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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Any other recommendations? I can't find a good place to put jackstands to hold it up
  2. Ok so im trying to do some powdercoating on the CB..There are these fake frame rail looking covers on it that are hideous. The swingarm pivot bolt runs through them so I'll have to remove pressure from swingarm, slide bolt out, and then remove cover. I can probably slide the bolt back in afterwards to keep the bike up on a stand while its out for powdercoating. Someone suggested to me to hang the back of the bike from passenger pegs on the bracket for my garage door. Here's a pic of the bracket, do you think it looks sturdy enough to support 150-200lbs of weight from the bike? The bike is relatively bare boned in the rear section, but I'm hesitant hanging it from the garage door supports (especially on a rental home). Here's some pics....the other option is to put some sturdy thick hooks in garage ceiling, just dont have a ladder id have to go borrower one from someone to do it. rear of bike sans muffler and wheel (which would both be removed for this) and the pieces im trying to remove
  3. I like headlight and cowl... I hate sexy naked bikes that have stupid ass headlights and ruin the looks (looking at the new z1k and the superduke as two prime examples)
  4. inb4 magtard and matttard come in here with some libtastical bs about how that isnt really what he meant to say, or some how bush caused a chain reaction that forced o'shithead to change his plans
  5. $1200? that what a motor runs for one of these used?
  6. I just open my browser history and select it... I'm on my phone 90 percent of the time I post here and my phone browser makes it easy to find threads
  7. ^ great feature. It's not new content to me if I've already read it. Helps me remember which crap I've already read and if I see it again it means there's a new response I haven't read
  8. Could be valves needing adjusting... If it's not an obnoxious tap, it's probably not something major... Generally when bike motors go they make it very obvious
  9. It's pretty hard finding someone even willing to touch carbs.... You may not have many options... There's a few people here who can maybe help, but I'm on mobile version of site so can't see what area you're from... Maybe try to PM CrazySkullCrusher or Isaac's Papa if you want a second opinion of price... Not sure if they would tackle it but they might
  10. Welcome! I took the msf and all day they were harping on me about riding too fast, so I slowed down for the test at the end and they docked me points for taking the big wide turn too slow... I didn't think they gave perfect scores lol
  11. Last minute road trip to San Diego... Hung out on the beach
  12. It was a 99 with a swap and mild build from a 78 f250... Never got all the bugs worked out.. When I sold it, I'd only driven it a few times after the swap but burned out and sold it before it was finished... I didn't do the swap myself, just assisted a friend with more knowledge and more tools than me to do it lol
  13. Leave in box and place in fridge
  14. Lol my stang had a big block with open long tubes... Definitely get where you're coming from... There's loud and then there's racecar loud haha My bikes fueling is a bit weird, it has artifical cam lope at idle due to fueling issues lol... Time for power commander and dyno tune
  15. lol harley exhaust notes being referred to as "harmonics"........too hard to tell how they sound, i go temporarily deaf any time i pass one due to the violently loud noise pollution coming from the pipes
  16. I get that also. If someone has 5 duis and then kills someone while driving, I'd be calling for much more than 3-5...I just can't think of anything that warrants manslaughter being 90 days in jail.. Intentional or not... We'll just have to agree to disagree... Simply put, I feel like the minimum sentence doesn't match the crime
  17. That being said, I don't care what anyone else rides, it's America ride whatever you want lol.. Just me personally, wouldn't do it... I don't dislike people for riding Harleys, I dislike the stereotypical Harley riders who are complete assholes because they find themselves superior for riding Harleys... It's not about the bike, it's the person riding it that bothers me
  18. Not me. I'd rather pay my bike payment and ride something I enjoy. I can afford it, so why not. Rather pay to ride something I enjoy, than ride something I hate for free... Heck, I'd just drive my car and enjoy music and ac
  19. In the unfortunate event someone killed your wife or parent or someone close to you because they were texting or otherwise not paying attention, you're telling me you would be perfectly happy with 90 days in jail because "oh its an accident, shit happens"?
  20. I never claimed to be infallible. But you have to live with your choices. Actions have consequences. That's all I'm saying... Yea maybe he's a stand up guy and made a mistake.. But that doesn't subtract from the fact that somebody is dead by their actions.. I don't think 3-5 yrs is asking too much.. I'm not calling for a capital murder charge, but I don't think you should get 90 days for negligently killing somebody. People get more time than that for victimless crimes, let alone killing somebody
  21. Negligence isn't a valid excuse to kill anybody. You can't say "oh sorry I just looked away for 2 seconds and hit the guy - my bad"... Someone is dead, this guy is responsible for it, it's open/close.. You failed to pay attention, you have to live with it.
  22. Except it's not true... I hate Harleys, no admiration for their bikes at all. Wouldn't even ride one if it was free.
  23. Also, Switzerland at 0...no way. People don't need guns to kill people. Here's the gun death numbers for Switzerland... Too lazy to look up total homicide rate, but obviously it'll be higher www.businessinsider.com/switzerlands-gun-laws-are-a-red-herring-2012-12 I'm all for less gun control and I believe it helps with violence... But I'm not ignorant enough to believe that having a firearm will prevent anything bad from happening
  24. Without looking it up, I call bs on this list. Some countries on the list murder people and don't consider it murder (specifically looking at the middle eastern countries that follow sharia and such)
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