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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. GRN96WS6

    picked up a bike

    Might be home to visit sometime this summer, I'll have to see about towing the bike out for that.
  2. GRN96WS6

    picked up a bike

    I just got a used well minorly used 06 R6 on Saturday for $7500. IT only had 469 miles on it and came with an ex warranty until 09 and a cover and lock. I don't have any pics yet though. Nice bike they are lots of fun.
  3. http://www.howardforums.com That is the cell phone mecca of message boards register there and READ READ READ all of thes questions have been asked a million times over there. Verizons phone is awesome micro sd card slot FTW, to bad you sim card guys can't have that.
  4. All depends on how you drive in the white stuff I had a FWD many years out there and I was going through all kinds of stuff and only got stuck once. It all depends on the driver IMO.
  5. If you own a 4WD that doesn't mean you can drive 90MPH in the snow and not end up sliding all over the place. Be safe because you aren't the only one on the roads.
  6. If he has gap insurance most people don't even know about it nor do they ask about it or check it. I wasn't kicking him while he was down man I was making a point because he was talking about buying car parts when that money could be put to the payoff of the car so they CAN get the bigger one that they need.
  7. I save some money but don't have enough yet to make it two months with no income, I'd like to work my way up to 6 months in reserve that is my goal by year end.
  8. Everyone keeps saying wreck it or set it on fire or whatever, that still won't help him if he is 8K in negative equity it won't pay off his loan and he will be responsible for the 8K not covered. They wont want payments either they want it all NOW. Sell the car you have the least or NO neg equity on then drive the other one while paying down the payment more so you get the neg equity GONE. I'm also in agreement with the others who are telling you to get your priorities straight. Don't mod your car if you are so upside down on your car pay that shit down man your only making your life harder by not doing so. Sounds like your money management skills and priorities SUCK! No offense.
  9. GRN96WS6


    Thank god we got the bunkbeds for our girls off of craigslist for a mere $200 and everything was there, they were also SOLID Oak which is nice since most of the crap today isn't solid anything,
  10. GRN96WS6

    Job Interview

    I flew out to DC when I lived in Columbus for an interview and it was no different then any other interview that I had been to. I ended up getting the job to.
  11. I like the V70R but damn are they expensive new! Used even they are kind of pricey.
  12. Call the police impound lot and see if its there. I had mine stolen in 98 or 99 I don't remember and it was in the impound lot and I didn't know until a few days later because when I was notified it was from an old roommate. The cops were too stupid to call me at the phone number that I had on file with my stolen car report. I hope he finds it I was lucky mine was just a stock civic with a stereo and rims, obviously those were gone when I got it back.
  13. I wouldn't get a kid who is 131 a cell phone that is to young IMO. I think that once they get a job I might consider getting them a prepay phone so they can't go over their minutes.
  14. My g/f has a 99 SL2 and it hasn't caused her much problems, its rather slow and acceleration sucks IMO. She does get about 30-32MPG city and on the highway it can see up to 38MPG. They are pretty solid little cars that require little maintenance.
  15. I remember that night as well, man that WAS a long time ago. I remember it was right after it was painted and looking good to. I think Brett kicked his own ass that night when we all left there. I'm just glad he was ok and no one was hurt.
  16. I can't believe that was three years ago already! Sucks that its in that condition though hopefully you can buy it back and bring it back to its former glory. That car was sweet!
  17. What about me racing that jackass with the mustang way out in bfe? My clutch blew apart and we had to talk our way out of a ticket to the po po.
  18. Haha yeah those were the days. You should of never sold that thing or the MR2 for that matter.
  19. Nothing beats the good times we had just driving around in the laser when i was laid off with me handling the video camera and trying to entice people to race that thing. :LOL And I won a few of those races with the Laser bitch!
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