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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. SOME Deputy Registrar offices will handle the work of getting the title to the Title office for you. Two locations in Licking county have both a title office, and Deputy Registrar offices at the same location, but neighboring offices. One location is also the OSP exam office, which makes it REALLY convenient. When I got the Ninja, took the title in, got plates, and took the temp permit test all at the same time! I think it took me something like 20 minutes for it all! It's odd to find that sort of speed in those offices, it was the end of the day, and what must've been a slow day to begin with....
  2. Beer brewed with fruit is different than beer that you feel the need to put a slice of fruit into... IMHO....
  3. A people think facebook is such a waste of time..... Oh wait, it DOES waste time...
  4. How is the "Green Power" crap working out? I'm a bit out of the loop on computer stuff lately....
  5. Another reason I don't really care for a supersport, I wouldn't use it for it's intended purpose enough, anyway. On the quick release stuff.... It would have to be something REALLY reliable, since we're talking about control of the steering! I can think of a few ways to do it, basically a second lock to prevent the quick release from opening. There are several things I've seen that could be adapted to this application..... The wheels are turning, but not enough to take your idea!!!!
  6. Ad to the list, Chrysler for their awesome transmissions, Ford for their 3 valve 5.4 (WHY????) and all the vehicles that owners neglect.....
  7. CAN and WILL are 2 different things though!
  8. jporter12

    Captain Crunch!

    I see your: And raise you:
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR2xMw5-FZ8
  10. Not I! I don't even have a live sub right now, and I haven't even turned on the 360 other than to watch movies in months. Now that colder weather is moving in, that might change around some though.... And I don't know enough about the 360 to get in trouble in the first place!
  11. I think I saw that one before. You look so happy to be of assistance though!
  12. I can't say I don't like him, but i think he's overly hyped. There are much better artists out there....
  13. Fixed! Sounds painful!
  14. Would have, but he was worn out! He wasn't enjoying it anymore....
  15. My VF500 will wheelie if pushed, too. I just don't try to do so! I found out on accident that it would! Popped over a small hill, full throttle in about 4th gear, and it didn't feel like i was heading down the other side! So I let off the throttle slightly, and the front wheel eased down, and I hammered back on it......
  16. THAT is a BIG plus. Actually, our 8 1/2 month old was mesmerized by the music until we put him to bed.
  17. I think that has something to do with your request for a taintrub? Seriously though, I would like to try out a supersport to see how I would do after riding for several miles.
  18. The bar's not really all that high for that comparison.....
  19. You shoudl ALWAYS have typing cat armed with a video camera for such reasons!!!!
  20. I saw him at Germain in their final year. The constant rapid head turning bothered me.
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