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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. how did you stall?? even completely dumping the clutch, the bike shoula have taken off or span, not stalled....unless you were leaving from idle and not actually launching it?
  2. hard to tell...but i dont think thats what it is, im 90% sure of it...plus, if it was, it would probably be part of the article
  3. i bet he wins his appeal and spends not one day in jail, sues the county for wrongful termination, and wins back enough money from them to cover his civil suit with the guy he shot, ultimately coming out untouched thats how the system works when it comes to bikers getting hurt, who gives a fuck
  4. oh thats right...weve all had this discussion before about high speed runs in the day vs at night....i prefer night, but i guess im the minority on that one that time is pretty good for sunday at 7 lol
  5. 160 on the dot? is your bike limited or just coincidence to hit it exactly? and thats why i mentioned time of day... 3am on 270 theres hardly anybody out there....i drive it every morning at that time headed to work
  6. the entire time shoulda been spent over 150 to be fair...ive never done 150 on a bike, so im not sure how hard that would be on the body with the wind etc over a long period...but i know ive had cars cruising higher than 150 and at the right time of night, theres nothing to stop ya lol...theres very few places on 270 that require slower speeds im talking about 270 in mexico of course
  7. i agree, like i said, i have no idea if he was being legit or not...just passing along what i had heard lol...and i dont remember if he was on his bike or in his car, but im thinking he meant his car
  8. sorry i wont be able to make it to the poker run man...

  9. ide be real hardcore like rawlins and strap a little gas can to my seat and do a nascar style refuel on the side of the road!...except, i have to remove my seat to put gas in it...so im not sure how much time ide lose
  10. had a buddy who claimed to do the loop in 19mins ...no idea if its true or not tho
  11. i was talking to you, bro. you said you were bored.
  12. youre welcome to come over and play gamecube with me. PMing you my address. come alone.
  13. ^ youre fuckin creepy lol youre gonna scare him off, bruh. perrymark, welcome to the site...GLWS
  14. probably in his album that is listed so only his friends can see it, and since he has no friends due to him being a failboat captain, nobody but mods can see the pics
  15. brian...you need to write a motivational book and use the profits to fund your house!
  16. and he rides a busa...go fuckin figure.
  17. also...if you cant find one for a decent price, consider having a cheaper helmet painted to resemble that one? unless youre after it for a collector item, but im doubting that since you mentioned size
  18. shoulda bumped it like a man.
  19. i dont see any pictures, and when i quote him, its a blank post what the fuck are you talking about?
  20. you move up quick at UPS... starting pay is 8.50, then 9 after your 30 days, then 10 after you do something "skilled" which is almsot every job in the building...i was up to 11.95 after 2 years of being there...and you get .35 cent raise every 6 months due to union contract....plus 3k a year for tuition reimbursement, full benefits that cant be beat...its a nice job, just not many hours...i make 150-180 a week after taxes there
  21. seems like you need to make some cut backs...im in the same boat with not having any money and having bills and stuff due...i just cancelled my bike insurance policy today to cut back...i pay a lot for insurance because of some dumb shit i did when i was 17-18, so im sitting it out for the rest of the year and hoping to be back on 2 wheels next year you need to prioritize man, and say a prayer. God will provide if you believe, no matter how much im coming up short, i have faith it will work out and it does...unexpected income, smaller bills for a given month, finding 10 bucks on the sidewalk...whatever it may be easiest way to have more money, is to make cut backs and start saving more...between my fiance, my truck, insurance, phone, and shitty paying job...ive had to cut back, you should be doing the same....and if you have two bikes, you really dont need both...may want to consider selling one of them till youre on your feet
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