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Posts posted by Tpoppa

  1. 47 minutes ago, SpecialEd said:

    Okay, is there anyone here who thinks Kim Jong-Un is really on his deathbed as the media alleges? Granted, he IS obese, and I have seen video clips that show him smoking cigarettes, but . . . 

    Maybe a surgeon botched his operation intentionally?  Or he had all his fat sucked out and will come back skinny Ina few weeks?

  2. 1 hour ago, TimTheAzn said:

    This is my frustration lol. Hard to ride with friends with bigger bikes. I can keep up in the corners for the most part, as soon as any bit of straight comes into play I'll get gapped and over a session of that happening I'm not riding with friends anymore lol.

    Last year I took the Ninja 400 on a 3 day WV trip.  It was super fun pacing @Pauly on the Hyper Duc. 

    On tight technical roads I was absolutely having a blast riding that 400 at it's limits.  But if he gapped me, I really couldn't reel him back in. 



  3. 13 minutes ago, what said:

    99.9% of emails from CL are bots or scammers. Eventually they will all circle around to "do you have a VIN report?" and then try to get you to use their VIN service, or try to get you to send them more photos so they can scam other people using photos of your bike.


    Insist that you speak to anyone you're talking to on the phone, or get some sort of proof they are a person before you give out any info. Selling bikes online sucks.

    This is true.

    But...I have sold a number of bikes on CL.  PITA, yes.  But for $5 you do get in front of a good number of actual buyers.

    Online options are few.  FB Marketplace pretty limited, and you are subject to Facebook rules, they cancelled the add for my Vulcan twice because it "an inappropriate item to sell on Facebook."

  4. 22 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    Look, CNN sucks. Saying Fox is better than CNN is certainly true. But that does not make Fox good. CNN is better than MSNBC for example.

    Come on, Fox was calling Covid a hoax just a few weeks ago.


    If your point is that national cable news outlets suck, I'm on board.  The thing that burns me up about CNN specifically is that it used to be a pretty reliable source.  Now that Zucker runs it they are basically Democratic State Media.  He's had a personal history (vendetta) with Trump long before he ran for office.

    CNN in 2001 vs CNN today = Olympic Wrestling vs WWE.

  5. 3 minutes ago, motocat12 said:

    I think the question is whether the outbreak originated straight from an animal or a petri dish they previously grew from an infected animal.


    If it was from a lab, that would be pretty terrible, but not as bad as trying to cover it up afterward.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Tonik said:

    Interesting, but going to need more than unnamed sources and Fox News.


    I know people love to bash Foxnews, and I've never read Foxnews articles until about 2 months ago.  I've read CNN articles for a long time.

    Lately, I've been watching the Trump/Covid updates then compare the FOX/CNN articles vs what I saw with my own eyes.  9/10 times Fox has been more accurate. 

    CNN posts headlines like "Trump Throws Presidential Tantrum During Corona Update" after refusing to air the actual press conference, where nothing like that actually occurred.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 8 minutes ago, what said:

    Here's a fun question - what the hell happens if it does come out that China manufactured this virus in a lab for research and it accidentally got out? There's no way every country on the planet says "don't worry about it man, it happens."

    Many nations would pull manufacturing out of China (this is already going to happen for medical supplies).  

    Nations would also demand restitution, which of course China would refuse.

    International tensions would rise, China would likely drop their charade of "Communists playing Capitalist" and there would either be a cold war or an actual war.


  8. 27 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    Interesting, but going to need more than unnamed sources and Fox News.

    Just to be clear I'm not claiming the story is true, but it does seem to be worth investigating.

    I believe China is capable of letting a virus out in the wild, their lack of precise standards & quality in manufacturing is ingrained in their culture, unlike Japan or Korea.  I also believe China is capable of this scale of cover up...but that doesn't mean this story is true.

    I believe this will be one of the items that is investigated in the upcoming WHO inquiry.

    Honestly if this story was true, anyone in China that could prove it is likely dead or imprisoned already.


    It's also a strange coincidence that there is a Lab in Wuhan, near that particular wet market that just happens to research Corona Viruses.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, SpecialEd said:

    I certainly hope that you have found a way to heat the water until the weather becomes warmer, although the bourbon should take the edge off. Also, you should look into one of those floating waterproof radios.

    It came with a solar cover.  It's about 1600 gallons... figure I can dump a few 5 gallon buckets of hot water into it before I get in 😀

  10. 15 minutes ago, SpecialEd said:

    I and my brother came into a substantial inheritance when our mom died at age 93 in March of 2014. I paid off student loans, my remaining mortgage, and all outstading debt. It felt great. We put the remaining funds into conservative retirement accounts. We were decidedly lucky, but now have no tax dedutions when the IRS comes calling. I was told by my CPA that it is sometimes better to owe money than to be free and clear; this has always mystified me, and seems counterintuitave. 

    If you are barrowing money at 5% (minus 25% tax deduction or whatever your tax rate is), and you can easily earn 8% over time with passive index fund, it just doesn't add up to pay the mortgage off early.   It's not even close...the difference can be 6 figures.

    I agree it's counter intuitive.  Most people don't believe it.  There are many articles on the subject that take into account interest rates since before the Great Depression.  The math always says don't pay off early.

    Some people sleep better with no mortgage...I get that.  I'd rather be shitting in tall cotton when I retire.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    I don't anybody a thing, for anything. Should I go finance some stuff?

    Whether you understand the math or not, paying off a house early doesn't make financial sense.  Now, there might be some personal value to you, or peace of mind for being able to say your house is paid off.  Perhaps that offsets the money you lost.

  12. 12 minutes ago, jbot said:

    Haha I am FAR from rich, especially not compared to the SpecialEd Land Baron of Chagrin Falls.  Also, more evidence of my being a fellow peon, I'm definitely getting a mortgage. Just couldn't pass it up at 3%!  I'm gonna go with enough of a down payment to keep my mortgage lower than what it was and spend the rest on drugs and remodeling. 

    It's a financially terrible decision to pay cash for a house.  Honestly, a bigger down payment or paying off a mortgage early doesn't make financial sense either... because math.

  13. 12 minutes ago, durk said:

    I’m guessing that would be an ego check 

    The guy got on the gas heading into a nice "S" curve.  I thought he was going to accelerate through it.  He checked up at the last second.  So I passed on the inside.  Kind of a dick pass, but I had room.

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