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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Hey this is pretty cool. USB rechargeable AA battery.
  2. Mine snapped two summers ago. I had just pulled out of the driveway and went to shift into second. I just circled through a parking lot and parked it back at my place. Took the car to work.
  3. Wow, I am only around post #70. I'm not reading all these....
  4. For the sake of argument and I haven't read much in this thread.... Just like no guns signs keep you from getting shot and OVI laws keep you from getting hit by a drunk driver?
  5. Private stop signs are not enforceable unless say someone failed to stop and caused an accident. They can be cited. I think there is some gray area if they need to meet size requirements and the whole private property issue which is why many LEO wont cite for it.
  6. You can by DL'ing Social Fixer from http://socialfixer.com. It also allows you to decide what order you want posts, adds a friend tracker, and a bunch of other fixes for FB's screw ups.
  7. No, I'm saying I can't find anything that authorizes anyone other than a LEO to direct traffic. He also says:
  8. Good to hear. I'll add that a LEO in NY died today. Read more: http://www.odmp.org/officer/21042-police-officer-peter-figoski#ixzz1gNXHzLeI
  9. I cannot find anything that states other that a LEO can direct traffic. If I had to guess, I would say that if something would happen, the person directing would be subject to charges as well as the motorist at fault. No idea what the courts might say. If someone other than a LEO was directing traffic say, at a crash scene, I would venture the courts, and probably LE, would take the discretion not to file charges. The person was acting in good faith in a dangerous situation. Totality of the circumstances applies.
  10. I'm looking right now to see what I can find. Haven't come across anything in the code yet. I did find this article but it does take place in CA and not OH. http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2011/09/09/citizen-ticketed-for-directing-traffic-after-police-fail-to-in-south-pasadena/ Trying to find any case law about it.
  11. Get these for comms. Forget the standard two way radios. http://www.murs-radio.com/
  12. I hate videos like this, the ones with computer voices. I stopped at 13 seconds.
  13. I have used the fire extinguisher one as well and also like comparing it to wearing seat belts.
  14. You mean "too" not "to". You also need a little dot called a period at the end of your sentence. Too bad you can't read.
  15. I have a copy of FM21-76 in my bag as well.
  16. Wild lights at the Zoo. I need to take the family up there soon...
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=ki8EcnVbd-Q
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