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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. To keep it really basic (because I don't want to type that much). WW2 began when Germany attacked Poland in 1939. Within a few days Britain and France declared war on Germany. Germany had already been gearing up for war for years.
  2. While I am also a connoisseur of titties and clits, it does represent a rather large shift in topic.
  3. I'm not sure if I'm ready to see your scary battery things...lol
  4. So you are guarding state revenue?
  5. So, you're becoming more dependent on bicycle technology?
  6. What is the legality of a hunting license? Technically speaking, does the State of Ohio own the deer?
  7. As a general rule I don't make many electronic purchases at barber shops. When I was getting a haircut today a guy was riding one around sweeping up the shop. They had a stack of them in boxes in back.
  8. No offense, but it strikes me as odd that a lawyer doesn't think that "motive" is a factor in categorizing a crime. What is the difference between involuntary & voluntary manslaughter...or murder? What makes something a hate crime? Motive is a major consideration. I get your point that at the end of the day 14 (or so) people are dead...so what is the difference? The difference for terrorism is how US Intelligence would attempt to identify, prevent, and counter.
  9. The FBI uses this definition:"Terrorism is the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." The U.S. Department of State defines terrorism to be "premeditated politically-motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience". Motive is a huge factor. If it's a disgruntled employee, I would call it a mass murder. If it was part of a larger agenda, then I would call it an act of terror.
  10. There is a barber shop on Lorain Rd by Barton that is selling them. Decent ones with Samsung batteries, not the flaming ones.
  11. I would agree. It looks like an after market part from a vintage street bike. If it was from a vintage racer it wouldn't have a headlight or mirrors.
  12. Wish them the best of luck. Renting bikes always seems like a risky venture.
  13. All the facts are not known yet, but I have not heard of any connection to ISIS. The two shooters that were killed were Muslim though. "The San Bernardino shooters who were killed by police, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, have been identified by law enforcement as a Muslim husband and wife team who began their day by dropping their 6–month–old baby at a family member’s home, saying they were headed out to a doctor’s appointment." http://www.wnd.com/2015/12/dead-shooter-idd-devout-muslim-syed-farook/
  14. The CB1000R is a fine street bike and a good handler. It's overlooked because it's down on power in the class, but it's still plenty fast. Honda also didn't put much of a marketing effort behind it. If you like it, get it. You can find good deals on them. It looks good in red & black
  15. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/03/fashion/the-2016-pirelli-calendar-may-signal-a-cultural-shift.html?_r=0 Yikes. Is that Woody Allen in the middle? I wouldn't want to look at that for a month.
  16. Significantly more annoying. Is that even a real pic of her? It looks like the head was photo chopped.
  17. Agree. The only way I know for someone (other than the person the state has on record) to get a title reissued is a mechanic's lien. Even then there are plenty of hoops to jump through.
  18. Tpoppa


    The shooting down of the Russian jet has less to do with 17 seconds or airspace and more to do with this: "Russia is in Syria not to fight ISIS but to save the Assad regime as a permanent Russian ally. Turkey has two goals: It wants to clip the wings of the independence-minded Kurds, but it also wants to see Assad fall. And while Turkey's goals differ from those of its NATO allies -- particularly because Ankara has largely turned a blind eye to ISIS, an enemy of the Kurds -- the NATO bloc mostly agrees on its antipathy towards Assad." http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/24/opinions/ghitis-russia-jet-shot-down/index.html
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