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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. That would be nice. I just said that about the proper bike because cruisers aren't known for their sharp handling & you sound like someone that is interested in the way a bike handles & a good handling bike.
  2. I 2nd that. When are you going to take me on some of the nice roads down there?
  3. Good luck with it. I consider this harrassment & taxation without representation.
  4. I think you're thinking & analyzing way too much. Just go with the flow & don't worry about the low speed stuff. Play around with countersteering (push right go right, push left go left) until it becomes 2nd nature to you. In a turn, after an initial check for gravel etc, keep your eyes ahead as far as you can see down the road too. (Trade in the Voluisa on a proper bike)
  5. Hey Andy,

    Have you been doing any riding lately. Tied down to a job yet? Want to get together for a ride sometime in October if we have nice weather on a weekend?

  6. jschaf


    Progressive full coverage/ $706 a year package deal for my wife's bike & mine ('09 Monster 696 & '08 CBR1000RR). Ages 51 & 52 respectively. I'm sure the premium will change next spring when they find out about my hooliganism ticket. I'll probably switch to liability only then.
  7. jschaf


    That sucks. Hope you heal up quickly.
  8. The vid makes it look like a clear case of target fixation (of which I've definitely been guilty of). Not too much speed, just looking the wrong place. Glad it turned out OK.
  9. No catagory for engineering management so I had to go with hookers & blow.
  10. I spent 5 weeks in Northern Germany, traveling by myself for work, a few years ago. The president of the company I was visiting picked me up at the airport in his AMG Mercedes & I remember doing a sustained pace of about 250 kph while slower vehicles actually got out of our way. The level of driver awareness in that country is great. We could take a lesson. They set me up with an Audi to drive (Wish I could have rented a motorbike) The people were very friendly & it seems that everyone wanted to practice their english on me. I hope you aren't a vegetarian. Happy travels.
  11. A few years ago on my CBR600RR I was on I-480 on my way to work going about 75 mph along with traffic. I cut right two lanes but a semi in front of me in the 1st lane I crossed was blocking my view of the completely stopped traffic in the lane I was entering. I managed hit both brakes, lifted the rear wheel about a foot, eased the front brake a bit, keeping the rear about 6 inches off the pavement until I came to a complete stop about 5 feet before impact would have occured. I had a little wobble while braking on the front wheel & I do remember the tire howling a bit but no lockup. I would prefer never to have to do this again but it is pretty amazing how quickly these bikes will stop.
  12. I don't know about being a "baller like Uncle Punk" but I do tend to use the whole tire even on the street even with the power ones so I think I'm going with the power pures. Thanks.
  13. Mix of both. Not enough trackdays though. Thanks.
  14. While we're on the subject of tires: Does anyone have any experience with Michelin Power Pures??? I've run Dunlop Qualifiers (OEM), Michelin Pilot Power 2CT's, & (2) sets of Michelin Power One's on the current bike so far. I was thinking of getting something with a little more in the way of rain grooves now.
  15. I always try to not let others lack skill & intelligence piss me off. I've got to say that I have probably seen more sportbike riders pushing the envelope than cruisers but then again I see predominantly cruisers parked at the roadside taverns so it's probably a wash on which group is the most endangering.
  16. I tossed my 7 year old Arai Quantum & got a new Arai RX-Q in basic black. I have no complaints whatsoever & the price was somewhat reasonable now that you can get Arai's over the net.
  17. Can't go this weekend but I am interested in the ride in a couple of weeks. Post it up or did you already. We did 555 last Sunday & it was alright except for a little sand (sliding is fun if you don't crash) on a couple of curves. There was still the detour just past Zanesville (Take 60 east of the river for a ways, take the 2nd bridge over,then cut over on 669 west to 555. Its better than the official detour). Whoever's going this weekend have an excellent ride.
  18. I'm not able to go this year. Went last year & have 2 cents from that. Don't stay in the area of town just west of the track unless you are a big fan of liquor stores, gun shops, & easily available drugs.
  19. Next time you go that way take 255 from the river to Woodsfield. You won't be disappointed. We rode 255 both ways this past Sunday, then took 800 to 70 so we could drone home because it was getting late.
  20. Not to mention very talented. When's the last time you saw elevation changes like that on a WSB or Moto GP circuit?
  21. Good ride. Thanks all. (460 miles .. I'll be sore tomorrow)
  22. Looks like the rain will be moving off to the east by the middle of the night tonight (Accuweather radar). It should be a good day for riding tomorrow.
  23. It would be nice to meet up with you in Coshocton but I wouldn't want to delay your ride as we probably won't be there until 9:30 or 10.
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