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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. Seriously though, for the type of bike you were riding I think you did damn well. I was carrying just a tiny bit more speed than you in the corners but I mean damn, you were really hustling that thing. And the fact that it was a 1000cc definitely probably helped on the straight stuff.
  2. No, but I'm sure they came in handy when that minivan ran you off the road. Had that happened to any other bike they would have eaten it.
  3. I sent this picture to my roommate and told him he's been replaced. The similarities are striking between his bike and yours.
  4. Because if you have the right gun then you only need one.
  5. Pussy... John, Anonda?, Brian, and I downed a whole batch of those and they were just fine. Dipping sauce was good too but I was getting the hint that cheese sauce would have been better.
  6. BW3s is what i'm thinkin. Probably the one in Beavercreek.
  7. I talked to a male porn star?! I feel dirty now...
  8. Don't worry about bailing on me man, shit happens. Yeah, riding to Columbus sucked, but it definitely sucked coming back home. I had to superslab it on I-70 both ways so it sucked. I got out of the house later than I wanted to that morning and I had to take the same route back home because I didn't get back until the sun went down around 8:45. Helluva trip, consider yourself lucky, lol.
  9. +1 This wasn't a ride where every single person was going light speed like the front of the pack.
  10. Hate to be the Negative Nancy here, but sometimes for some people, experience is the best teacher no matter how much the idea is preached.
  11. First off, my little apology there involved moving at 5 to 10 mph. Getting the group sorted and moving was a little crazy but once underway everyone kept an appropriate position. I wasn't cut off nor involved in any close situations by anyone at speed. You're thinking too much into my post. Second, yes the roads are challenging. I knew that going into it. I made them challenging by choosing the pace I did. If you put your ego away and have your head on correctly then there's no reason you shouldn't be able to choose your own pace and ride without issue. Except for devil road, I'd still suggest any newb going out with someone like Adam to ride the roads. Adam was a good leader for the second group and kept a good eye on things.
  12. Riding with slow riders keeps you slow. Just look at cruiser owners. But seriously, I like comparing my pace to others. I started out in the rear of the group but it was a little slow for my liking. I found my way to the middle of the group and liked the pace there, mostly at the front of the second pack. When we got going again, I found myself near the front with others gaining on me and determined that the front runners were way above my skill level so I dropped back again. It's all personal choice and you have to have clear enough decision making skills to know when you're going beyond your comfort zone. I waved more than a few riders past me when I got the chance to and it didn't hurt my ego at all. They are just plain more experienced, and if it kept trying at that level things were gonna go bad. Overall, I feel as though I went faster, I raised my comfort level with leaning the bike over, and I was challenged in ways I never have been while riding a bike. Also , I'd just like to say sorry for anyone I may have cut off or gotten near as the pack pulled out from stopping points, things were quite crazy every time we pulled away again. I promise I have no vendetta against you, lol.
  13. Well, that's not a dickish statement at all...
  14. F4i is the way to go. It's stock and unmolested and lower mileage. NOW BUY IT!! (Disclaimer: That is assuming it's not a trashed bike.)
  15. I have a 1000cc V-twin. Same as you, just at 60* instead of 90*. All of the RSVs are V-twin except the new 2010 RSV4. Technically, our bikes were arch-rivals in World Superbike racing. And yes, I feel your pain, the Ape took a lot of effort to transition left to right. Lots of pullin and tuggin. Oh well, it was fun and we got a workout! lol
  16. good to know i'm one of them grab-your-balls-and-hold-on-wheee riders.
  17. I didn't think you were all that bad big boy.
  18. Rob, your Gixxer was so clean and polished it wasn't even funny. Do you have stock in Mother's Aluminum Polish? lolz
  19. That's also one helluva ride to take a fairly inexperienced rider on. Glad he made it out ok.
  20. There are no words to describe how scary, exhilarating, asshole puckering, fast, fun, and ridiculous that ride was. I loved every minute! As to Mr. Ducati 1098s, I hate you... In a very friendly sort of way. Bike and rider were both badass. Devil road was ok, but I think it was the second loop that scared me more, I started going faster in all the wrong places. Oh well, it's a humbling experience and I learned a lot from it and I'm still here. BTW, 503 miles on the bike. Do I get a cookie for longest distance?
  21. Pics don't do it justice. That wasn't a ditch, that was a cliff!!! Rider got very lucky there thankfully.
  22. I'm not going to go into any sort of schpiel, it's useless at this point. I just want to say that I'm sorry for what happened out there and I hope that some day you will forgive us and ride with us again. I'm very glad you are ok.
  23. Cheech! I feel so bad man! We stopped at the only stop sign on 79 and sent a guy back but he didn't see you. We should have all turned around. A hard lesson learned. I'm glad you're ok man and I hope you're back out there soon. Keep in touch.
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