to buy my kids one. I'd let them drive an extra car I have but they are paying their insurance on it and can save for their own vehicle.
  6. Its nice to see you guys are still making this dream come true....Even if Kenny thinks you're sissy's for doing so he'd definitely appreciate it. I miss the kid and I hadn't seen him in years
  7. I have wanted to get a older Honda off CL and do something similar...maybe a winter project hmmm
  8. Congrats Sean tell Dani congrats for me to.
  9. I had the easter bunny play russian roulette with my R6 the other night with my g/f on the back.....it lost. I kind of felt bad but not really.
  10. I didn't get the text but I'm sorry for your loss to Ben and Carie.
  11. You probably won't ever SELL it either.
  12. All new garage doors are sold with the sensors I'm sure you can bypass them but they really are there for a reason...kind of like airbags in cars these days. Mine was doing the same thing and the sensor was out of alignment a few minutes messing with it and it was good to go. Another thing that happened to mine was the force adjustment screw wasn't adjusted high enough and my door stopped closing...look into that as well.
  13. Man what a crappy situation
  14. Nice lot but why rent a huge building instead of building a nice garage with man room on that lot? Or is that the plan for a future time? With 5 acres I'd have so much fun!
  15. Its nice to see people stepping up and helping you out, this really is a family on here. I hope you get better soon and the pain goes away ASAP.
  16. Don't like the paint scheme at all, I've never ridden one of these is it chain drive? How many gallon tank and how far on it? MPG? Horsepower and engine size? Go with gunmetal for the repaint.
  17. Isn't your wife getting her M endorsement therefore she could take her own bike on the road with you? I could never sell my sportbike I enjoy it WAY to much. I may get a cruiser someday.....
  18. I think it is your frustration talking. Almost everyone says this when something bad happens then a day or two or a week later when it is fixed they change their mind.
  19. GRN96WS6


    Don't finance a toy buy it outright is my opinion.
  20. Ben bought me dinner and I didn't put out FTW!
  21. When are the people who are out of town going to be sent one? Just curious I know it's free.
  22. Haha I literally just read your PM and was getting ready to reply to you when you called me the other day.
  23. Nice I'm going to do an ironbutt this year with my girl on the back.....1000 miles in 24 hours! If you head towards MD or DC let me know depending on time I could meet up and do lunch or something. Have fun and be safe!
  24. Doesn't it go up at every college? It sucks but I had no idea their undergrad went to that form online and only 8 weeks long. I know my masters courses are ony 8 weeks long and I can't wait to be done!
  25. Yeah soap and water then recondition which hasn't made it any less slick. Its super annoying when I'm riding down the road and she lets go and slides into me thus pressing my nads into the tank. I want to get it like my stock one where she didn't slide forward unless I had to brake hard and she didn't see it coming. Andy I will try the woolite and water suggestion.
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